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5 Examples of Toxic Parenting

Are you dealing with toxic parents right now? In a past video, we talked about the signs of toxic parents, but what about the different types of toxic parents? Have you ever wondered what kind of parenting you grew up under? This video will not only help you identify the signs of toxic parents, but also the type of toxic family relationships you have with them, whether it’s a toxic mother or a toxic father.

Living with toxic parents can be detrimental to your mental health and it can damage your emotional and mental well-being. So, in this video, Psych2Go would like to talk about the 5 types of Toxic Parents.

#toxicparents #psych2go #typesoftoxicparents #parenting #mentalhealth

Related Videos:
7 Signs You Have Toxic Parents – Part 1 & 2

8 Toxic Things Parents Say To their Children

7 Things Toxic Parents Do

7 Signs of a Toxic Family

Toxic Family Dynamics Playlist:

Writer: Julian Heng
Script Editor: Isadora Ho & Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silverra
Animation: Maxine Gando
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Schiffrin, H., Liss, M., Miles-McLean, H., Geary, K., Erchull, M., & Tashner, T. (2013). Helping or Hovering? The Effects of Helicopter Parenting on College Students’ Well-Being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(3), 548-557.

Shetty. (2020). When parental expectations do more harm than good | health e-news. health e-news. Retrieved 17 March 2020, from

Ney, P. (1987). Does Verbal Abuse Leave Deeper Scars: A Study of Children and Parents*. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 32(5), 371-378.

Spratt, E., Friedenberg, S., LaRosa, A., Bellis, M., Macias, M., & Summer, A. et al. (2012). The Effects of Early Neglect on Cognitive, Language, and Behavioral Functioning in Childhood. Psychology, 03(02), 175-182.

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46 thoughts on “5 Examples of Toxic Parenting”

  1. Happy Weekend! We just want to say thank you to everyone who has been watching and sharing our content so that we can continually impact more lives. It truly means a lot. When the time comes one day, we will host a virtual meet up to meet some of you 🙂

  2. I find this fault, some dont l9okbat your kids phone are who there runny with?
    Really? Say the too the moms and dads who kids was victim of online crime, are lost there child to drugs,
    Parenting, is teaching and guiding and security guard a child to keep on right pathway, so if did it right, when there 18 there no need after

  3. i dont know what type my mom is or if i am a dramatic teenager. i need some advice as i am still under 18 and dont know what to do. she was always working and had no rules. I got whatever i want but feel whenever i want some attention, I am criticized for it. I am also criticized for my believes like my ideas on things and told it’s wrong. I don’t feel like I can talk about myself or tell her anything without being shamed for it. I have all my needs met but feel emotionally neglected. I feel like sometimes she’s hypocritical whenever I am late, i am yelled at but when she is, it’s OK. I have a problem trusting adults and have no one to talk to about it with. I feel like no matter what I do or good I am at school I never get any attention.

    I don’t want to seem ungrateful for everything I have as I am very grateful. I just wish maybe for some advice.

  4. My mom was everything but neglectful. She really worked hard to put food on our table and amke sure we had clothes and toys. But damn did she ruin me and my siblings mentally and emotionally.

  5. I think theres more than just these 5 examples How about the one that cares about your basic physical needs but doesn't make any effort to connect or any effort get to know you? Your parents feel like strangers. You feel like you don't belong.

  6. How about the physical abusive parent as well as being controlling? How about the one who demanded respect simply because of the commandments says so? How about the one who was AGAINST everything you liked and loved JUST TO SPITE YOU?? How about the parent who NEVER apologized for anything and claims they NEVER did anything wrong???
    What is that kinda parent?

  7. How about the parent who never taught you how to fend for yourself in the real world, never taught you any basic skills? You had to teach everything yourself the hard way!

  8. One time I had left my journal out on the table and my grandpa was like “oh this looks cool i wonder what’s in here” but my mom took it away from him😭😭

  9. You know, I forgive my parents, cuz I love them n they didn't know any better than I did back then, now it's up to me how I shape myself n my children.

