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9 Passive Income Ideas-How I make $7500/Week

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49 thoughts on “9 Passive Income Ideas-How I make $7500/Week”

  1. 💻The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare:

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  2. My passive income strategy is pretty simple, but it works:

    1) 40% of capital goes toward index funds. Buy and hold! These generally average about 8-10% over time. I stick to the main funds NASDAQ, S&P 500 and some specialized tech funds.

    2) 30% of capital goes toward dividend stocks. Quality only! Buy and hold. Dividend stocks are nice because they pay your quarterly or yearly. I usually get about 3-7% annually from the dividends and a bit more from the gains.

    3) 30% of capital goes to Dreamfire52 (short term forex copy trading) or something similar which is not correlated to the stock market. This allows you to make money even when the stock market is crashing. During the 2022 bear market, this fund went up significantly.

    That's it!

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  4. Venturing into the trading world without a professional an expecting profits is like turning water into wine …lol😭😂, you will need a miracle that why I trade with mrs Stephanie morgann her skill is exceptional

  5. first of all.Thank you WildVestCorps PAGE for making the work environment so friendly and taking your responsibility seriously and completing the work gracefully! You deserve so much.He does what he says he is going to do and his ethics are of the highest quality..

  6. The system works when the creator is the only one that is successful and that system is broken. This whole process is a joke and many are falling into the trap of the internet. She doesn't want you to be like her she wants you to fail and come back to her video's trying many things to succeed. Yes success is hard work but not when you aren't working smartly. All you need to is invest enough time to be successful. The internet is destroyed your mind, your subconscious and your soul.

  7. Hi Ruri, I want to say thank you for your useful contents. Today I watched this video and after that YouTube offered me a video exactly the same as your video title from Ali Abdal. I was shocked actually because not only the title was the same but the content was kind of the same ,even the example that you mentined about passive income in publishing a book was exactly the same. And of course Ali created that video 2 years ago. Now,I am really surprised and shocked because I think here creativity is lost. Could you please clarify it a little bit?

  8. These are, actually, really good ideas. Where I'm going to be at in the near future, I'm eyeing affiliate programs. There's a good bit of books I want to recommend.

  9. Even though 2022 was a crazy year for a lot of people, it was one of my best years financially. made nearly $300k off a $40k investment. I adhered to the recommendations made for me by my financial counselor Janet Santa Sherry, and the results were favorable. Anyone wishing to generate passive income with extra cash should consider investing in equities, in my opinion.

  10. I agree with what shes saying about making passive income. But what the video is not teaching. Is how to generate consistent cashflow if youve worked and have a substantial amount of money. Like where do you park it too make steady cashflow. The thing im meaning too say is once youve earned it. Who wants it too where they will give you a steady return on your cash. Thats what i wanna know.

  11. The essential thing that everyone should be thinking about right now is investing in non-government sources of income. Especially in light of the current global economic crisis. It is still a wonderful moment to invest in gold, silver, digital money, and stocks.

  12. Thanks for the update and keep doing what you do. In my opinion, the recession has already happened. The Labor data is completely nonsensical and people figuring out how to survive without working the same way they have historically. So much money on the sidelines matching up with the last year of pain will drive equity markets higher, People are starting to realize the value of their equity of choice is too good to pass up. For me, that is BTC and ETH. If they hold above the Bull Market support band, (currently is) over the next few weeks everyone's view will flip bullish professional Brianna Pearce has been my advisor/trader.

  13. == Great video! I really do have a question. For someone with less than $10,000 to invest, how would you recommend we enter the crypto market? I am looking at studying some traders and copying their strategy rather than investing myself and losing money emotionally. What’s your take on this approach? ==

  14. I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. Regardless of how bad it gets on the economy, I still make over $22,000 every single week.

  15. Just a little comment for one of the points. With the current state of the stock market, including manipulation by hedgefunds such as Citadel LLC among others, and the soon to be coming next stock market crash, I would highly discourage anyone from investing in the stock market to make money at this current time.

  16. Twitter (or X) actually is not a good resource, a influencer I followed on Twitter opened his income, and with 1 million subscribers, He just makes around 600USD a month.

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