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3 Ways To Make Money Online With ChatGPT No One is Talking About!

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48 thoughts on “3 Ways To Make Money Online With ChatGPT No One is Talking About!”

  1. This video was fantastic! I have a tool that I think will interest you the "Ultimate Gpt Toolbar" for Chrome. It offers voice commands to GPT, exports to Word and PDF, and has over 200 prompts. 10k downloads in its first day!

  2. This video was simply amazing! I want to share a tool with you that will make your life easier the "Ultimate Gpt Toolbar" for Chrome. With voice commands to GPT, Word and PDF export, and over 200 prompts, it had 10k downloads on its launch day.

  3. That's super interesting akhy but the thing is when you generate a too advanced code with chat gpt as the bot neve finish his sentences whenever the code gets too long. And his own codes often results into many errors

  4. 1st of all none of this is easy that you run through so fast to make sound easy when all you are doing is listing ideas with a happy face yet this all take months if not years to master.

  5. Was so excited for the next video, almost forgot to 👍 saw rt as the page was changing, so I had to come back to give your very much deserved like!!! thank you for this incredibly valuable information!! 🙏

  6. Hi Bro', I dont know why… But, I feel that I'm connected to you…. may be because of the way you teach or share info. with out any demands or (self) advertisements .. Though your ascent is different than mine, I feel, i'm connected to you… All the best. Keep growing by helping the world .. God bless…Vish

  7. Hi, you talk about lazy ppl like also said Nabila golden.. the thing is i can start talking about something i know and will leave you far behind me in my dust.. hahahaha, i know this, you are fucking lazy ppl.. and blablabla…. that is not the way to help ppl.. yes there is lazy ppl.. but very similarly, there is interested ppl who just dont know where to start ans all this thing seem to be a giant maze with no indication where is the starting point.. so what happen ? pll who look like doing nothing while studying how it work to try to find the begining and most often, try at the wrong door, lossing time not starting the right way…

    You say, its easy but wait..i will come back wit htis and no you dont come back… you talk to those who already know programming… it mean you will get very little interested ppl to your video.. you want to really help ? then try to teach to a child who knows nothing and have no idea where to look for the start and learn what are the next step each time…with,of curse, simple language… so far, i looked 3 of your video and you are in a hurry to show us what a python script look like.. i know what it look like.. i just dont know how to make it happen and how to use it… if you want to help, then start a video with telling how to get to a pyton script.. with what tool. or how.. help the user to create one.. then how to use thei new created script showing us how and give us exemple…so we can try on our own..then what can done with it..meaning does it need to be a code that must be use like an app ? does it need to be add to something like a "Chrome extention" ? or what ? will i have it erased? is it something i have to integrate at each use in chat gpt ? how all this work ?

  8. at 1:27, you start to explain how to make a coding..then its a race.. you go too fast.. and the "pause" have no sound on it.. when i want someone to understand my "description" i write it as a "list" starting with this:..then i a vertical list, the steps one by one by line .. then a space and SECOND: on the next vertical list, always one step per line, the following is on the next line for your pyton code.. why is it simple..bcz it is simple to follow… same for the instruction.. linear are confusing.. vertical make it easier to see where we are at and were is the mistake we make to correct it…i will try to look at it..but too much info seem to be missing…

  9. I use ChatGPT at work all the time for mock-ups and just everything really. I never thought about doing the API though. This is going to make everything so much easier and help me finish my other projects.

  10. Hassan, thanks for your interesting videos. But when I open visual studio code for the first time, as I am beginner, I cannot find where is the button for "creating new project" The VS code platform shows NEW FILE, NEW FOLDER, ….But does not show create new project!? Could you please write simple step by step instruction? Do I need to install additional softwares beside installation of vs code on my pc?

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