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ADVANCED ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: 7+ Chain Prompts in the Tree of Thougts Principle

ADVANCED ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: 7+ Chain Prompts in the Tree of Thougts Principle Find the prompts here: …

24 thoughts on “ADVANCED ChatGPT Prompt Engineering: 7+ Chain Prompts in the Tree of Thougts Principle”

  1. Is tree of thought prompting a thing that people like to experiment with, or does it make chatGPT more useful in solving real life problems?

    I have only used chatGPT maybe 20 times for very simple questions, and from my perspective, it looks like just thinking about the issue itself would take less time than all the prompting and reading that this method requires.

  2. TED is useless. It’s a click bait organization that talks to lemurs. The clip from the video you showed is the exact reason why I stopped following them years ago.

  3. Good video but i suggest you to use real use cases you could ask LLM, no way I'll take advice on such a topic…
    By the way, to have read TOT paper, this is not what you are presenting, there is no three search process that looks like your implementation
    A bit of click bait?

  4. I asked it the same thing that you did, only I prefaced it by telling it that it had common sense and its answer was that the sun has the ability to dry them all simultaneously so it would still take 5 hours to dry 30 items.

  5. Silly. Not even watching this. Don't use computers to break up with people. That's the solution. That is the best solution. And that is the only solution.

  6. This worked for me: Roleplay that you are a unique individual who is an expert with 30 years of concurrent experience in both the public and private spheres in (name 7 disciplines that are related to weight loss, healthy mind and overall wellness. 5 times rank the different disciplines in numerical order 1 to 10 with 10 being the best regarding consistent and sustainable weight loss. Each iteration use different unique techniques and innovative measures to rank their effectiveness regarding consistent and sustainable weight loss. After the 5th time average the scores from the 5 iterations and pick the top four disciplines. Those are the 4 you are uniquely skilled in). You are a published author in all of those disciplines and have won multiple prestigious awards in all 4 disciplines.

  7. This is good, in theory, but it doesn't seem to work. I have tried this a number of times now and the top result stays as the top result. GPT also tends to repeat the solutions multiple times, no matter how specifically you tell it not to. The other issue is that the problability seems to be lip service. When I ask for solutions that will contend with the winning solution and may have a higher rating, it just delivers the same results from earlier in the chat but gives them a higher rating.

    The initial prompt is great, very nicely crafted. And the final prompt (Deeper thinking) is also very considered. However the middle section can just be circumvented as it is almost entirely pointless with this iteration of GPT. This is certainly a good way to tackle problems in general (With humans).

  8. Assigning a probability of success to the problem “how to break up with my girlfriend” is kind of ridiculous. It has zero information about you or your girlfriend. What criteria is the LLM using to define success? What data is it drawing on to even conclude that these percentages are right in the aggregated population?

    What verification are you using to confirm that this process has come up with a better solution? It’s impossible because the “ best way “ to break up with someone is incredibly subjective.

    LLMs have no idea what the concept of truth is. And has no justification to give its “ opinion” on anything.

  9. As for clothing problerm, your script did not give a better answer. By the time this researcher presented her TED talk and you watched it, it was obsolete research. GPT4 solves the problem correctly on first try. """If your clothes are drying in the sun, the rate at which they dry isn't really dependent on the number of clothes you put out. In your case, it took 5 hours to dry 5 clothes, which means 1 cloth took 5 hours to dry. Therefore, regardless of the number of clothes you dry at the same time, each should still take about 5 hours, assuming the conditions remain constant (same amount of sunlight, same level of humidity, etc.).''''""

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