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9 Business Habits Entrepreneurs Should Avoid at All Costs

Opinions expressed by entrepreneurial contributors are their own.

Entrepreneurs at all levels make a mistake. They make mistakes that stall progress and waste time, money, clients—you name it. I’ve seen it all.

There are some red flags that indicate you are holding yourself back from growing your business.

If you find yourself doing three or more of these nine business habits, it may be time to get a better strategy in place:

1. You worry too much about your competition instead of creating your own path

You need to embrace the belief that you are your biggest competition – not others. You are nobody on this earth. No one does exactly what you do. When you stop Comparing yourself to othersYou find your confidence and self-worth.

Related: As a business, here’s why you need to focus on yourself (and not your competition).

2. You’re “hoping” people will buy instead of giving them an airtight reason to buy — and instead of making you the only choice.

First, there is no hope in business – only action and results. When you prepare your offer for your service or product, you have to make sure that it is attractive enough for your avatar.

Simply telling people what you do (in a coherent and coherent way) is a great first step because it clears up any confusion about your business. But to make an offer that sells, you have to be crystal clear on yourself Unprecedented sales equationsAnd be enthusiastic and persistent.

3. You’re trying to do it all by yourself without a coach, strategist or mentor (you just knew this was coming).

what can i say There are millions of people in the world who have it Coaches and mentors. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire, folks. No matter how “good” you are at business, no one can do it all alone.

Having a coach or business strategist in your corner is a must. Every highly successful person has or has had a variety of coaches. You don’t want to be surrounded by “yes” people—or worse, go it alone.

A coach gives you tools and strategies to move forward, gives you fresh new ideas you might not have thought of, and keeps you on track.

4. You are not organized with lists, schedules, calendars, etc

is being planned Will help you get more done in less time. duration. Make sure you have everything you need throughout the day. Get a notepad, and write down everything you need to accomplish that day — and stick to it (there’s a lot to being productive, but it’s a start). Break big projects into bite-sized pieces! Setting achievable goals, no matter how small, is crucial to getting organized.

Related: 10 Simple Productivity Tips to Organize Your Work Life

5. You’re not offering your ideal clients what they need immediately and want right now

What does your client wake up in the middle of the night asking for? You need to solve a BIG problem with a BIG one solution. Customers want results. For example, if you’re offering healing coaching, people don’t suddenly realize they need a healing coach. They want them to feel better, happier, whole and at peace. Sell ​​the result – not the marketing gimmick or the brand.

6. You don’t separate yourself from others and therefore get lost in the shuffle

Your only existence sets you apart from other people. You have your own unique intelligence because you alone have lived a life that no one else has.

Use your unique story to your advantage (and if you have a boring life, create a fabulous fantasy that will wow people. You know I’m kidding, right?! LOL).

7. You waste time planning instead of going out and doing

So, first of all, we need to plan. It’s very important, but getting stuck in constant planning without execution is a business killer. The difference between Dreamers and doers Doers understand that the key to success is continuous and consistent action. Block off time to implement new strategies, and test and adjust your processes until results come.

Related: Reasons to Stop Over-Planning — Live in the Now

8. You give up or get discouraged when you try something once (or twice) and it doesn’t work.

Fail fast, fail often, and failed further. Rinse and repeat.

Often, we give up easily when something doesn’t work out. Keep charging forward in any situation, no matter what, and you will succeed. Of course, you will need to course-correct. Successful people are not necessarily the smartest or the most talented, but they are always the most persistent and Work through failure And with failure – no matter what.

9. You wait for the right time to make big decisions instead of just going for it

Waiting until things are “just right” to launch a new product or start a business is holding you back and ruining your life. And you’ve been on this earth long enough to know that “true” is a fairy tale. In fact, many successful people started their most prosperous ventures only after hitting rock bottom. I know I did.

Perfection is a myth that cannot be achieved. If you A perfectionist, it is a form of self-abuse. I was a perfectionist myself until I realized that I would never win that game for many reasons and that was a huge way of holding myself back.

So, if you’re doing three or more of these things, you need help. The good news is that it can all be fixed. Most things can be improved! It is a positive thing in life.

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