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5 Ways to Identify Influencers Worth Your Brand’s Time and Money

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

In the current digital marketing landscape, few advertising options are more popular Influencer Marketing. After reaching the global market of $16.4 billion in 202290% of brands report that they consider influencer marketing to be an effective tactic.

Of course, not all influencers are created equal. Influencers can charge different rates depending on the number of followers they have or the promotion your brand wants to engage in. But just because an influencer delivers great results for a brand, doesn’t mean it’s right for you.

By understanding the key factors to identify influencers Who is the right match for your brand, you can spend your money Marketing budget Wisely

1. They have a relevant (and quality) audience

Generally speaking, most influencers price their sponsored posts based on the size of their audience. For examplewhen Nano effectors While those with 1,000 to 10,000 followers can charge only $10 to $100 per post on Instagram, “mega influencers” with over 1 million followers can easily charge over $10,000 per post.

While a larger audience size can dramatically increase reach and brand awareness, it doesn’t tell the whole story. You should also make sure that their audience is made up of real people who are actually interested in their content. Bots or fake accounts can increase the number of followers, but they do not provide the right ones the engagement.

Likewise, be wary of influencers who follow more people versus those who follow them. They may use “follow to follow” or “follow to unfollow” efforts to artificially grow their audience.

Related: Why consumers care about influencers, and why you should too

2. The more specific their niche, the better

Except to make sure the influencer has a really real one Followers, it’s important to narrow down on the personas whose content is the closest match to what your own brand has to offer. The easiest way to determine this is by reading their bio and going through their previous content. This can help you identify their interests, previous sponsorships they’ve participated in, and the primary topics they cover with their content.

Often, choosing an influencer who focuses on a more specific sub-niche can be more beneficial than someone with a broader influence. Think along the lines of someone discussing yoga material rather than focusing more on the exercises in general. They may have fewer followers, but these followers are more engaged with their content — and therefore more likely to respond to your marketing partnerships.

3. They have strong credibility with their audience

Another advantage of influencers in a more specific sub-niche is that they have strong credibility with their audience. By their values, the quality of their content and their personal or professional backgroundThey have created a persona where their followers will believe what they say.

This credibility leads to the desired results in brand partnerships. For example, consider this A case study Including Kraft Heinz. The brand selected 12 influencers based on topic relevance, audience demographics and more follower engagement Developing two campaigns focused on millennial families.

Not only did the campaigns achieve more than 8 million combined impressions with a 5.7% engagement rate, but they also delivered 103% more engagement than Kraft Heinz’s standard campaign.

4. Their content fits your brand image and values

During your review of an influencer’s content, don’t just focus on the topics they cover. See how they present themselves and their content. Does it fit your brand image and the values ​​you try to convey to your customers?

For example, if you take pride in creating one A family-friendly brand, Then an influencer who frequently uses adult language and humor may not be a good fit. A level of disconnect between an influencer’s personality and your brand can be confusing to their followers who discover your company through their content. Worse still, it can alienate your existing customers.

Remember, an influencer is going to tell a story to convey your brand’s appeal. good Effective partnerships Give them creative freedom in how they do it — so make sure they share your vision and values ​​for creating content that tells the right story.

Related: How brands leverage social media influencers to tell their stories

5. They pride themselves on engagement above all else

When it comes to generating meaningful results for your brand, total engagement is perhaps the most important metric to consider. You want to work with influencers whose followers like, comment, share and click on their posts. And while social media algorithms mean no one will ever reach 100% engagement, being aware of platform benchmarks can help you determine the quality of an influencer’s following.

Keep that in mind Engagement rates vary Depending on the platform and the total number of followers. For example, Instagram influencers with 1,000 to 5,000 followers average 4.84% engagement, while those with more than one million followers average 1.23% engagement. On TikTok, influencers with 1,000 to 5,000 followers average 12.43% engagement, while those with more than one million followers average 13.7% engagement.

Ideally, your chosen influencers should meet or exceed the average for their platform and number of followers to ensure your campaign reaches the maximum number of people.

Maximize the potential of your influencer campaigns

Countless brands have proven its effectiveness Influencer Marketing Campaigns — but these campaigns have been successful precisely because companies have partnered with the right influencers. By taking care of the basics necessary to identify quality, relevant influencers in your niche, you can move forward with confidence as you launch your next campaign.


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