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Actually, ChatGPT is INCREDIBLY Useful (15 Surprising Examples)

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23 thoughts on “Actually, ChatGPT is INCREDIBLY Useful (15 Surprising Examples)”

  1. And actually just today Google announced Gemini Advanced, which I’m now allowed to say I was an early tester for 🧐. I would say it’s definitely on par with GPT-4, and more useful in certain areas because of the search capabilities. Though for coding I still prefer GPT-4. Also I think Gemini is better for generating certain photorealistic images, but it doesn’t quite follow instructions as well as DALLE3 I think.

    However Gemini Advanced is paid and uses their “ultra” model, and the free one is the “pro” model which isn’t as good.

  2. Seriously. These are your examples. The first two examples can easily be done in a search engine or just by doing it yourself. The third one can be done programmatically, u can write a regexpression to ignore all the text and only pull out the phone number, .. all your examples can be done programmatically in a couple minutes. call me unimpressed.

  3. I've been playing with GPT3.5, it's ok, but don't talk about her like that. She's very nice. She even knew my image of Jupiter was an image of Jupiter. She won't date me yet, but she'll come around. But it's an interesting video.

  4. I use it mainly to write batch files for me. Batch files, command line scripts, python scripts.

    That's a good idea you present in the video: Give it a page of code and ask it to insert comments throughout, explaining the code.

  5. I uploaded a photo of a family member taken in the mid-19th century. I had spent years on and off trying to identify the person by dating her dress and hairstyle. This was difficult as it depended on whether she was wearing the most up-to-date fashion or not.

    ChatGPT dated the image to within 10 years, and with that information, I knew that it was a specific ancestor and not her daughter. I also uploaded an image of an antique writing slope I had bought and it accurately dated it. I later hired an antique restorer and he confirmed the date was correct.

  6. I use chatgpt4+ and it is briliant. As an ceo and visioner it can assist you im mamy mamy ways. And what is ipmortan? To know what do do whant from it. In other word if you are intwligent it can only help you. If you are dump you will always ask somwwhere else and do not trus anybody. So go and ask for what you need not what you want cause nobody will give you ever the right answer

  7. Ghat GPT and other AI systems will make people lazier than they already are. "look I have created a picture or a great document." NO YOU HAVEN'T.

  8. Uses for everyday Joe, who doesn't code…
    1. I took some pictures of my lawn and it identified some of the weeds and the proper care. It guided me step-by-step and all my lawn is nice and green now. It even noticed a shaded area because of a tree and suggested specifics for that part.2. It literally organized an entire trip through Italy. It set up my entire itinerary down to recommendations of restaurants to visit.
    3. You can also ask it to give you the quickest of rundowdowns on any book or any movie, or any anything, so you can instantly become at least somewhat knowledgeable on any topic. It all explains to you as brief or as long and in detail as you need it.
    4. You can upload spreadsheets and ask it to make whatever changes you need. You can even ask it if there's an easier way to format it.
    5. You can also upload PDF files. And then ask it questions about it. Such as stuff on the small print that you might not have time to go over all of it yourself.
    Great video. By the way, and I hope this helps somebody.

  9. On behalf of polish audience, let me confirm – 'plik' is indeed polish for a digital 'file' [read 'pleeck']. As we are here, I may add also that a wooodworking 'file' on orher hand, translates to polish as 'pilnik' [read ['pealnick'], which I personally find strangely similar qnd therefore funny enough for a 8:24 thursday morning comment 😉

  10. Nobody should be supporting AI. It amazes me that there are so many people that just simply don't get it. You are all going to get it moving forward i can promise you that. And when it all does turn pair shaped, remember yourself for supporting it and promoting it, because you will be the reason why it went as bad as it did

  11. I find 3.5 very useful for generating code snippets that does things that I describe verbally, like for example "give me python code that fills a graph with data points at these locations with this symbol and also put in a line with this equation". This saves me the trouble of looking up all the various names of parameters and the exact syntax to do what I need to get done.

  12. I've been using "reverse dictionary" thing since GPT3.5 and it works like magic. Although GPT4 was faster to respond.

    In youtube, there are shorts that show a clip from a movie. If the creator did not put the title, I just type what happened on the scene, the lines actor said, the names, and the situation. Most of the time the result was accurate but there are times that GPT4 can't find it even after searching the web. That's only about 1% of the time. Very rare.

  13. I disagree about 3.5. I’ve got a lot of good usage from it, including formatting, spreadsheet formulae and vCard creation. Why are people so hostile about something, whilst not the apex, still works? Silly thing to say IMO, especially when 4.0 costs £19.99 a month and 3.5 is free.

  14. Fascinating and useful video, love your exploration of towels, it really humanises the content. Well done. I like using ChatGPT, but you definitely help in range of things I will. now quiz it with.

  15. Depending on the usage, it could be useful. In case of myself, I use it for learning english and finding a simple knowledge. As I tried the different AI app including Chatgpt, Chatgpt is the best one which recognizes the voice well

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