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6 Ways Successful Women Executives Turn Self-Doubt into Their Path to Confidence

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Imposter syndrome Self-doubt and the belief that the positions we hold are ones in which we are not qualified or qualified. When you’re the type of leader or individual contributor who brings new ideas to the market, you’re by definition doing something you haven’t done before. As women, we believe that we must have some experience and skills to take up a job or run a project. That conditioning stems from the belief that women must be perfect.

Self-doubt is a common experience that many women face in the workplace, especially in leadership positions. Like many people, I thought that female C-suite executives and board directors were full of confidence and self-belief and in no way suffered from imposter syndrome and the self-doubt that fueled it. After years of working, studying and being one of the few women in the top ranks of business, I found the opposite to be true.

Related: 5 Simple Ways You Can Turn Self-Doubt Into Success

It is not so Women Officers Don’t deal with imposter syndrome. we will In fact, in a 2022 study by KPMG, 75% Executive female research participants report feeling imposter syndrome throughout their careers; 81% believe they push themselves harder to not fail than their male counterparts. What sets us apart is how we’ve learned to combat imposter syndrome by turning our self-doubt into strategies waiting to happen. Of the many strategies I’ve observed, here are six that women in the C-suite use to manage and reduce self-doubt:

1. Acknowledge and embrace your self-doubt

It is important to recognize that Self-doubt It’s a common feeling and everyone feels it at some point. Accept your doubts and accept that they are a natural part of the process of taking on new challenges. Leaders face strangers every day. Confidence comes from repeating the same thing over and over again. For you to be frustrated with yourself Lack of trust works against you. Instead, list the concerns you have. For each concern, write a list of things you want — not need — to know, then create a plan of action to find the answers. This approach not only gets you out of your head, but it also creates momentum towards your goals.

2. Change

Ignore the well-meaning fake-it-til-you-make-it advice. It perpetuates the belief that you are not enough. a Growth mindset Based on the belief that your abilities can be developed through hard work and dedication. Adjust your values ​​to prioritize and favor Curiosity over the ego. Cultivate a learning mindset by getting specific feedback from trusted sources, learn from what’s working and what’s missing in the market, and constantly try to improve your delivery and thinking rather than trying to “fix” yourself. There is nothing wrong with you.

3. Build a support network

Surround yourself with Supportive colleagues, mentors and friends who can encourage, guide and provide honest and productive feedback. Find individuals who have experience and success in leadership roles and can offer advice and support as you navigate your own path. Don’t look for cheerleaders who are unable to give you productive input on how to advance your idea or your career. You want positive support with practical and strategic coaching that enables you to test ideas and approaches in a safe place before trying them out in primetime.

Related: 10 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs to Overcome Self-Doubt and Launch Your Dream

4. Focus on your strengths

Recognize and embrace your unique skills, talents and achievements. A great way to hold up a mirror to see what you’re good at is to ask friends, family, coworkers, or mentors for their honest opinion of your strengths. Often, others can see qualities in us that we do not recognize in ourselves. As you take this feedback, consider what it took to find success in finding themes with your accomplishments and input from others. Finally, if you haven’t already, take an online assessment such as Myers-Briggs Type Index (MBTI) or StrengthsFinder to help identify yours Cognitive and behavioral strength And learn how to best use it while considering other people’s styles and preferences.

5. Be on your own side

Someone once told me that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat the wait staff. It is not their role to treat people who serve us rudely. The same goes for how you treat yourself. You have been through a lot and are going through a lot – every day. You are tough and can handle it. There is no question. Make the choice to ditch that self-absorbed micro-manager inside your head. The compassion you use towards the waitstaff is the same Compassion You deserve to be used on yourself. Prioritize rest, exercise, healthy eating, and other activities that help you feel better Excited and balanced. If you are tired, stop what you are doing and take a nap or go for a walk. There will be work when you return. The world won’t end if you turn off work early at night. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a good friend. Be gentle with yourself, especially when you make mistakes.

6. Challenge your negative self-talk

This is a tough nut to crack. It’s not crazy how we believe our The worst inner critic? We trash talk ourselves as a way to prepare for others who we believe are either thinking and/or saying the same thing to us. recognize Negative self-talk It contributes to your self-doubt and challenging those thoughts. Change your inner dialogue to separate yourself from your emotions. For example, “I can’t do this and everyone is going to know” can be changed to “I’m nervous. Why is that nervousness?” Try to change with When you say it this way, you’re able to create a healthy separation between your fake self-talk and yourself. Intentionally spreading positivity and passion in your life is also important. Hang out with people you like and like. Have fun, laugh and try new things. Put yourself in a position where you enjoy living your life. Cultivate positive energy For yourself and for those around you.

Overcoming imposter syndrome and self-doubt at any level takes practice. A lot of study. Actively and intentionally build these steps into your daily life. Over time, your ego-centric imposter syndrome inner voice will be replaced by a story of curiosity about what might lie in the unknown path you’re paving.


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