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7 Early Signs of Autism Every Parent Should Know

There are several early signs of autism that could indicate that a young child requires further assessment for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). In this video you’ll learn what these early indicators are and how to spot them.

It’s very important to note that the existence of one of more if these autism early indicators doesn’t necessarily mean that your child is has ASD. They simply indicate that further assessment may be required to properly determine whether it’s ASD or not.

After watching this video you’ll also have a better understanding of specific behaviors which may be an early indicator of Autism.

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#emmahubbard #babydevelopment #earlysignsofautism

00:00 – 00:55 : Early Sign of Autism #1
00:56 – 01:52 : Early Sign of Autism #2
01:53 – 03:12 : Early Sign of Autism #3
03:13 – 04:29 : Early Sign of Autism #4
04:30 – 06:01 : Early Sign of Autism #5
06:02 – 06:41 : Early Sign of Autism #6
06:42 – 07:45 : Early Sign of Autism #7

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42 thoughts on “7 Early Signs of Autism Every Parent Should Know”

  1. My son is 17 months old and the only thing of these signs that I am worried about is playing with the same thing and playing in the same way all over again. He loves watching the wheels of the cars spinning and this is all he plays with All day long. Ok, I have to admitt, there are other things too that he plays, but this kind of game is his favourite. I don't like that at all, when he does that I start to feel overwhelmed thinking of autism😞

  2. Hi! I’m autistic, and here are my suggestions for parents of autistic kids:

    – Don’t just talk to doctors or parents of autistic kids. Talk to autistic people. They can give you insights no one else can on how they want to be treated. And follow your kid’s lead when appropriate!
    – Let them stim. It’s a way of self-soothing. If the stim is potentially harmful, redirect it, for example, getting a spinner seat so they don’t spin into furniture.
    – Watch the way you talk to and about your kid. They are not sick, and they are not less. They’re just people. And we wanna be treated like just people. Not aliens or inspirational angels or pets, but people. I was raised undiagnosed, and I’ve seen a sad difference in those who were diagnosed early, namely that they tend to feel lesser or limited. I’m just as autistic as they are, and yet because I was raised “normal,” I grew up with the mindset that I could do anything I set my mind to. So can your autistic kid. They’ll probably go about it differently than most, but they can do it.
    – Let them be autistic. Autism is not something to discourage or cure. It’s not going to go away. If you fight it, the kid will just end up frustrated and insecure. Work with the autism. Earplugs, soft things, down time, stimming, routine, it’s all great! The more I’ve learned to work with my autistic brain rather than against it, the happier and more successful I’ve been.

    You guys got this! I know it’s uncharted and uneasy territory. There’s still a lot of stigma against us. But I believe in you 🙂 and to those who are trying their hardest to understand and empathize with and support their autistic kids, thank you so so much!

  3. May I ask at what age do I need to have my little one tested? SShe just turned 2 a week ago or do I wait until she turns 3? She is unresponsive when I call her by her name. She has also shown some regression. I feel very guilty because these past few months, I have been very busy bec of work.😢😢😢

  4. My 3 years old brother match with (lots) of those signals,but i am not sure if he is autistic,i'll come back when i get atualizations 👍(day 22,month 8,year 2023)

  5. My son is already 4years old and he has these red flags. I’m worried to let him go to daycare bc he still can’t speak well. But i am pressured to of the surroundings that all of child same of age of my son is now going to school. I don’t want to make him feel like he is not the same with the others

  6. I'm a little worried because my 14 month old does like 5 of the "this might include" list and he also really likes spinning the wheels on the cars he has but he doesn't really have any of the other signs throughout the rest of the video. Just 5… are those like big indicators or are those things toddlers just do in general?

  7. With the gradual using of dr Oyalo herbal recommendation for autism, whom I met on YouTube, my son is totally free from Autism with his speech cleared and social skills ok as he now respond to orders and act right. Thank you doc Oyalo for your help. I am Greatful

  8. Lack of pointing, not responding to her name were our big red flags.. we were waiting for her to point, but still nothing, then the hand flapping started. She was diagnosed just after her 2nd birthday.. As a parent you know!! Don’t deny it and get help!

  9. Thank you for the video, it’s very helpful, my three year old grandson exhibits all of these behaviors plus he doesn’t talk, plays alone even if others kids are around, shows no affection, eats very few foods that he like or will eat. He hasn’t been tested yet but we are in the process of of doing that.

