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305-Lb. Woman Dreams of Being a Mom | Heavy (S1, E8) | Full Episode | Lifetime

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Jill and Johnny must make a major change in their physical health to turn their lives around in Heavy Season 1, Episode 8, …


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36 thoughts on “305-Lb. Woman Dreams of Being a Mom | Heavy (S1, E8) | Full Episode | Lifetime”

  1. "I can't say I'll never have one again, that would be a lie," and "maybe I'll just have one once a week,". I've said those exact sentences to myself about cigarettes. I don't have a food addiction, but I related to that so hard.

  2. Rooting for you, Jill! Proud of you for facing your demons one step at a time. 🎉 You look stunning, keep building up that mental strength. Johnny, your future is so bright, as is your sweet spirit!! Sending love to you both

  3. The First Few Episodes – Those People got SHAFTED. ALL PEOPLE should have gotten the 6 month expensive super amazing Hilton Head! Not fair! The earlier people got robbed. Good show overall but everyone should have gotten the SAME treatment.

  4. She’s by far one of the worst cases I’ve ever seen on the show. She could have put in way more effort. Someone else would have really appreciated this. But I digress. Good job Johnny! So proud of you and loved the attitude this whole episode. Hope you’re doing well 🤍

  5. The worst kind of trainers are the ones who intentionally make working out a nightmare. They take pride in pushing people to total exhaustion. All this does is make people associate exercise with misery. It also makes them think that they have to keep up this unsustainable level of effort to keep the weight off, which isn't true. Most healthy people hit the gym a few times a week for an hour a session. They aren't spending all day in the gym and puking in trash cans. Finally, there's barely any difference between giving 100% and giving 75%. Going all out to muscle failure until you can't walk will only get you a slightly better result than if you do moderate exercise with a decent amount of weight.

  6. She says she wants it, but doesn't seem to want to really work for it. You need lots of energy to raise a baby, and being over weight like that means you're risking leaving your child an orphan bc you need a peanut butter cup 😢 so sad.

  7. Hopefully when Jill gets pregnant, she won't use it as an excuse to overeat. "I'm eating for two." Why do I feel that she wants the idea of a baby more than she wants a child? Babies grow up.

  8. Jill could have made so much more progress if she wouldn't have snuck in the peanut butter and other stuff. Yeah, it's hard and I totally understand craving sweets, but I fully believe she would have survived 6 months without those things. Hopefully she was able to stick with those life changes and healthy habits she learned at Hilton and lead a healthier lifestyle and have the baby she wanted.

  9. I would be very UNSURPRISED if Jill didnt put the weight back on, she needs additional therapy, willpower isn't going to be enough because there's something else going on there. If she gets pregnant you know she'll definitely do the "I'm eating for two" thing, blow up and make every excuse not to lose the weight after.

  10. My favorite saying is "when there's no peace on earth there is peace in Christ". Acknowledge Him in all your ways and he'll make your path straight. Jesus can help you with anything. :3

  11. Bro Jill is so annoying. The trainers there are just trying to help her and she's making up a ton of lies about freaking PEANUT BUTTER. Like bruh.

  12. I'm 54 years old been dealing with this from 13 years old very logical never been on drugs or alcohol don't believe in artificial stimulates or medication but food has always been my beast of massive burden! I just need discipline with exercise. I've delt with depression never had children I realized through this it's been the reason why!
    Such a waste of time begging for dea*h but as if a cruel joke it's as if it's the one thing God wouldn't grant me!
    Perfect health considering this,always been able to be the goto for everyone around me but have never been able to head my own advice! Help help Jesus help!
    The only reason I couldn't just end it is because I've kept myself distracted by being the best role model for my Lil brothers keeps me from following through with it ,Because of that fact that that would be the last message to them from me!
    I was married for 14 years and with her for 25 years,
    Finally divorced mainly because of her desire for kid's, I had always been a good provider in the divorce I left her the vehicle's, home,land property, and willingly went into a homeless shelter because I'd convinced myself that I deserved to be alone, with every intention of follow threwof ignorance!
    But at the end of the day my great fullness too christ stayed my hand!
    Being an introvert no one has ever realized! 🙃 even while I sometimes average 17 hours of sleep because it's the only place I never have to see myself!
    People ignore their love ones today! Talk to them especially your children it's been a very long 54 years 😢!
    I'm. Now 600lbs!

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