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7 Unsaturated Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online

Here are 7 unsaturated digital product ideas you can sell right now on Etsy and make money online. My Top 50 Profitable …


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32 thoughts on “7 Unsaturated Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online”

  1. Great video and content as always ! I just started with the spreadsheet templates, 5 listings until now, using keywords used by competitors, and with good search volume and competition as per Erank, with very small Etsy ad budget, and very few visits a day and favorites, got 2 sales so far since I opened my shop mid January this year with two 5 star views,
    I hear from many sellers that spreadsheets is a great niche, and see many competitors selling right now (a bit frustrating, knowing that my products are much more better designed with formulas to make it easier for the user to get the info he/she needs)
    Do you think Brandon that it might be because I have very few listings?

  2. Do you have any recommendations on how to learn to do the personalized art? I’ve been playing with Midjourney and would be very interested in this type of product but wouldn’t know where to start.

  3. As always, great video. I wonder if these sellers have multiple shops. I'm getting into digital products recently from traditional t-shirts pod. And my store is getting messy 😱 Should i create a separe store ? I've heard some horror stories about getting suspended due to multiple accounts. What do you guys think?

  4. Be careful using Canva for brand identity etc. You can't trademark logo's if you used anything from Canva to make them (rPro included) so it might be an issue if youre creating branding and want to trademark. . ..

  5. Beautifully executed video. Love how you sprinkled various tips within each idea that relates to any shop type. Wish I had the patience for your upcoming coaching program!

  6. So the customer does not need the Canva pro account, even if I insert some elements that are in the pro version? Sorry, bit out of topic but it's been on my mind for a while…Thank you🙂!!

  7. Why was that first shop open for 10 months but the products all seemed to be 1 or 2 months old? Thanks so much for all the knowledge you keep dropping on us. You are incredible, Homie! 👏 👏

  8. Start a Etsy challenge video series where you will show us niche selection to build a successful 4-5 figure per month Digital Empire LIVE……❤❤❤❤❤❤ I hope you will reply the message….

  9. I don’t understand how your shop jumped from 300 to 7k in the second month , you leave out a lot of information, like ads spend , number of listed products, granted I understand you don’t want to tell us the exact product but give more decent information please

  10. I want to double check! I don't have a Pro Canva account yet still have access to the "template link" button and it seems to work! I'm just wondering if this is true for anyone else or if I'm looking at the wrong button? I gave an etsy shop a try once and it didnt quite go as planned but I want to take another try at it! 🙂 Good luck everyone! We got this.

  11. I got an email from you supposedly launching a training program. Let me know as I've been approached by your scammers. If this is to be true please make a video about it if not let me know

  12. Hi Brandon, first of all thank you so much for this video this info was so much helpful to me

    Please can you answer me this Question i have stuck with me for so long like month now.

    i really believe you just might have this answer

    as i am trying to understand ETSY's Algorithm i have

    1) Question on Ranking of ETSY product, basically SEO of the Product

    Suppose in a Situation where Someone create Product as same as me and copy my SEO word to word Phrase by Phrase and even myCategory!

    So can you tell me if i do so is there any chance they would appear side by side to me?

    2) I wanted to know how to choose tags and have watched 100's of videos and read quite lot of article as well but there's one thing i am missing.

    and that is

    can you tell me if there is any way i am able to see Competitors tags stats?Meaning i want to check which of there Product's tags helped them to get more views or to gain Traction from the Audience.

    like is there any way i can find this or any tool which can help me with this ?

    thank you so much in Advance

  13. while selling AI art myself in one of my stores (not custom product) i have a hugh negative point about your product 3 suggestion: do NOT upload images of your costumers on midjourney! by subscribing and using MJ you automatically give MJ the right to use any image you create or upload. I‘m pretty shure uploading images of costumers without their consent can get you in lots of legal trouble at some point. pls do not follow every suggestion from „yt ets gurus“ blindless and without researching and informing yourself in all business relevant aspects.

  14. Does anyone know how to make the first 50 sales? Because even with a good, unique product, people will be more reluctant to buy from you if you have only 10 sales and a few reviews (even if 5 stars) I must admit as an Etsy buyer, for some reason I also put a lot of worth in the number of sales and would rather pick an established shop over a small, new shop with only a few sales :/

  15. Great video but, dude, stop publishing the stores' names!!! You drive traffic to them which significantly decreases their conversion rate, which in turn, affects how the algorithm ranks them. Why don't you share your stores' names instead?

  16. I’m going to put my tin foil hat on for a conspiratorial rant here: I believe there are sellers who “know people” within Etsy and get their help to build their store. There is NO freaking way that a brand new store with FOUR LISTINGS gets that amount of business so quickly when there are literally THOUSANDS of people (myself included) who spend months or years listing HUNDREDS of items and are lucky to even get ONE SALE within the first few months. There, I said it. Rant over.

  17. Hi Brandon..I was just wondering if there any limit on the number of listings we can post on Etsy per day as a new seller?I have 150 t-shirt designs Ready to go for my General print-on-demand apparel store on Etsy but not sure if I can post all 150 per day or should I take it slow and post 50 designs per day for the next 3 days! I would appreciate your response,thanks!

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