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1515 new cases of corona in Delhi, 26.46 percent positivity rate – More than 1500 corona cases in Delhi today infection rate crosses 26 percent ntc

Corona cases are increasing rapidly across the country. On Saturday, 1515 cases of corona have been registered in the country’s capital. At the same time 6 people have died. However, according to the Health Bulletin, 1 patient has died due to corona. Corona is not the primary reason for the death of two patients. Whereas, detailed information about the death of 3 patients is yet to come. In the last 24 hours, 5725 corona tests were done in Delhi. With this, active cases have increased to 6271 in Delhi. Of these, 385 patients are admitted in the hospital.

Earlier on April 17, the havoc of Corona was seen, when 27 people died due to infection. 9,111 new cases were reported on this day. On Monday, 6 infected people died from Corona in Gujarat, 4 in UP, 3-3 in Delhi-Rajasthan, 2 in Maharashtra, 1-1 in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

Corona cases may increase in May

Professor Manindra Aggarwal of Kanpur IIT, who has given accurate information on Corona for the last three years, has claimed that Corona will be at its peak in the middle of May and during that time more than 50 thousand cases can come every day. In fact, the predictions made on the basis of Dr. Manindra Aggarwal’s mathematical model have proved to be the most accurate in the whole country, but to calculate his model correctly, at least 10,000 daily cases are necessary.

Claim: 50 thousand cases will come daily in May

Based on the study of the last few days, IIT Professor Manindra Aggarwal says that the peak of Kovid can be seen in the middle of the month of May. Based on this mathematical model, 50 to 60 thousand cases are expected to come up daily from the month of mid-May.


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