  10. Does no eye contact always mean autism? My daughter is almost 11 months and she will look at me for a second but that’s it. A quick second and then she’s wanting to crawl or grab absolutely everything around her. She does the hand and rotation like you mentioned your daughter did. She also doesn’t respond to her name .

  11. My baby points but doesn’t always/usually look back at me. She seems like she is determined to show me what she wants so she stares and points (sometimes babbles) to let me know she wants it. Is that something to be concerned about?

  12. What do you guys think. My 16 month old acts normal i guess . Responds to his name laughs and everything but does not imitate. Does not clap. Only says mama and says it like mamamammaa and says papa but like papapapapaa .

    Shakes his head no aloooot .

    If hes on the high chair and hes excited he bangs his head on the chair. I had to put a cushion on it.

    He plays with the toy trucks normally and looks at you for affirmation when hes playing but no words no imitations, nothing. No waving hello or goodbye

  13. My mom told me so many times I act like a 5 year old😆 Yeah mom maybe I should go to the doctor not ignore it Thankfully I just found out today in my adulthood and proud of it Have fun in life and don't ignore yourself

  14. I'm in a journey and I will be helping people with autism so that they catch it sooner rather than later and teach others about it more as I learn Teaching each other is best so I probably will be a teacher in special needs department Wish me luck on school!☺️

  15. What happens if autism is ignored and not treated? I have a family member whose daughter is almost 4 and doesn't communicate. She can say words now that she learns from YouTube videos, but they aren't easy to understand. And like I said, she doesn't communicate at all. She has MULTIPLE signs of autism. The parents plan to "homeschool" her. She rarely leaves the house and sees no other children.

  16. I am autistic and because i am so aware of it. I try draw on past experiences to deal with situations rather than use instinct. It has become so natural to me that now im basically cured but my thoughts are hillarious

  17. This is the same old things that most parent don't recognize. I agree with other parent below called felicialicia1. These kids don't eat, don't sleep, constantly fussy and cry with no reason. as babies and toddlers to the point where they no longer develop as a normal child.

  18. I don't like the word red flag. Like having this could be a parent's worst nightmare. The condition might give some challenges for us sure but it also gives gifts and abilities that others don't have. I mean elon musk has it as does daryl hanna and anthony hopkins, to name a few. It needs to be identified so support can be given that others don't need, llike explicit teachings on social interactions, I stumbled along learning what I could I really feel I could have benefitted from explicit guidance there and still could.

  19. Please don’t place your autistic child in the school system!! They will destroy them!!
    Homeschool.. sounds hard but is really easy..
    Choose subjects your child is interested in ..
    Yes work on those difficult areas like math or spelling .. but minimize them…yep minimize them.. otherwise you will lose their interest.. try to find out what your child loves to learn about.. capitalize on that!!
    Your child will love school .. also not Every day will be a good day… plan for days you just can’t teach them.. they just don’t want to learn.. go to the space museum instead or play in the park while the other kids are at school..have a picnic.. turn the day around…

  20. I think it's important to point out that a child with a cortical vision impairment (CVI) will also display variations of most of these same signs but for very different reasons. It is important to have the right diagnosis as the approach to helping these two different types of kids will often be quite different. Dr. Christine Roman has a good video describing the similarities and differences. One of the school districts my son attended insisted on putting him in their autistic program (he had CVI), which worked part of the time but wasa problem at other times because they didn't adequately address his different needs.

  21. Iam 30 years old lady I have a baby ,but I never eye contact with anyone ,and never socialized,scared of sound ,scared of height ,scared of everything,don't feel like to communicate anyone .I would love to b alone ,I used to closed myself in head is always down ,but my learning capabilities is more faster than others ,I learned everything so fast .its not easy for me to deal with anyone nd society but now I'm a entrepreneur it's alright if u have such autism and my son is seems like me everything his behaviour is just like mine .I'm worried about him alot.

  22. Hi mam , my son 1 year old is very socialize, smiling , bubbling, playing with brother , and everything okey but heis not responding to his name… Let me know the reason 😮

  23. My daughter is near 15 months old. My daughter don't have any of these red flag signs. But whenever we are calling her sometimes she is responding, sometimes not. And recent days she is banging her head little hardly on the ground. We are worrying about it. Please advise what should we do further.

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