  10. Well I don't expend people to read my comment/story at all but nevertherless I'd like to describe my case
    I was bullied in junior high school and even currently in high school. Also i was very suicidal. To sum up i was very depressed and my life sucked. Yet i osmehow could keep my life as a student at a "stable" point to get good grades (although it has led me a lot of times to giving up and other things for small periods of time
    So this is the main issue. From then until now my parents despite they're not really bad guys, they never understood me. I've told my mother 2 times I'm suicidal and i have also planned to leave some times…
    Luckily i didn't do anything yet..
    The point is that although she said a lot of good things for me like she may not been the best parent and stuff and she's sorry etc… she still acts harsh a lot of times a day!
    For example i once dared to tell her i wouldn't go to the beach with them and she went from chill to telling me that i only come with them for vacations and that I'm destroying myseld this way and it's my fault and other things to make me regret my desicion ehich i took exactly to teat how she'd react. As expected she reacted like a tyrant
    My point for now is that I'll never EVER find peace with my parents around me. They may are pretty good guys, but not when it comes to me

  11. I Remember that I proof my parent (they discourage me to join) Im good at physics by become Top 5 best physicist in my country when I was 18 for my age and join Ipho. I told the I want to be engineer they force me manipulate me to take medicine and now Im medical student and Im depressed and have anxiety

  12. A wild MOTHER appeared!
    Mother mega evolved into MOTHER WITH BAD MOOD!

    Go! CHILD!
    MOTHER used Name-Calling!
    CHILD attempted to set a boundary!
    It has no effect on the opposing MOTHER…
    MOTHER used Guilt Trip!
    It's super effective!
    CHILD fainted!

  13. Toxic parenting should be punishable by law, since children don’t deserve to be jealous of other children with non-toxic parents. I wouldn’t be surprised if they throw a violent tantrum against them.

  14. My dad always compared me to other kids especially my academics I'm literally doing very well but he isn't satisfied
    He verbally abuses me and makes me feel less of myself no love no nothing, what hurt the most was when he looked me in the eye and told me that he was ashamed of me that sentence still hunts me 😢

  15. You missed the most toxic one…. The parent who refuses to see any wrong and refuses to enforce rules. And gives and gives and gives and fixes all there problems without letting them learn how to stand on their own feet making useless people who can't cope in normal daily life and crumble under the smallest of pressures.

  16. I have an invasive mom she once went through my sketchbook and i drew some gorey stuff and she ripped them out and ripped other drawings i liked out and she threw them away i spent so much time on drawings just for them to be crumbled and thrown away.. she also went through my diary where i wrote about my emotions and saw all of it and ripped them out crumbled and threw them away at this point i feel like i cant even express my own feelings or have some soace because ik my mom will always go through my things :/

  17. I'm planning to leave my parents right after college. Going to a city where no on knows my name and having to live my life for the first time ever.

  18. I have never not feared the consequences of failure starting with school.
    Everything was more or less fine until secondary school when my grades worsened and never recovered. Despite that, they spent massive amounts of money on private tutoring. Meaning school, eat and school again for hours on end. Yet my grades never became better. Now I realize how much I must have felt their disappointment. A grade was not a grade but much rather a precisely calculable loss of money.
    A loss I felt and their perception of my failures. They never said it outright but they made me feel it, by them becoming more distant and dismissive of me.
    As I could never deliver the success they desired, I too began having massive mental problems. The works.
    With them no longer able or willing to help me in the capacity I would have needed emotionally I turned away from them and became addicted to video games. Worlds where I could be whomever I wanted to be in the pace I wanted.
    Like this I grew to detest our world and I still do to this day when I am not with someone who can show me its beauty and kind hearted nature.
    I even made up a reality just for them. They got to hear what they expected to hear and they never questioned it once. Me however with everything I do, like or want as they must assume me to be morron.

    Now I'm in Uni and nothing has changed but worsened. I cannot pay rent and food where I study and they know that, threaten me. The only acceptable vision is theirs and they are relentless to push it down my throat. MY vision for MY life is repulsive to them and they fight me at every opportunity. Where avoid them outright because I don't wish to deal with them.

    Something that comes when you realize that you never had a part in all this noise. That what you say doesn't matter in the end, as it it ultimately about them hurling their emotions at you.
    That was the day I lost my respect and patience with them. Now I treat them as a nuisance I have to keep up with until I can afford to leave forever. I have gone incredibly cold on them.

    All of this I regret, as I just wanted them to accept me as who I am and what I want as my legitimate wish.

    Maybe someday they will understand, I will have my peace when Im gone.

  19. That sums up everything with my mom. My mom is a toxic parent, she never liked my opinions, she never liked my dreams, never liked my dyed hair, and lastly she never liked the way I wear. Putting up and excusing her bad behavior has gone long enough I'm ready to sever ties with mom cause I don't want a relationship with her anymore nor do I want her in my life, the person I ever trust is my dad.

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