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A Woman Had A Headache Lasting 3 Days. This Is What Happened To Her Organs.

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Patient KC by Joanna Ferbrache, Cardiologist by Bryan Assata, Gynecologist by Star M Emergency Physician by Kazia Steele, …


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43 thoughts on “A Woman Had A Headache Lasting 3 Days. This Is What Happened To Her Organs.”

  1. YouTube has added KC's charity and the Fundraiser tag is on this video! Thank you so much for any contribution, and for watching this video! I also added Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese dubs and subs, Chinese subs, and 8k on here 😁

  2. 9:14 ".. with the start of medicine."
    – guy grabs a handful

    When I search for odd paranormals, there's nothing on the internet too to compare it with. Only people with similar experiences

  3. when i heard she survived i got choked up im so happy for a complete stranger Thank God for medicine and the good people that wanted to help her get the blood she needed

  4. You have to advocate for yourself!!! Bravo to KC… so glad you're a survivor!!! ❤
    Almost 20 years ago, I had a knee injury that was diagnosed as "arthritis" by not just one but two orthopedists… the third, however (who actually read the MRI), diagnosed "chipped bone with torn cartilage". I had almost immediate surgery and made a long recovery (cartilage blood supply is almost non existent, so healing takes years). It took 8 months and 3 referrals to see the right orthopedist…. don't let anyone tell you it's nothing when you know it is. I also reported those "assuming" doctors to the AMA and visited their waiting rooms to tell them that they were wrong, it wasn't "just arthritis", it was chipped bone and torn cartilage and to next time listen to the patient.

  5. The medical system in the US is absolutely broken. Getting a doctor that actually listens to your concerns and cares about you is like finding a unicorn. All the doctors and specialists just shuffle you around to other doctors and specialists saying "not my problem". And all they ever do is schedule you for super expensive tests that don't even help diagnose the issue.

  6. The worst part is when you tell a doctor that the problem isn't a horse but something more like a zebra, and they literally just don't believe you/ ignore you.

  7. Not even one minute in and the "165 BPM, doctors think it's anxiety" made me want to punch the stock footage physician's face across the screen 💀

  8. As a fellow zebra (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder), this was hard viewing. It took six YEARS for me to get a proper diagnosis and even with it i still get hit with 'functional neurological disorder' (a fancy new term for conversion disorder aka hysteria) when I present to the ED with obvious neuro impairment. So I just stopped going, for years – only going recently because my pain was so severe I bit a hole in a dining chair at home and I could only walk with a shuffling gait with weakened arms. Diagnosis – FND, anxiety, drug seeking. Just say you don't know!! I have such respect for doctors who can tell me they don't know what's going on. It's been three weeks, I'm back home, it's marginally better but I'll be damned if I'm going to the ED again

  9. The goal is not to diagnose cancer is the time to preserve life.

    “There are other people paying premiums who won’t get sick. Let her go they say. M”


    Did they give her pain treatment or torture her like a sociopath of the rabbit?

  10. Doctors always think that women are just complaining. I had horrible pains for about two years. They told me hot packs and Motrin. I was bleeding horribly and they just told me I will grow out of this. They didn’t believe me at all. My self-esteem was getting terrible and I couldn’t do my job. Finally, they recommended a DC. After about five minutes of just preparing and looking, he said you have to go in for an operation tomorrow. It took two surgeries to get all the tumors out. I am very mad and don’t trust doctors to really look into female issues.

  11. Praise God! I am a survivor of Severe Chron’s disease after having multiple surgeries to remove parts of my intestines. I researched what I could do to help my immune system heal my body. I did everything I could find and turned away from the cutting surgeons. It took about 1 year to say I I was better and in 3 yrs I was healed. I did it with much prayer and Bible study too. I was sick for a total of 7yrs but after that I was able to have my own home and care for my family. Praise God that you found the way to overcome your suffering.

  12. Why don't doctors just send people for tests more often? What can it hurt to do the tests?? Sure, 99 times out of 100 it's nothing, but it's worth the extra effort to check! It literally saves lives and doesn't take much more effort.

