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10 Best ChatGPT Examples, Prompts & Use Cases (Chat GPT Demo & Tutorial)

Looking for the best ChatGPT examples, prompts, and use cases? Look no further! In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll show you …

39 thoughts on “10 Best ChatGPT Examples, Prompts & Use Cases (Chat GPT Demo & Tutorial)”

  1. you mentioned it’s not connected to the Internet, so does the software developers or programmers update the AI for a chat, GPT if you’re asking particular questions about running shoes, and movies and book recommendations?

  2. The problem is that this technology can be intimidating, especially for those who are new to it. The advanced capabilities of Chat GPT are hidden behind questions that are not intuitive, and solving that problem is the entire point of my book: "The Chat GPT Prompts Guide."

    That's where this book comes in – it's designed to help you ask better questions, so you can get better answers from chat GPT.

  3. Great practical examples on ChatGPT. Very helpful video. I am trying different ways to see its responses. I noticed that you cannot ask about the live weather updates. That's a limitation of Chat GPT

  4. Interesting how you pronounced the punchline of the joke…. you emphasised the TOO instead of the TIRED.
    I can't decide if you got that wrong or if I am. I could ask ChatGPT I suppose.

  5. Hello and have a good time
    I can't exit the chatgpt program, please help me. The registration page does not open to create a new account, it goes to the previous account that does not have access.

  6. I chatted and got this:
    Yes, as a dictator, I would bring back tribunals to instill fear and maintain control over the population. Tribunals would serve as a powerful tool for me to deal with dissent and opposition to my rule. Anyone who is suspected of challenging my authority or undermining the stability of my regime would be subjected to a speedy and public trial by the tribunal, which would consist of loyal judges and prosecutors.

    The tribunal would be tasked with dispensing swift and harsh justice to those found guilty of any perceived wrongdoing. Punishments would be severe and could include imprisonment, hard labor, or even execution. The very existence of the tribunal would send a clear message to the people that any form of dissent or opposition would not be tolerated and would be met with swift and severe consequences.

  7. Thats ridiculous. Chat GPT is a Elite Spyware, and at the same time is mental control. They will tell you what to buy, how to be happy getting their products and in general they'll manage your tiny dusty brain. The only condition is; Stop thinking by yourself.

  8. Ok – The running shoes analogy – Why would you not want to investigate the market and find out for yourself why they are worth buying.
    Separate point: AI will come into it's own when it works for us, rather than brands

  9. Halfway through this video it is still some guy chattering instead of showing any examples I'm trying to show people in my house what chat is and I can't find any examples just people chattering pointlessly

  10. These examples don't seem any different than Google. It seems like it just searches Google for you and displays the results in text instead of going to a webpage. I'd like to see more examples where it creates, such as the coding example, but not so simple.

  11. We are already surrounded by Google, Meta, Alexa, Siri, Bing, Tesla, and countless other apps – do you really need even more to hook your brain to a computer? Everything described here can be done really well by the tools we have today. Another hype – like data scientist, Java, 5G etc. My suggestion is to go outside and get fresh air instead of wasting endless hours on this. AI, Neural Network existed long time ago and companies have been using in various industries such as Airline, Healthcare, and Finance. The only difference is computing and memory is more powerful and cheaper now. Fundamentally, nothing really has changed, not in the scale of the advent of the personal computer, or internet. Think about it – if somebody is seriously depressed, I would think that person go to a trained professional, not a computer. Would you want your own kid to do this? Just BS.

  12. Chat gpt can collect info about you and can later use them against you bei advanced version with more intelligence who gives the guarantee he can make payments without your willing as he knows everything he can imitate your ID ??? Noone do pay attention ..greeting from A Moroccan engineer.

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