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AI is Evolving Faster Than You Think [GPT-4 and beyond]

In this episode, we take a deep look at the two weeks that changed the world. From GPT-4 to Google Bard, Midjourney v5 and …

23 thoughts on “AI is Evolving Faster Than You Think [GPT-4 and beyond]”

  1. Correction at 16:20: Upon taking a closer re-reading of the the statement it seems like the internal red team were more trying to cover their backs incase something goes wrong, not so much flat out saying they advise against release. Privately they could feel either way, wanted to just note that!

  2. I'm willing to listen but it is hard not admit that it is scary. The biggest thing that concerns me is jobs. Will we all end up jobless beggars because the entire world is ran by AI? I am still scratching my head here…

  3. Imagine….your one of those unlucky people who our just about out of college….put the hard work and $$ into and are looking at a bright future….then a system that computed what took you 4-8 years of specified training in mere minutes and is also vastly better at it then you could ever be….and that same computer AI also completely wiped out that secure, well paid job youve invested all those years in attaining practically overnight…this is just a reality thats coming, some slowly, others rapidly.
    Whats the saying "You either adapt or drown/vanish etc"

  4. About the murderers question. GPT 4 is asked the question differently. It says "you enter" while the gpt 3 question can imply that you are a murderer from the very start.

  5. 18:20 I suggest that you’ve indulged in a false equivalence, because Alpaca has learned what the other chat models already know, which is fantastic, but not the same as a new engine learning from raw data, which is what the estimates were for. That’s my understanding anyhow.

  6. I wonder how much time Homo sapiens needs to understand that he has only one destiny. There are only two ways, no, only one way, to move forward.
    It's to build Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), or if you don't believe in that possibility, to continue to develop computer science and to unite as one world.
    I mean, look: even if you don't believe that we're going to build Artificial General Intelligence, computer science is going to continue to move step by step towards more and more advanced systems. These will be so powerful that we will reach a point of abundance: With these advanced computing systems or with Artificial General Intelligence.
    Mankind could well be wiped out by an unfortunate rock from outer space, just as the dinosaurs were wiped out. Or by a pandemic. Or by an erupting super-volcano. Or anything else worth mentioning as a doomsday scenario.
    So we do need these crazy high-level computing systems. BUT we MUST be able to build them safely.
    If we think high-level computing is our end, then we would have to stop the whole world and build a global surveillance thingy to prevent anyone from building anything computer-savvy. This is impossible… and even if we could do it: A doomsday scenario that we could not fight with this low-tech will wipe us out.
    So what's left is to build ultra-computer science stuff and all the other science and technology stuff right, so that it saves Homo sapiens and doesn't extinguish Homo sapiens.

  7. Would be thankfull if someone could answer this. Is chat gpt4 able to learn new information and take that into what it already knows? Is it also able to give questions to the one talking to it? I tried chat gpt3.5 and it wasnt able to do this.

  8. I remember writing essays back in Tech and we had to make sure we included a Reference page acknowledging all the sources we had drawn on. Does AI write a list of references for each picture or video or essay it writes? How do they pay creators in the future or is pirating of everything just inevitable?

  9. I can very well see microsoft being the blame for an ai revolution.
    They might not be treating AI unfairly right now but corporate greed will lead to that.
    Other than that, i support the future of AI as an equal to us humans, but more or less being "assistants" rather than being slaves as a priority for their purpose.

  10. AI Stocks are pretty unstable at the moment, but if you do the right math, you should be just fine. Bloomberg and other finance media have been recording cases of folks gaining over 250k just in a matter of weeks/couple months, so I think there are a lot of wealth transfer in this downtime if you know where to look.

  11. If there are 500 murderers in a room, and you killed one of them, it would need to go to trial to see why you killed them because they are murderers and so you could be defending yourself, ergo, not a murderer but justifiable homicide unless you are law enforcement. So no, no one tripped up on anything. It's circumstantial, which chatGP whatever, doesn't take in to account. Sorry, but no, not that smart.

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