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4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects On You

According to child psychologists, there are two aspects of parenting that can influence child development, emotion, and behavior: control and warmth. The control aspect describes how parents react to their children and which methods they use to parent. The warmth aspect is how much affection parents give their children.

Learning about the different combinations of high or low control or warmth of these parenting styles could benefit current and future parents – and their children!

Let’s talk about authoritarian parenting, authoritative parenting, permissive parenting and uninvolved parents.

Did your parents mess you up? Watch this to find out:–YA

Script Writer: Stela Košić
Script Editor: Caitlin McColl
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sun Biscuit
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


4 Types of Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Kids. (2021, October 9). Verywell Family.

Deater-Deckard, K., Lansford, J. E., Malone, P. S., Alampay, L. P., Sorbring, E., Bacchini, D., Bombi, A. S., Bornstein, M. H., Chang, L., di Giunta, L., Dodge, K. A., Oburu, P., Pastorelli, C., Skinner, A. T., Tapanya, S., Tirado, L. M. U., Zelli, A., & Al-Hassan, S. M. (2011). The association between parental warmth and control in thirteen cultural groups. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(5), 790–794.

Lickona T. (2020, June 18). 4 Parenting Styles: How They Relate to a Child’s Character. Psychology Today.

26 thoughts on “4 Parenting Styles and Their Effects On You”

  1. Age 27, my father is very strict and has very high pitch tone … Because of these reasons, my voice is extremely high pitch among the girls and i'm even unable to control lowering my tone even until today

  2. My parents are authoritarian they never let me do anything and i do is stay home all day i cant do anything by myself they are always afraid ill get hurt they say i can tell them anything but thats not true last time i tried that it didnt end well

  3. Sometimes my parents will yell at me when I make a mistake or spill something. Even though I’m an adult, I’m still afraid to make more mistakes or scared to spill something or scared to mess up 😢

  4. My parents are separated and at one house it was uninvolved parenting and the other was authoritative parenting but we switched like every week so I never got used to one or the other and ended up isolating myself from everyone and never having any stability growing up you know

  5. I used to have a strict/authoritarian family that i thought is normal until i vent it out to my friends and they go both horrified and surprised, lately i been smoking and considering to quit but have no motivation to, any tips to quit it or at least lower the smoking since i dunno how much i can bear until i snap at my family (especially my mother)

  6. Ok però usare le immagini di Spy for family è un po' giocare sporco😅😅 Inoltre credo che punire e dire di no a un bambino sia fondamentale quando questo sbaglia quando si comporta male quando fa danni e si mette omette qualcun altro in situazioni di pericolo lemoine disdire sempre sì non vanno bene alla fin fine per educare

  7. I was raised with the Authoritative Parenting style, and i really want to be like my mother when i'm an adult. If i ever have kids, i would do the same parenting because i want my kids to be true to themselves and love themselves. I also want them to help and care for others. But all that depends on me i choose to be a good or bad parent. I can make decisions, but i tend to change my mind at the last second. My decisions are made with my feelings and emotions. 🤍

  8. My parents doesn't believe me. They always under estimate me. They think I am child but I am already grown up to 15. Sometimes they lie to me just like the parents lie to the baby. They don't trust me and limit some opportunities just because they think I am not good enough and they don't want to waste money. They only think about money and don't use it on my opportunities on study. I don't have phone just because my parents think I will always play games. But I quited from this bad habit 2 years ago. I am not playing games. Also I don't have strong laptop, Just because my parents think I will play games and they will waste money. I am using schools laptop and this is too weak. But I want to learn video editing, graphic designing, coding and lots of things that my laptop can't do. They think that it is all the waste of money. And they always ignore my opinions and my desicions.

    I don't like it. And the consequence is the same with 2nd Parenting style.

    Please help. I need to change it. Can you please help. HELP

  9. My mom was authoritarian while my dad was uninvolved, he wasn’t a dead beat but he was just not emotionally there.. I remember him occasionally playing with me as a child but once I became older he sortve stopped caring. He never asked about any of my interests, hobbies, etc and the only parenting he ever did was more authoritative and strict while my mom always wanted to make sure I was safe and comfortable
    I love both of my parents equally! Not saying my dad was a terrible father, he’s nice and compassionate.. it’s just it felt like I had a younger brother then an actual dad growing up 😅!

  10. I recommend everyone to get the book titled "Parenting with Purpose: Raising Resilient and Compassionate Children" By Julian Blake. It changed my relationship with my children. I think its available on Amazon.

  11. My parents switch between authoritarian and authoritative like they sometimes expect too much and care less about us or use very harsh or hurtful words that hurt our emotional worth but sometimes they are so involved and we feel loved is confusing

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