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4 books if you want to challenge the status quo

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Inertia is a powerful force, too Entrepreneurs Driven for efficiency and driven to continuously improve themselves and their teams. Everyone eventually becomes complacent. Perhaps you’ve already reached a point in your entrepreneurial journey where you’re tempted to say “good enough.”

But unless you’re nearing a long-planned and well-deserved retirement, there’s more work to be done. Trembling complacency It will not be as easy or comfortable as sitting back and being satisfied with what you have achieved so far. However, you are not the first to do it. Four new books—each written by an expert in their field—point the way forward.

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Four books for entrepreneurs who challenge the status quo

These four books cover different domains: healthcare, Financial planning, Cyber ​​Security and Executive Leadership. Yet all offer clear, actionable guidance for entrepreneurs ready for something more than “just good enough.”

1. Unbelievably Undivided: The Quest for Better Healthcare Beyond Geopolitics By Joseph Saba, MD

Infectious disease physician Joseph Sabana Latest book Delves deeply into the healthcare challenges of the past 40 years to draw broad lessons about what it will take to prevent the next pandemic and bring rapid solutions to today’s most pressing health challenges.

Drawing on his work with the World Health Organization and UNAIDS during the HIV/AIDS epidemic and, more recently, his work with pharmaceutical companies to improve access to medicines, Dr. Saba mentions the dire impact of healthcare’s resistance to globalization and geopolitical pressures. Impeding patients’ progress.

These challenges are real, but they are surmountable. Dr. Saba describes what it will take to deliver healthcare in the 21st century – from reducing our over-reliance on hospitals and health facilities to breaking down the public vs private sector divide in healthcare delivery and tapping into digital tools to better connect patients with healthcare services. It also highlights the need for outside champions Healthcare industry To help deliver sustainable change for patients.

undivided world Shows that a person-centered approach applies beyond healthcare. For entrepreneurs, it shows the power of rethinking old ways of doing things and creating value in collaboration rather than competition.

2. Fire Your Financial Advisor: 40 Years of Greed and Exploitation of the American Retiree, and How You Can Fight Back By Greg Eller

Topic by Greg Allers New book Familiar and painful to many entrepreneurs: the high cost of retirement planning and wealth management. Readers need not take the title’s advice to heart to absorb its powerful arguments against the status quo.

Eller, a serial entrepreneur who built a successful financial services firm in his 20s and 30s, tells the story of a trillion-dollar industry that is resistant to change and dismisses its customers. While not all painting Financial advisors With the same brush, it shows that advisers have strong incentives to withhold and gatekeeper useful information about market risks, taxes in retirement, long-term care costs and fees financial advisers pass on to clients.

Eller invites readers to reimagine retirement planning without all that noise and misdirection. He offers lessons that apply beyond the industry he knows best. It’s useful to look at those lessons in the context of fields that have already changed significantly — thanks to portfolio automation and fee-only relationships — and think about how they might apply to fields that haven’t yet been disrupted.

Related: How to prepare for a smooth retirement transition

3. The Human Fix to Human Risk: 5 Steps to Fostering a Culture of Cyber ​​Security Awareness By Lise Lapointe

in Expanded second edition No Human correction for human risk, Quebec-based cybersecurity expert Lise Lapointe shares an innovative, customizable threat management framework designed for the era of distributed work. It’s the Terranova Security Awareness 5-Step Framework, for which Lapointe has been ranked on Who’s Who lists like IT World Canada’s “Top 20 Women in Cybersecurity” and WXN’s “100 Most Powerful Women” Entrepreneurs in Canada.

Terranova’s security awareness 5-step framework goes beyond strategic prevention-and-response guidelines to what Lapointe calls a “culture of security” in organizations. it is People focused, is not technology-focused. It relies on internal stakeholders across the organization rather than silencing the IT department.

Through her work in one of the most complex and frustrating domains for modern businesses and entrepreneurs, Lapointe demonstrates the importance of breaking down bureaucratic and process-related barriers. It also offers a roadmap for strategic change at the personal level, inviting entrepreneurs to leave their comfort zones as they work toward personal and professional goals.

4. Take Your Lead: The Winning Combination for Achieving Personal and Professional Success By Bobby Harrington

Executive Leadership Coach Bobby Harrington New book Invites more seasoned entrepreneurs to lead others leads himself. Lead Yourself First, his unique approach to “self-leadership” applies basic leadership principles at the personal level. It draws on Harrington’s long and varied career in sports, the military, the nonprofit world and Fortune 100 boardrooms.

Harrington’s advice is well known. It is built around personal responsibility, self-discipline and continuous improvement. What is unique about it lead u How Harrington (mistakenly) knits everything together into an actionable roadmap for entrepreneurs who feel they’ve hit their ceiling. With consistent implementation, the Lead Yourself First framework helps entrepreneurs find a higher gear and overcome previously impossible obstacles.

Related: The best entrepreneurs are experts at self-improvement

Find your challenge

These four books challenge readers to improve themselves and those around them. To explore new opportunities for personal and professional growth and new ways to positively impact the world.

His lessons are not always easy or comfortable. But doing something easy or comfortable is not in the DNA of most entrepreneurs. So if you’re dissatisfied with your own status quo, accept these authors’ invitation to make a change.

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