  13. I also had /have acme problems, there is a factor, now my dermatolgist stated my skin replicates 7 times faster than normal and so it will be like but you will end up looking younger longer…. The nthere is dioxins and pocking…. by my skin unable ot clean its pores fast enough… when I agitate it or use tools ot excrete the skin slowly repairs itself, so there is a self mechanism, acutane forced a as tehy put it, maturing of my skin cells to clean nad repair I gues,s but my diatary habit may be inducing problems to the skin relation. If you ever want to help me build some experiemental acme tools, simlair ot demrabrasion let me know I can't afford it and over 20 years ago, I als odiscussed laser treatmetn and otehr forms wit hthe girl I met adn the nti seemed she patented some ideas of mine, so talkign to docotrs in toronto.. its rather hard ot oeprate in a system where no one has assets from various means of peopel that chase them and so you cannot actively put forth your minds objects ot arelation of value from teh current understanding in a system. The cults expressively have dominance of regions and endless diatribe of cultism as history of the world is a means of take over and PR opposing ot actual rule of law, but subjection by huamsn devoid of consciecne and htink tehy are superior… or trick or confuse others through verbatim of linguistic and use of moeny ctornols. which vioalte the behavioural sciences of our general udnerstanding of societal development.. .but yeah… I think fo many things and die in this land of boredom.. Natives here take al lmoney, deny peopel home or educaiton or action and you simpyl exist ot fulfill then the will of whomever has moeny, so yeah war has consequences that seem then endlessly to follwo a family… not too mention al lthe other garbge in teh institutes, from attacking me, and as an individual never commited an act of crime or a crime of authroity which is an abuse of ones relam of order… meh.. little ranty.. but you make some compelling videos that convey good information on subject material. cheers.

  14. So this si where cults and merchants take over hosue of medicine. Thus why so many doctors and familise were destroyed. Study of nature or science is always open, so I woudl say most doctors are walmart doctors, arrogant, cruel and mimci bots not well read or learned critical thinking. We do not worship words and we all hate the opinionfs of otehrs as theory thus we know when a cilvisation has destroyed the concept of debate to act or micmi or state waht they are. There is severla options. Growing a kidney and replacement. Can be done. Immediately removal of the kidney might cause a recession by the logic of inter-communicaiton of cell networks, and isoalted rogue cells. If something can grow it can also be removed, physically or by the cells… There is also AIds ot help you body, but its dangerous, you can treat the cell with a mrna that binds to thsoe celsl to create an autoimmuen response… Then there is otehr systems of avenue such as electrical hijacking of celluar networks, since they would have isoalted communicaitons, it hsoudl be easy to isoalte nad sirupt rogue cells with a slight deviation to processing and new celsl that could be also in dangered, but there is so many ways to isolate a human, there is even a plasuible term of creating a mutational complex, like a ctepillar and having a human become a slurry in a cacoon, whih apaprently memory maintains intact, and then ahve it rebuild itself in the process which would be self genesis. One could manipualte teh human system go into a self genesis, but then your stil ltrapped on earth… jokes… hmm. Whe na judge states their hands are tied and they are hte position of authority and law, it denies the relation of context and error. America has judicial and other problems, and it seems there are vying cults that attack other groups of humans jsut trying ot do good thigsn ot otehr humans, paparenlty other humans must take and conusme all itsa very strange time… in which so many bright ones are denied life… hmm

  15. Tumors are so weird, whether they’re cancerous or not. My husband’s brain tumor is benign, but was growing like it was cancer apparently. It also stopped for like 15 years and then suddenly grew again without any changes to the type. So weird. Hopefully they got it for good this time.

  16. They like to brush you off until you are severe and it has become deadly.

    On top of some doctors ignoring you, you may be unable to afford medical or be unable to miss enough work to have surgery and heal. It is infuriating. Damned if you know, damned if you don't.

  17. This is not the first time I've heard of doctors dismissing pain and discomfort in the lower half of a female patient's body. "Oh it's just your menstrual cycle."

    And I'm a dude.

    Super happy to hear this young lady survived. Doctors can be amazing.

  18. The actor playing the cardiologist is the only man I've ever seen who shaves his head, and his entire face, but not his sideburns. Lol.

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