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A ‘GMA’ Digital Conversation: Breaking the Mental Health Stigma for Black Women l GMA

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ABC News’ Janai Norman leads a roundtable conversation on the taboo topic of mental health for Black women, exploring how …


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42 thoughts on “A ‘GMA’ Digital Conversation: Breaking the Mental Health Stigma for Black Women l GMA”

  1. This is a wonderful conversation. Appreciate the nuance so much. I’m so ready to be soft emotional and mediocre black woman. Just being is everything. 🙏🏾 Yes reclaiming the word laziness

  2. Great conversation ladies!! I cant be soft and emotional because I'm too busy surviving. I don't trust because no one has given me a reason to trust them. I suffered from depression for years in private. Even now if I'm not careful and don't pay attention to the signs it tries to sneak up on me. Thank you for this conversation.

  3. Womxn do need metal health treatment. Especially if they fans of shows like this. Damn these videos is crazy. Look like a 2022 menstrual show. But Donald Trump is a racist. If Trump was racist he would support more womxn. A black man that don't want to be a man. How TF do that help black ppl

  4. To me. Bw should just go the trans route. Black trans-men should be a big thing in the black community.✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿 Besides, there is a shortage of men.

  5. This…was amazing. Thank you so much for this conversation.
    …this really helped lighten up a dark space. You are all so very much appreciated.

  6. A lot of factors tying into our grief, slavery, oppression, our men leaving, in jail, dead, or gay which leaves no men left .. all these things work against us !

  7. I'd like it if black women had enough self-confidence real self confidence the type where you give up on God's laws and morality and given to the one of many of Satan's lies strong black woman is a lie strong black woman don't wear weave and cumbrellas /eyelashes makeup etc. A attractive black natural woman that finds her look and confident in it. Also None aggressive non-combative lady like and soft spoken. Would take two tame and keep a black man. Only if our women would understand this men would trust them enough to give them the world. Don't want to help build up black men. They bought into the lie that they want bad boy's and when they decided to believe that they created a bunch of bad boys. Our young men and women the children gangsters the rap culture is feeding us our narrative. We used to have a family structure GOD Father Mother Children. Satan play games with us with our minds and our emotions he turned everything upside down. Along with these satanists. We are living in his lie the world. We need to retreat take back our morality give them back their entertainment and culture. Find shelter with JESUS our families GOD Father Mother Child.

  8. How beautiful is this. I have so much on my heart for this conversation.
    When someone decides to transition to womanhood, they're gonna realize it gets HARDER in EVERY way.
    Being biologically a black woman feels like the hardest thing to embody. There is no instruction manual for how to deal with the world and the society you are a product of.
    "I'm tired." I really felt that.
    Sometimes getting out of bed takes every bit of strength I pray for.
    When the woman mentioned the death of her husband, felt that too.
    Though you cant control that, it happens often. And you are never ready for it 🤧
    Don't get me started on luxury.
    We want that not out of greed, but out of wanting rest. Spiritually and physically.

  9. What the Dr said is so deep. The trauma 💔 that blk women go through the oppression of and by other black women in work and in personal life all of them fled In the end.

  10. What a rich and wealthy conversation. I knew it was going to be good. I said a prayer, lit a candle and chromecasted to my tv. It was nourishing and everything I needed to hear and see at this point in my life as a single black woman with no children and not the rich Auntie. I feel full and inspired. I’m going to watch this again but next time with notes. Thanks ladies for being vulnerable and sharing yourselves with us. I am going to continue to do my part to help us heal. 🧘🏾‍♂️🙌🏿❤️🌸 #ideserveluxury

  11. Excellent discussion ladies! Thank you all for sharing with us!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. This is so needed in many areas across the country❤️👌🏾

  12. To be strong, means to endure…

    I am fk*ng sick and tired of everybody picking apart the “Black Woman, “ and finding faults with the “Black Woman!”

    First of all, the so-called Black Woman wouldn’t have to be strong if the so-called Black Man was stepping up to the plate, fathering their kids no matter what, and protecting the so-called Black Woman. Instead, The So-called Black Man was too busy trying to get his whinny wet!

    Instead of focusing in on our so-called imperfections, pick up a book and learn how to uplift and encourage, as opposed to degrading us. Damn it, we’ve shouldered enough pain!!!!! I’m sick of these demonic attempts to throw us under the Bus continually! If we hadn’t been strong, most of our kids would have died.

    Lastly, there is no Country called Black; I am NOT African American, Negro, Colored, or Black. I am American, period!

  13. How do yall real women let a fake women infertrait the women hood or sister hood on your show!!! It should not be that easy for a man to be a woman and it shouldnt be easy for a woman to be a man thats why he feels so out of order!!!

  14. I have a friend suffering from NPD) narcissistic personality disorder) I ended the friendship with her because of the and circular conversations that was going she's very envious jealous childlike she marry your she take actual events and twist them to her reality… Which is mind blowing in itself I am 50 years old I have never came across this personality type before in my life I have not lost a relationship with a female do to toxicity in my lifetime. You ladies are absolutely gorgeous

  15. This conversation was extremely refreshing. So good to see black women share so openly & with such eloquence, transparency, & vulnerability. We’re sharing this video with our online community of black women & girls who are committed to helping each other THRIVE. It’s wellness season. Much love ❤

  16. In zepf hope and recovery health center they have stereotypes we like our hair done you should get another case manager too buy hair. They don't like how black women can do more with their hair. So I was labeled as passive assertive only when necessary. They will call our children lazy the more color too the skin and the more texture too the hair although I'm Cuban Saudi Arabian Spanish Portugal Canary islands my texture of my hair and Carmel skin will label me black not Caribbean. It is just like my Bahama, Haitian, Jamaican friend's are labeled Afrikkan American instead of Caribbean. The struggle is real this is for women and men.

  17. I had A girlfriend with five children lupos cancer Lucas metropolitan housing authority wouldn't let her oldest( it is A system of abuse) son move in with her as A car taker. I ran into her my good cousin friend GB at A meeting at Lmha when she left out I started crying. I had to see Mrs Reese administration so I could get my house. Talked too her about my lighter complexion cuban cousin. Did my interview and came out here too get my keys too my 🏠👐🏼🙌🏼🤲🙏. But I remember running too her aide so many times.

  18. When they white people and we have white friends but they are conditioned to feel better than you. If your hair ain't bone straight and silky. Even with silky hair Asians are not accepted because of their eye's. We as afrocentric Cuban's Cuba African Americans black people are not alone look at how many biracial multiracial children we have I'm A product of that my blood brothers and sisters are so God loves US and that is AWESOME DEMISIA LOCKETT FRANK JAYLEN JOSEPH CARLOS ANGEL TERRY JOJO TILA THE FAMILIES ARE FOUNDED ON STRENGTH AND WE GET THAT FROM GOD. SO LIKE MY DADDY ABDUR SAY WE ARE SURVIVOR'S MORE THAN A CONQUEROR.

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