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8 Things Parents Shouldn’t Say to Their Child

Have your parents ever told you something that, to this day, still makes you tear up every time you think about it? Our words hold so much more power than we realize, especially over others. But most of us don’t even realize that we’ve said something wrong until it’s too late and the damage has already been done. That’s why we’re taught from a young age the importance of thinking before we speak, a lesson we ought to remember even as adults and especially as parents.

DISCLAIMER: If you can relate to any of these signs, please do not take this feedback as an attack on your character. This video was meant to be a self-improvement guide for those of you who have been feeling a little stuck.

Is your child depressed? Watch this video to know:

Writer: Chloe Avenasa
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Sun Biscuit
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Burnett, P. C., & McCrindle, A. R. (1999). The Relationship Between Significant Others’ Positive and Negative Statements, Self-Talk, and Self-Esteem. Child Study Journal, 29(1), 39-39.
Colonnesi, C., Draijer, E. M., Jan JM Stams, G., Van der Bruggen, C. O., Bögels, S. M., & Noom, M. J. (2011). The relation between insecure attachment and child anxiety: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40(4), 630-645.
Jadon, P. S., & Tripathi, S. (2017). Effect of authoritarian parenting style on self esteem of the child: A systematic review. International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, 3(3), 909-913.

50 thoughts on “8 Things Parents Shouldn’t Say to Their Child”

  1. Even me being a young kid, actually found out that my parents say most of the stuff to me my dad can pull out threats and my mom can say some things that hurt me, but she never knows

  2. 4:09 really hurts because my parents still say this a lot I thought It was normal and it’s ok but now when I think about it I find myself thinking my opinion doesn’t matter and nobody wants to hear what I think, tysm now I can keep myself in cheek

  3. For the first year-ish of my life my dad wasn't there,so just me and my mum went to the grocery store and on this trip to the store I really wanted something that my mum wasn't going to by for me so I threw a tantrum,but instead of telling me to not cry or something she just walked away from me. She probably thought that it wouldn't affect me and she was so wrong,I used to have night-terrors of my parents leaving me,and I had to go to therapy-when I was THREE years old-because of my mum. That day was the first and last day I ever had a tantrum.

  4. I was once told by my mom that she hates me and when the argument ended I wanted to run away from home and like this vid explains why I don’t want siblings TO ME THE YOUNGER SIBLINGS ARE ALWAYS FIST PLACE AND IM THE FIRST CHILD SO I WILL AWAYS BE SECOND And they won’t have enough time or love for me

  5. My parents compare me to different people… I have 2 siblings but they both live on with there husband/wife and sometimes my parents compare me to my sister or other people even sometimes my brother but they still compare me to different people then just them… my parents also have said that I am not enough my parents also say because I said so and I am like you can’t just control me like that it’s my body, it’s my life!

  6. My parents did all of these except for you are a disappointment technically but while they didn’t say you’re a disappointment or you disappointed me they say it in different ways like you’re just like and then say someone’s name who they don’t like

  7. Number 7 is very much true, for my is the way I dress, plus my hairstyle more like my mom, she would tell me "fix you hair what will people think about you?" Or like "where something nicer what will people think, it's like she cared more for what people think than anything else, she sometimes says thats its because kids get their style and personality from their parents which is true most of the time but not always, she says that people will talk bad about me or her, don't get me wrong I know she cares for me but it hurts sometimes, I used to get bullied when I was young so I was a kid that cared about what people said about me, when I grew up I stopped caring but I still have feelings sometimes that someone is talking bad about or something because of her always saying "what will people think/what are people going to say" I know she loves me and I love her but like I said it just hurts sometimes

  8. Informational video

    As for the LGPTQ thing ..
    It’s usually not recommended to applause for that, if someone wants to be it, so be it

    I don’t think it’s usefull adding such details ..

  9. We live in an instant-gratification microwave society. We have been conditioned to expect instant results, or we get angry, disappointed, or depressed. We have greater opportunities to connect with others; however, we are more disconnected than ever before. We have all the information of the world at our fingertips but shorter attention spans than ever before. What are we doing to ourselves? We have everything other generations could only dream about; however, we can never find our peace, contentment, or joy. We feel pressure to go faster and faster while getting nowhere. This book (Slow Down!) will briefly explain how less is more and how immediate happiness might lead to a life of disappointment, discouragement, and depression. If you truly want the fastest route to long-lasting and meaningful joy, you may want to consider slowing down! "SLOW DOWN! A Dad's Simple Advice to His Children and to the World" By Jeff Chappy Chapman

  10. why did it take me that long to realize that saying "because i am the parent" doesn't mean i have to listen to them for a example we were at a arcade with my siblings and i got overwhelmed and wanted to cry as i hated loud noises and the arcade had booming sound coming from every where and instead of taking me to the car she told me to just deal with it as it would just happened when i was older anyway even though i was clearly uncomfortable and i ran out of tickets so she brushed it off as me just being grumpy and even so when i told her again that i wanted to go to the car she got annoyed with me and spoke to me in a harsh tone but when my younger brother complained about being tired of walking we went home even though i offered to carry him many times

  11. When i was in the 7th grade, I wrote a four page essay on dysfunctional/toxic family and parenting styles and the effects they have on children growing up compared to healthier styles that should be practiced. I took inspiration from my parents for BOTH sections. Family has always been a strong topic for me, especially with the fact i’m an only child that has to listen to her parents argue every couple of months, and they always threaten to leave and then proceed to whine to me separately. I wrote that essay because when I tried to call them out about how their arguing is going to affect me in the long run, they shut me down and told me that i just need to “wait till you’re an adult” and that “you’ll see what it’s like.” No. The essay only needed to be half a page. I wrote four. I’m still upset, but i want to teach others.

  12. i can relate to almost every video of urs but unfortunately i just can't confront them about this, i really wish a person like u would talk to my parents, hoping an angel like u will/might come in the near future

  13. i NEVER get this stuff from my parents or anyone else, just from myself. i have no self respect and i think im a disappointment to everyone and that im not good at anything and never will be.

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