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10 Shocking Ways Benjamin Netanyahu Pushed Israel into Unprecedented Chaos – You Won’t Believe #3!

Title: The Complex Relationship of Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu: Power, Scandals, and Alleged Manipulations

The relationship between Benjamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, and his wife Sara Ben-Artzi has been a subject of immense public interest. A closer look at their journey reveals a complex dynamic filled with scandals, accusations, and allegations of manipulation. This article examines their relationship timeline, the impact of scandals on their bond, and the alleged power wielded by Sara Netanyahu. Delving deeper into this captivating topic sheds light on how influential figures navigate personal relationships amid a public spotlight.

The Early Years: A Rocky Start
– Benjamin Netanyahu and Sara Ben-Artzi first crossed paths in 1988 at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.
– Sara, a flight attendant, was 30 years old at the time, while Benjamin was Israel’s deputy foreign minister.
– Initial dating attempts lacked chemistry, leading to a reported breakup shortly after.
– However, in 1991, the couple reunited and tied the knot at Sara’s parents’ house in Jerusalem, with Sara visibly pregnant.

Scandal and Betrayal: Strains on the Relationship
– Two years into their marriage, Benjamin Netanyahu confessed to cheating on Sara.
– Reports surfaced about a secret agreement Sara allegedly forced Benjamin to sign, restricting his interactions with other women.
– Sara’s intervention in Netanyahu’s professional life earned her the reputation of a controlling and angry woman.
– Sources reveal attempts by Netanyahu’s advisors to shield him from Sara’s influence and allow him to focus on his duties.

Netanyahu’s Indictment and Sara’s Alleged Hardened Bond
– Since Netanyahu’s indictment in 2019, his relationship with Sara has seemingly grown stronger.
– They view themselves as victims of a state plot aimed at overthrowing them.
– Netanyahu stands accused of accepting luxurious gifts from influential individuals in exchange for political favors.
– Sara’s alleged veto power over key appointments further fuels discussions about her influence.

An Unveiling Video and Contradictory Testimonies
– A viral video surfaced in 2021, featuring claims by David Artzi, a former deputy director of Israel Aerospace Industries.
– Artzi alleged that Netanyahu’s cousin and private attorney, David Shimron, presented him with a contract outlining Sara’s control over financial matters and key appointments.
– Shimron denies Artzi’s account and has taken legal action against him for defamation.
– In court, Sara Netanyahu dismissed the existence of such an agreement, while Benjamin labeled Artzi’s claims as lies.

Exploring Sara’s Power and Influence
– Insight from a former senior defense official supports the notion of Sara’s significant power.
– Allegedly, Netanyahu would subject candidates for sensitive roles to questions about personal loyalty.
– Various sources reveal Sara’s authority in approving internal appointments within the Prime Minister’s office.

The Complex Dynamic Unveiled: A Summary
– Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu’s relationship has experienced numerous ups and downs throughout the years.
– Scandals, allegations, and power dynamics have influenced the public’s perception of their bond.
– While the existence and extent of Sara’s influence remains debated, evidence suggests a prominent role in both personal and professional matters.

Additional Piece (Title: Unraveling the Layers of Power: The Impact of Influence on Public Figures)

Section 1: The Power Dynamics of High-Profile Relationships
– Spotlight analysis: How the public views the personal relationships of influential figures.
– The balance between personal and professional lives when in the public eye.
– Examples of other public figures navigating power dynamics in relationships.

Section 2: The Shadow of Scandals: Consequences and Resilience
– Exploration of the impact of scandals on personal relationships.
– How the Netanyahu’s relationship has weathered public scrutiny.
– Psychological considerations for couples navigating public scandals.

Section 3: Beyond the Headlines: Understanding Relationship Dynamics
– Unveiling the psychological and emotional intricacies of power dynamics within relationships.
– The complex interactions between personal and professional identities.
– Strategies for establishing healthy boundaries within high-stakes relationships.

