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6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight

6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight | When I first tried Chat GPT, I thought it was completely overhyped.

50 thoughts on “6 ChatGPT Secrets to Transform Your Writing Overnight”

  1. Thank you so much for this very helpful video. I am just starting to use CHATGPT and have a very basic question… how do you put in a Carrier Return? When I hit my Return key the prompt is sent off. I think I need to separate paragraphs if I am including an example of my writing, for example, thank YOU, Brie!

  2. No offence but I have to be the one to say it – how can you provide the intimation that you are writing anything when it's actually the tool that's doing all the work and you're just providing prompts? This is what the writers of the world were yapping about. Precisely this. The tool doing all the heavy lifting and you taking the credit and applying your name to something you had little to no hand in (other than a prompt). Have we become so creatively bankrupt and so lazy that we now rely on these tools to do the work for us because we're too busy patting ourselves on the back? It's sad.

    The blog I wrote.
    The article I wrote.
    The essay I wrote.
    The dissertation I wrote.
    The jingle I wrote.
    The sales pitch I wrote.
    The …

    You get the idea. You are writing none of it. The tool is.

    This is precisely what writers and creators were talking about. That tipping point when we get tools to do all the work and we sit back and sip coffee and then add our name as "written by" somewhere. Unreal. We're already there.

  3. In the realm of words where thoughts take flight,

    I'll unveil six secrets to ignite your writing's light.

    With ChatGPT's wisdom, let's embark on this quest,

    To transform your prose, be at your very best.

    Secret One: Precision, Trim the Excess

    Trim the excess, make your writing concise,

    With clarity and brevity, your words will entice.

    Cut the filler and waffle, let your message shine through,

    In the world of writing, simplicity is true.

    Secret Two: Diverse Vocabulary, Gems to Unearth

    Expand your lexicon, explore words anew,

    A treasure trove of language, waiting for you.

    With synonyms and metaphors, paint vivid scenes,

    Enrich your prose with vibrant and varied means.

    Secret Three: Structure and Flow, Harmonize Your Song

    In the river of words, let your sentences flow,

    With structure and rhythm, your writing will glow.

    Craft paragraphs wisely, let ideas align,

    A symphony of thoughts, in harmony they'll chime.

    Secret Four: Show, Don't Tell, Unveil the Scene

    Engage the senses, in your reader's mind,

    Show, don't just tell, let your scenes unwind.

    Describe the emotions, the sights, and the sounds,

    In your narrative tapestry, the world's joys and bounds.

    Secret Five: Editing Magic, Revise with Grace

    First drafts are but clay, mold them with care,

    Through editing's magic, make your writing rare.

    Correct grammar and spelling, but also refine,

    Each edit brings your masterpiece to the line.

    Secret Six: Feedback and Learning, Forever in Flight

    Never cease to learn, seek wisdom and insight,

    From feedback and mentors, your skills take flight.

    In the company of writers, grow and evolve,

    For the journey of improvement, your resolve will solve.

    With these secrets in mind, let your writing transform,

    Into a masterpiece of art, in the creative storm.

    ChatGPT's guidance, a catalyst for your might,

    To elevate your writing, day and night.

  4. Great tutorial, Brie! Really learned a great deal and downloaded the publication. I am writing a short text book and could use the help to make my writing better. Thank you! 😀

  5. Thanks for the tips! Being specific in my prompts got me way better responses from ChatGPT. It's the same with boost app social when I need clever captions or hashtags on the fly.

  6. 3. Đừng bao giờ thay đổi mình vì người khác. Nếu họ không thể tiếp nhận một con người nhiều điểm xấu là bạn, thì cũng không xứng để có được một con người với nhiều điểm tốt là bạn.3. Đừng bao giờ thay đổi mình vì người khác. Nếu họ không thể tiếp nhận một con người nhiều điểm xấu là bạn, thì cũng không xứng để có được một @Brie Kirbyson

  7. Great tips! Thanks!
    Unfortunately, Chat GPT 3.5 has a 4096 Character Limit, which makes it hard (to useless) when creating long format videos (i.e. ones that are longer than 15 minutes in length). Any work arounds for this?

  8. "Thank you B. Kirbyson, for introducing ChatGPT! Your insightful video opened my eyes to the incredible possibilities of AI-driven conversations, and I'm excited to explore this fascinating technology further "just tried ChatGPT to thank you.

  9. I'll rewrite your list.
    Tip #1 – Stop being a lazy sod and hone your writing skills. Write every day. Study the craft. Read the authors you admire. Stop using crutches like AI to find a shortcut. Your writing will sound like everyone else's if you use AI. There are no shortcuts to success. Remember, views and clicks and followers are not the same thing as success.

    Tip#2 – There is not Tip #2. Stop being a lazy writer AKA Alex Aster

  10. Just used chat got to improve my written responses using STAR method for a selection criteria. I asked it to ask if I answered the question and how. I typed in the capability framework for the job I was applying for and asked for it to analyse what capabilities I was demonstrating in my response. Brilliant I was able to do a lot of analysis of my own writing and how well or not I met the capability’s.

  11. 00:27 📝 Use a structured prompt: Include action, format, role/style, and source (if applicable) for specific results.
    02:18 🗣️ Assign a tone, style, or target audience to tailor the writing to your needs.
    05:33 🎭 Specify a role for Chat GPT (e.g., lawyer, editor) to get specialized content.
    07:22 🚫 Combat writer's block by asking Chat GPT for topic points or continuation of your writing.
    08:18 🔄 Iterate and collaborate with Chat GPT for better results, adjusting prompts as needed.
    10:52 🎯 Combine prompt components for a comprehensive, specific request to maximize effectiveness.

  12. I think it's a crying shame. AI should totally stay out of the creative industry – the whole point of creating is exactly that; the building of it, the creating. The whole process, start to finish should be yours alone.

  13. At first, I felt a bit dishonest for using a chatbot, but after using it for a while, I now see it as having a personal editor.

    It's made the brainstorming process quicker. Whenever I needed to create a new name, I would spend hours looking for the root of words in different languages, like Latin, Greek, old English. It was a time-consuming process. Now, I simply tell the chatbot what I'm looking for, and it gives me all the information I need, along with a few suggestions.

    Whenever I feel I've used a verb too much, I ask the chatbot for a list of verbs I can replace it with. I used to google, "** synonym" to get a list of similar verbs.

    Whenever I'm writing about something I don't know about, I ask the chatbot to explain it to me or describe it for me. Before, I would spend hours researching the thing or topic just to write a paragraph or two.

    If I'm not certain I'm describing something right, I'll run entire sentences or paragraphs throughout the chatbot, asking it to review the content for me. The chatbot then corrects the mistakes.

    This might be cheating, but if don't like how stiff something I wrote feels, I'll run entire paragraphs through the chatbot and ask it to improve it. The chatbot will then take everything and rearrange it. I'll then take the changes I think feel right and ignore the ones I don't like.

    It's a personal editor, but without the expense.

  14. Good ideas, but there is an issue with one of the tips; writing in the "style of" some notable writer or figure. A lot of writers/authors feel that prompting AI to write in the style of and mentioning that specific person is unethical, raising copyright issues. The better practice of adopting a person's style is to first ask GPT to describe a writer's/figure's style of writing and use elements of that description in your prompts for the style of writing you're looking for, and leaving the actual name of the person out of. This is an ethical way of having text/prose written in the style of your favorite author or famous figure.

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