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5 Ways to Change Your Relationship with Sugar

When pressed to define their relationship with sugar, many people would say, “It’s complicated,” according to a 2018 study 70% of adults in the US are concerned about how much sugar they consume, suggesting that many of us struggle with a toxic internal monologue when presented with cakes, cookies and other desserts.

Why do so many of us have a confusing connection to sugar—and how can we heal our relationship with it?

Why so many of us have a complicated relationship with sugar

If a diet had its own Disney In a princess movie, sugar would definitely be the villain. “It’s hard to have a positive or neutral relationship with something that is constantly labeled as bad or bad addictive“, says Claire Chewning, RD, Certified Intuitive Eating Consultant. “Plus, many of us have likely followed restrictive diets that demonize sugar and require us to reduce or strictly limit our carbohydrate intake. This type of restriction can cause us to feel out of control when it comes to sugar.”

Feeling like we’re not in charge when we eat birthday cake, for example, can lead to major panic about how much sugar we’re eating. “It’s true that consuming ‘too much’ sugar is not good for your health. But the truth is, it’s perfectly fine to eat some sugar every day,” he says Emily Van Eck, RDfrom Emily Van Eck Nutrition and Wellness.

Telling ourselves that sugar has no place in our diet can actually make the ingredient feel “forbidden.” Cause binge eating when we are presented with dessert. For example, maybe you eat a whole sleeve of cookies today so that tomorrow you can start your diet without sugar in the house.

“If you’ve ever felt like you’ve lost control over sweets or felt like you couldn’t stop eating them, think about what role any food rules or restrictions may have played,” says Van Eck .

1. Resist the urge to label foods “good” or “bad.”

Van Eck points out that the language we use to talk about sugar tends to worsen our relationship with it. “Labeling foods as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ leads people to worry about every detail of their diet,” says Van Eck. “Labeling foods as ‘bad’ can cause us to rebel against our own rules and eat them in amounts that are inconsistent with what our bodies actually want.”

Take a moment to think about how you currently feel about sugar. Does it cause fear or anxiety? Does this make you feel out of control? What “rules” apply to you? Try changing your thoughts so that you are more neutral about the ingredient. For example, try telling yourself, “Sugar is just one of many foods in my diet.” While it can be difficult to rewrite your inner script all at once, sending neutral messages about sugar can reduce your stress-related issues Reduce sweets over time.

2. Understand the vital role glucose plays in your body

“[Sugar] is your body’s preferred source of energy,” says Chewning. “Carbohydrates found in grains, dairy products, fruits and vegetables are broken down by the body into glucose – a simple sugar – which is used as fuel for your cells.”

When we deprive our body of glucose, it doesn’t function properly. “The preference for sugary foods (carbohydrates in general) is deeply rooted in human physiology because so many of our body processes rely on carbohydrates to function properly,” says Van Eck. “It makes sense that depriving our bodies of an important macronutrient would be extremely disruptive.”

Glucose is particularly useful for people who love activities like go, hiking or running. In fact, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) recommends its consumption about a gram Consume a quantity of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight an hour before training so that you can perform at your best. For example, someone who weighs 155 pounds, or about 70 kilograms, should consume about 70 grams of high-quality carbohydrates before training. Pre-workout supplements or whole food sources like whole grain bread, nut butters, or bananas are great options for achieving this goal and respecting the role sugar plays in your body.

3. Eat balanced meals

“If you don’t eat enough in general, you may find yourself craving foods that you wouldn’t get if you were eating enough,” says Van Eck. Eating meals that contain protein, carbohydrates, and vegetables will help you feel full. Over time, this type of diet can help you regain confidence in your body. They respond to hunger signals with nutritious food; Your body gives you the energy to engage cognitively and physically in your life.

And of course, make sure you eat enough in the course of the day. “Eating too little could be another reason you’re focusing on sugar or feeling out of control. “So make sure you eat enough throughout the day,” says Chewning. “For most people, this will look like multiple meals a snack or two in between as needed.”

4. Practice mindful eating

Another way to reconnect with yourself through food is to: Practice mindful eatingsays Van Eck. “Pay attention to how your body feels during and after eating. The more you can observe your body without judging the outcome, the easier it will be to make the changes you want,” she says.

Although this exercise may be challenging at first, it will ultimately help you recognize hunger and satiety signals and enjoy the taste of your food even more. If focusing on your food for an entire meal seems daunting, challenge yourself to do it for the first bite, then the first three bites, etc. Start small.

4. Combine sweets with other foods

Instead of telling yourself you can’t have sugar when you’re craving something sweet, try combining a cookie or piece of chocolate with other ingredients. “Practice eating sugar whenever you want, but also remember that your body will likely feel better – especially on an empty stomach – if you also eat some fiber and protein. For example, if you like chocolate in the afternoon, eat some fruit and nuts with it,” recommends Van Eck.

When you combine your sweets with other foods, you not only feel more satisfied, but you also realize that all foods may fit on a plate. In other words, fruits, nuts, and chocolate aren’t “bad” or “good” – they’re just parts of your diet, each of which plays a role.

5. Make small changes

If you have ever started a fitness routine or tried to meditateThey know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Improving your attitude towards sugar takes ongoing work. Therefore, Van Eck recommends choosing one of the tips above and focusing on it before moving on to the next tip.

“Healing your relationship with sugar won’t happen overnight, especially when this can be a decades-long battle,” she says. Be patient and remember Why From the beginning, it was important to you to reset your relationship with desserts.

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