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11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth

All parents have their own – unique – way of bringing up their kids. Many of them work in order to be able to buy new toys for them, others are strict because they want their children to be disciplined and goal-oriented, others give their children a choice and teach them to make decisions on their own. Every family has its own ways of upbringing, but there is one thing that all parents have in common: when they look back, they all want to fix some of the mistakes they made in the past.

The first years of a child’s life are a magical time that you should enjoy. Because in the future, you might regret some lost opportunities. So, take a look at the things that many parents regret in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

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They scolded their children too often 0:22
They missed out on the most important moments 1:09
They didn’t play enough creative games 1:55
They didn’t take enough photos and videos 2:39
They didn’t take their child’s opinion into account 3:23
They didn’t enjoy communicating with their child 4:18
They didn’t educate them about money 4:57
They didn’t make their child happy enough 5:50
They didn’t hug their children often enough 6:35
They weren’t consistent 7:20
They often followed someone else’s advice 8:13

#kids #parenting #brightside

Music by Epidemic Sound

– Reprimanding a child for something they did wrong is totally normal. But sometimes parents go overboard and it turns into nitpicking.
– Even if you think you have a good reason to miss your child’s school play, do your best to be present. Find time to visit grandma, go to the theatre, decorate your house for the holidays.
– Of course, simply playing creative games with your kids won’t necessarily make them great artists or musicians in the future. But, hey, there’s always a chance. Doing this has a lot of other advantages as well.
– Obviously, not taking photos won’t have any bad impact on your kids’ lives. But it’s the best way to capture amazing moments that you don’t want to forget.
– “You’re too young to decide”, “Adults know better” are probably phrases you heard quite often when you were a kid. But this kind of attitude from parents can have a serious impact on a kid’s future.
– Communication between parents and kids is probably the most important thing in upbringing. So if you don’t put aside enough time for it, one day you’ll wake up and realize that your child has grown up already and is living their own life.
– Without education on personal finance and responsible spending, children don’t understand the real worth of money. And when they grow up, they find it hard to manage their own income.
– Good memories from our childhood are a real treasure for most of us. We like to go back in our mind to that time when we were carefree, and quite often every day was filled with doing something for the first time.
– Hugs are not only a perfect way to show affection, but also scientifically proven to be good for our health, because they help protect against stress.
– Kids get confused about what’s allowed and what’s not. Without clear boundaries, they probably won’t behave the way you want them to, and obedience issues become inevitable.
– Never forget that YOU are the parent, so it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your kids. Also, don’t let strangers scold your child for misbehaving.

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22 thoughts on “11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child’s Growth”

  1. My mom (of 7 of us) worked morning til bedtime. She sewed our clothes, canned food, maintained interior of house (painting walls, even refinished kitchen cabinets and wood furniture). She managed the household $, too. All of this on top of cooking – really cooking – delicious meals.

    She was tired and smoked cigarettes to relieve stress. Didn't drink.

    Her main regret? That she didn't enjoy her children. Didn't play, hang out, etc. She did so much more than I've listed (ironing everything, teaching us to sew, set hair in curlers and even styled hair).

    She was stressed, tired and VERY underappreciated. I just wish she had balanced her life better for her sake and everyone's sake.

  2. My favorite memories: Christmas eve, family beach vacations, playing in the woods surrounding our home. Dad building a huge snowman slide. Visiting aunts uncles and cousins. Sleeping outside in the summer. 4th of July blowouts!

  3. 5:23 Facts that's how my parents do it. Gives me small limited amount of money for me to learn how to save me some money on things I would love to have and use my own saved up money to buy the item that I wanted to get

  4. (FACTS OVA FEELINGS). Every Interaction with Ur CHILD is an Opportunity to EXAMINE Ur BELIEFS THOUGHTS ASSUMPTIONS MOTIVATIONS and VALUES so az to becomb moor Conscious and Give to Ur Children KEYS INSTEAD OF CHAINS

  5. Yeah I need to send this to my dad. He thinks he's the best dad ever even though he has never been around and nit picks everything. Even though he does it like a hypocrite.

  6. Hey there! This video titled "11 Parenting Mistakes That Ruin a Child's Growth" really hits home for all of us parents. We all have our own unique styles of raising our kids, whether it's spoiling them with toys or being strict to instill discipline. But let's face it, we've all made mistakes along the way, and if we could turn back time, we'd definitely want to fix a few things. Can totally relate, can't you?

  7. I can totally agree with … Beautiful memories creates bond with parents…I don't have such memories…I have no attachment with my parents…

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