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50% of healthcare workers feel undervalued and more than 40% are considering quitting their jobs

April 24, 2023

Nearly 50% of healthcare workers feel undervalued as an employee, and more than 40% consider quitting their job for better pay, work-life balance or burnout, according to Keep Financial’s Healthcare Attrition Report released today. has been published.

However, the report also found that 85% of respondents would accept a cash bonus upfront, on top of existing compensation, in exchange for staying with their company for a specified period of time.

The top reasons for health workers considering leaving their job are the need for better pay (56%), feeling undervalued (49%), burnout (46%), better opportunities (36%) and a better work-life balance. work and private life (33%).

The report noted that this is a major challenge for the industry, as nearly two-thirds of employees who feel undervalued are considering leaving their company within the next year.

If healthcare organizations addressed this retention challenge with cash bonuses, health professionals say paying off debt (39%), saving for retirement (38%), investing (27%) and building an emergency fund (24%) would be their financial priorities . ).

“We all know that the past few years have put extreme strain on an already overburdened healthcare system,” said Keep Financial founder and CEO Rob Frohwein. “With the increase in mobility, the decrease in geographic involvement and the recognition by many health professionals of the unnecessary overwhelming stress of their role, we have reached the epidemic stage of professional shortages.”

Frohwein continued: “Yet the industry demands that these professionals deliver the highest possible level of patient care. Something needs to be done and we believe a more innovative solution is needed.”

The report includes responses from 300 health professionals.


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