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6 wife, 16 children… 65 year old millionaire married 16 year old girl – Photos Viral – Brazil millionaire 65 year old married with 16 year old school girl shares photos tstsh

A 65-year-old millionaire has married a 16-year-old school going girl. People are very agitated about this marriage. This person is none other than Hissam Hussain Dehani, the mayor of Brazil. He has left his job due to protest. On the other hand, the girl whom he married on April 15, is child beauty queen Kauene Rode Camargo. She has turned 16 just four days before the wedding.

According to a Yahoo News report, it is claimed that Dehaini is the owner of assets worth 14 million Brazilian Reals. At the time of his marriage he was in his second term as mayor of Araquria in the state of Paraná.

Mayor made an underage girl his wife (pic- Instagram)
Mayor made an underage girl his wife (pic- Instagram)

After marrying Kauane, he had to resign from the Siddania political party. Another thing came to light that Dehaini had given top jobs to two relatives of his bride before marriage. These include the girl’s mother and aunt.

Gave job to girl’s mother and aunt

According to the MailOnline report, the 36-year-old mother of the bride got a $1500 increase in salary after she became the new city secretary for culture and tourism. Along with this, his aunt was appointed as the general secretary. However, when it was found that the mayor had misused his position to get them jobs, both were removed from their posts.

The girl was a beauty queen in childhood (pic- Instagram)
The girl was a beauty queen in childhood (pic- Instagram)

Dehaini has been married six times. His first marriage took place in 1980. He is the father of 16 children. He was also arrested in the year 2000 in a drug smuggling case. During this he remained in custody for more than 100 days. Later the investigation of this matter was closed.

It is not a crime in Brazil for girls to marry at the age of 16. For this, it is necessary to have the permission of the parents. Dehaini’s new wife still goes to school.

The girl expressed happiness about marriage (pic- Instagram)
The girl expressed happiness about marriage (pic- Instagram)

He has described his wedding day as the happiest day. She was well prepared for marriage. Sharing his picture with Dehani, he wrote in his caption, ‘The biggest love of my life. Thank you very much.’


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