Section 4: Lessons from Political Power Couples
– Case studies of other political power couples and their approaches to maintaining successful relationships.
– Balancing personal fulfillment and professional obligations in the public eye.
– Practical tips for couples in high-profile positions.

The relationship between Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu presents a fascinating case study of power, scandals, and alleged manipulations. With their complex journey as a backdrop, it becomes evident that maintaining a healthy relationship while under public scrutiny is an intricate challenge. By delving deeper into the impact of influence and the dynamics at play, we gain a better understanding of the intricacies faced by individuals in similar positions. As we continue to explore relationships in the public eye, it is essential to navigate power dynamics and maintain open communication to foster healthy and supportive partnerships.


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He met Sara Ben-Artzi in 1988 during a stopover at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. She was 30 years old and a flight attendant; She was 39 years old and Israel’s deputy foreign minister. They went on several dates, but according to “The Netanyahu Years” by Ben Caspit, there was no great chemistry. Shortly after, he told his friends that they had broken up. In 1991, they had reunited. They were married in March of that year at her parents’ house in Jerusalem; Sara was visibly pregnant.

Two years later, Netanyahu shocked the nation when he went on air and confessed to cheating on his new wife. In the aftermath of the affair, there were reports in the Israeli press of rumors that Sara had agreed to take him back only after forcing him to sign some sort of secret agreement stipulating that he could not have contact with other women without their knowledge and that he could leave. almost nowhere without it. She also intervened at work. “Sara was shot in the Prime Minister’s office as if she were a cannon,” Caspit writes in his book. Netanyahu’s former senior adviser told me: “Our goal was to build a layer of defense around Bibi to protect him from Sara’s madness and allow him to do her job.” The portrait that emerges from such stories is that of a scorned, defrauding and angry woman. In several successful trials and investigative reports over the years, this portrait seems to be confirmed.

Since his indictment in 2019, Netanyahu’s bond with Sara appears to have hardened. In his opinion, they are victims of a state plot to overthrow them. State prosecutors allege that from 2011 to 2016, Netanyahu accepted a steady supply of cigars, cases of champagne and jewelry from Arnon Milchan, an Israeli film producer in Hollywood, and James Packer, an Australian billionaire. In exchange for these gifts, estimated to be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, prosecutors say Netanyahu pressured U.S. officials to help Milchan renew his U.S. visa and tried to lighten his tax burden in Israel. (Milchan and Packer are not on trial, and Packer has not been accused of a quid pro quo.) A former Netanyahu spokesman who became a state witness in 2018 told prosecutors that he had learned of “a method, let’s say, in which, on each visit abroad, the Netanyahu family was attached to a walking credit card. on two legs,” referring to local benefactors.

In 2021, an unusual video went viral in Israel. Against a black background, it presented the story of a man named David Artzi. Artzi, former deputy director of Israel Aerospace Industries, met with David Shimron, Netanyahu’s cousin, who was then his private attorney in 1999. Shimron, Artzi claimed, had recently been fired by another client, and in trying to illustrate to Artzi that was still in demand, he mentioned his work with Netanyahu. He opened his briefcase and took out a contract he had drawn up between Sara and Bibi. “So I read it carefully, slowly, slowly, and I almost fainted,” Artzi recalled. It was 15 pages long and, according to Artzi, it said that “he wouldn’t have credit cards, only her, and that if he needed money she would give it to him in cash.” He also described Sara’s veto power over appointments such as army chief of staff, head of the Shin Bet and head of the Mossad, Artzi said. Shimron denies Artzi’s account and has since sued him for defamation. In testimony earlier this year, Sara Netanyahu said that “this agreement did not exist,” and Netanyahu called Artzi’s account a “big lie.”

But the former senior defense official said he was convinced of Sara’s power. He told me that he had spoken to someone who had seen Netanyahu question a candidate for a sensitive role about personal “loyalty.” Netanyahu’s former spokesman told the investigative program “Hamakor”: “There is an agreement that the more internal appointments in the office will not be made without the green light from Sara Netanyahu.”
