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According to a survey, almost half of baby boomers couldn’t afford their current home if they bought it today

Property prices have doubled in the last decade and have increased by almost 50% in the last five years alone. And that Costs of owning a home is the highest since records began. This means that many people would not be able to afford their current home if they had to buy it today. accordingly a survey commissioned by Redfin.

Homeowners were asked, “If you were to buy a home, do you think you could afford a home like yours in your neighborhood today?” And nearly 40% of respondents said it was “probably” or “definitely” not possible be. Most homeowners who responded to the survey (approximately 80%) have lived in their home for at least five to ten years. “This means that the majority of respondents have experienced a sharp increase in real estate prices in their neighborhood since purchasing their home,” the analysis says.

“By generation, baby boomers are the least likely to be able to afford their current home if they were to buy it today,” the survey found. Nearly half (45%) of baby boomers said they couldn’t afford a home in their neighborhood today. And although they may not like to hear it, everyone likes to talk about how to do it baby boomers bought their houses for what felt like next to nothing and watched them increase in value. In their defense, baby boomers faced much higher costs Mortgage interest ratesand property prices didn’t feel worthless to them at the time.

Either way, real estate prices were already high before the pandemic and the associated real estate boom – but then prices really skyrocketed. They have not fallen significantly since then. But there’s more to it: Mortgage rates were at their lowest ever during the pandemic (which was one of the reasons for the housing boom), but they shot up when the Federal Reserve raised rates to curb inflation. Well, the average term is 30 years Mortgage interest rates is 7.43% and the average selling price for homes nationwide is $417,700. That’s a lot more than people are used to, and on the mortgage rate side it has triggered the lock-in effect – why would you sell your home with an interest rate below 3% for an interest rate above 7%?

“The fact that buying a bigger, better home – or even a similar home – is financially out of reach for so many Americans is the driving force behind the mortgage rate lock effect,” the analysis says. “Almost all homeowners have mortgage rates below today’s levels, contributing to a shortage of homes for sale.”

But the living world is complicated. It’s never enough to simply say that high house prices are bad – because who are they bad for? Well, anyone who wants to buy a house. But high real estate prices aren’t bad for people who already own a home. Regardless, people stopped selling their homes because of higher mortgage rates, but keeping people in their homes is far better than forcing them to sell (an artifact of 30-year mortgages, according to Glenn Kelman, CEO of Redfin recently put it). an interview with Assets).

“Rising home prices are a double-edged sword,” said Elijah de la Campa, senior economist at Redfin. “On the one hand, Americans who already own homes are benefiting from rising values ​​and are fortunate that they entered the real estate market when they could still afford it.”

He continued: “On the other hand, for many people looking to move, the rise in prices is making the prospect of buying a new home daunting or even impossible. Prices have risen so much that a similar home and location would be much more expensive than a home someone already owns – even accounting for inflation. Add higher mortgage rates to the mix and moving to a bigger, better home becomes even more costly and potentially unattainable.”

If you can’t afford your current home if you had to buy it today, it’s better than not being able to afford a home at all. Still, it shows how unaffordable housing has become.

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