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Abortion bans endanger women’s health #shorts

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In states across our nation, extremist so-called leaders have proposed and passed laws that ban abortion.


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23 thoughts on “Abortion bans endanger women’s health #shorts”

  1. We love you President Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't listen to any HATERS, they're probably just paid lobbyist anyhow, you know how these insecure men are. We were supposed to get universal healthcare by President Obama, instead we got a bunch of brainless men thinking they know better than good health for women and for all. Much love and peace to all!!

  2. The first woman President everybody, where'd all the celebrations go? I know, we got screwed over by money laundering at the border in the guise of a public project, who has the energy to celebrate an actual loving public official when we've all been robbed and struggling day to day. We love you so much President Harris!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for these years of caring and peace, we've been through a ton of abuse by these guys in leadership that apparently forgot who they served as a public service official. Let me give them a hint, it's not their own greedy selves, yeah, it's the public. No brainer, you would think. I guess these failed leaders would have to have a brain to function first, so there's a problem. Greedy men with no brain at all in their thick skulls.

  3. Hi 👋🏽😍😘🤎🤎🤎🤎❤️so cute you kamala 1 hair 🤎💪🏽🕶️👠👠🎤🏡🇺🇲🌟🌟🌟🌟😚❤️kamaTata❤️😚⛰️🔃

  4. Good job picking this person as token VP. I’m not sure if she’s always stoned, dumb as a bag of hammers or both, but worst and least likeable VP ever.

    She seems to think if she repeats some dopey idea a few times, speaking condescendingly as if to third-graders, it’ll seem like nuggets of profound wisdom.

    And of course, mixed in with her hare-brained and meaningless word salad, she can’t forget to laugh hysterically at regular intervals, especially when she’s too stupid or incompetent to answer a simple question.

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