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200 Social Media Posts In 10 Minutes Using ChatGPT & Canva

This is by far THE BEST CONTENT CREATOR HACK to date! To save time with your content creation, here’s how you can use …

47 thoughts on “200 Social Media Posts In 10 Minutes Using ChatGPT & Canva”

  1. But Why?
    Why should a content CREATOR <— be willing to create something which has nothing to do with him or her?
    It's B.S. created by A.I. which has nothing to do with the maker and it's so boring to have more of this content on the internet.
    This is killing all the networks that you choose to use.

  2. I enjoyed the part about how Canva can use a CSV to do a bulk upload–that was really great and I didn't know we could do that. I do not agree that this was a good use of AI. Like the author/artist community really loathes AI as well, so if I were to use it, I would be blacklisted by my community as a hypocrite. Like this is a tool for someone else. But me? I gotta write my own content and make it unique and original.

  3. Your videos are so informational and easy to follow. I am blown away by how much quality you squeeze into 10 mins. That itself is a pointer in quality content creation to replicate. Thank you!

  4. The reason why I like the idea of using this, though a lot of people may not… Is because to be honest, all of your content will not be absorbed by all of the audience anyway and so you need quite a bit of filler between the ones you really want to hit home. So I love this content as filler pieces that will still garnish you attention and still raise the numbers. I look forward to seeing the results and sharing them with you. Thanks Millie.

  5. So interesting I’ve heard missy Elliot’s name mentioned it so many times in the past week and you literally just said “put it down flip it and reverse it”… Did she get to you too? Lol?😂😂😂🎉

  6. great content – as usual. i had to watch it twice… exactly the thing I was recently trying to do. i had given up, but now i've got a roadmap. However, I do miss the thing you used to do "if you made it this far, type XXXX in the comments". so i'm going to make up my own "Timely Content!".

  7. Hey Millie! Do you know if there’s a way to automate posting on a personal TikTok account? Most services I see seem to only offer this for business or creator accounts

  8. I just tried to do this and the bulk upload is a premium option on Canva. Wish you had mentioned that as I'm sure many use the free version (like myself).

  9. I would feel like the creator sees followers as "not worth the time or effort" if they did this. Why not put effort into currating quotes that are applicable to one's audience? It would be a quick unfollow or unsub if a creator showed such little interest in putting content out for their audience. Making the content aesthetically pleasing is nice, but getting AI to find the quotes screams "I don’t care about my community."

  10. The people getting offended by this video are ridiculous. I miss the time when we could all agree to disagree and not be offended. I don’t remember Millie saying “you have to do this!” Don’t do it if it doesn’t sit right with you but stop being offended by it. If you are offended by it you should do some self-work to become better at handling views/opinions that challenge yours because obviously you aren’t very secure in your own moral opinion.

  11. THANK YOU for this! Tried it and worked GREAT. BTW you can past the following into your Google Sheets in the 2nd column and it should create multiple columns for you to data merge… just replace the "-" with whatever character (&nbsp; for space, etc) that separates your quote from the author: =SPLIT(A1,"-")

  12. Love the video, thank you for your great work overall, so don't get me wrong when I say you might see the bounce-rate increase around 33 seconds because of the change in audio quality- not to mention your face disappearing. Recommendation: Split your video screen into two, with you on the right and the screen on the left. Also, that video with the white sweater and golden earrings was like the golden ratio of aesthetics. Keep it up!

  13. My beautiful Millie thank you so much for sharing these tips. I did it for my inspirational quote Instagram post for tomorrow. I’m so grateful to be part of your build, scale, profit community! Enjoy your anniversary celebration ❤

  14. I LOVE this tip!! As a Realtor, team lead, mom and volunteer, my time is stretched so thin. This tip will help so much in keeping me consistent on SM. Thanks chica linda! 🙏🏾☺️

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