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A forced return to office is the definition of insanity. Here’s why.

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In a world where we’ve seen productivity decline in the US for five straight quarters. Study Using the Bureau of Labor Statistics by EY-Parthenon, one would think that CEOs and company leaders would question their tactics. After all, more than two-thirds of business leaders say they’re under tremendous pressure to squeeze more. Productivity Of their workers, accordingly New Slack Survey of 18,000 Knowledge Workers. yet though overwhelming evidence K Flexible hybrid function More productive than working in an office forced into the same roles, top executives stubbornly herd employees back into the office like lost sheep, expecting a miraculous improvement in productivity. This, my friends, is the definition of insanity.

The Legend of the Magic Office

Many CEOs cling to the false belief that the office is the secret sauce to productivity. It seems like the office is a productivity vending machine: enter an employee, get increased output. But the data tells a different story.

Rather than being a productivity wonderland, the office is a black hole of productivity, where collaboration, socialization, mentoring and on-the-job training thrive, but focused work sinks into oblivion. In fact, research shows that the office is detrimental to productivity.

Related: 3 Office Realities That Make Focus Almost Impossible

For example, recent Study Scholars from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Harvard University, and the University of Iowa found that software engineers located in different buildings on the same campus write more computer programs than those seated near colleagues. However, engineers working in different buildings commented less on others’ codes. In other words, they were more Manufacturer But that meant that less experienced coders received poor guidance.

Simply put, expecting an office to increase productivity is like expecting a fish to ride a bicycle: the office serves a different and very important purpose. EY-Parthenon research shows a direct correlation between a forced return to the office and a drop in productivity. The numbers don’t lie: people work longer hours and rarely put out more products. It’s time we stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

Structured mentoring: A balanced approach to in-office and remote work

When productivity suffers in the office Attendance, guidance is enhanced. However, you must be intentional about guidance. The unspoken belief in many organizations is that if you pack employees into an office like sardines, mentoring will magically happen. In fact, this haphazard approach is about as effective as throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping it sticks. Office-based mentoring, especially full-time, is often inconsistent, inefficient and dependent on factors such as proximity, office politics and personal mobility, which can limit its reach and impact.

In contrast, a structured mentoring program offers a more deliberate and effective approach, pairing mentors and mentees based on skills, interests, and goals. This targeted approach ensures that knowledge sharing and personal growth are not left to chance, but are strategically nurtured and cultivated.

Structured mentoring programs can thrive in this Hybrid environment which combines the best aspects of both in-office and remote work. This balanced approach allows companies to limit in-office activities to essential mentoring sessions, sacrificing productivity and employee satisfaction. Face-to-face interactions.

Related: A surprising reason why many leaders force employees to go back to the office

Leverage the benefits of both in-office and remote work in a structured manner Mentoring programCompanies can:

  • Schedule targeted sessions in the office: Host face-to-face mentoring sessions or workshops that capitalize on the benefits of face-to-face interaction while respecting employees’ need for the flexibility of remote work.
  • Use technology for remote guidance: Video conferencing, instant messaging, and collaboration tools can facilitate communication and foster engagement between mentors and mentees when in-person meetings are not required.
  • Establish clear goals and expectations: Setting specific goals and milestones for the mentoring relationship will help both parties stay focused and accountable, maximizing the impact of the program.
  • Encourage networking and collaboration: Virtual and in-person workshops and forums can provide additional opportunities for knowledge sharing and relationship building beyond the traditional one-on-one mentoring format.
  • Monitor and evaluate progress: By tracking the progress and success of mentoring relationships, companies can identify areas for improvement and refine their program over time, ensuring its ongoing effectiveness and impact.

Autonomy and engagement: The missing ingredients

The great irony of an office-centric mindset is that it’s not just productivity that suffers—employee engagement takes a hit, too. A gallop Study It has been found that employees who can work remotely but are forced to go to the office suffer from a lack of autonomy, which leads to low engagement. Research shows that employee engagement is lowest for those who can work remotely but are forced to show up in person full-time.

Imagine the global implications of this problem: Gallup estimated Low employee engagement Lost productivity cost the world a staggering $7.8 trillion last year. To put that in perspective, imagine every CEO taking a sledgehammer to their own company’s piggy bank, smashing it into pieces, and then wondering why profits are down.

Cognitive Biases: Hidden Barriers to Productivity

Our judgment is often affected Cognitive biases Which can distort our perception and judgement, especially when it comes to embracing flexible working. By understanding the implications of this prejudices, we can overcome the mental blocks that hinder effective mentoring and productivity. In this context, let’s examine two specific cognitive biases that play a significant role: status quo bias and functional stability.

Status quo bias is a cognitive bias that leads individuals to prefer the current situation and resist change, even if that change could lead to better outcomes. This bias can significantly affect the way CEOs and executives approach the idea of ​​flexible work and structured mentoring programs, causing them to stick to traditional ones. Office based work model.

Status quo bias can make it difficult for leaders to recognize the benefits of flexible work and hybrid mentoring programs, as they may unconsciously perceive these changes as threats to the established order. As a result, they may ignore evidence supporting the effectiveness of remote work and structured mentoring, preferring to maintain the familiar office environment.

Functional fixation is a cognitive bias that prevents individuals from seeing alternative uses or solutions to a particular problem, because they are fixated on a conventional or familiar approach. This bias can play a significant role in the way organizations approach workplace productivity, as they may be unable to envision the potential benefits of flexible work and structured hybrid mentoring programs.

Functional certainty bias can cause leaders to remain stuck in the belief that the office is the perfect environment for productivity. As a result, they may fail to recognize the potential of flexible work and hybrid mentoring programs, even when presented with compelling evidence.

Related: Debunking 5 myths of hybrid work

Rethinking the office: A new way forward

It’s time for CEOs to give up and embrace the sinking ship of forced work in the office. The flexible work revolution. The office has a place – for collaboration, mentoring and training – but productivity is not one of them.

Instead of forcing everyone into a single box, let’s tailor work to individual roles and preferences. It’s time to stop living in denial and embrace the truth: flexible hybrid work is the future, and it’s here to stay. Accepting this reality is the only way to reverse the downward productivity spiral and unleash the true potential of employees.

The evidence is clear: a forced return to the office is not the solution to productivity problems, but the cause. As we’ve seen over the past five quarters, continuing to force employees back into the office is like banging your head against a brick wall hoping for a different result. It’s time for CEOs to rethink them Old assumptions And embrace the flexible hybrid work revolution.


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