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Almost three out of five US adults are lonely — and it might be one of the biggest under-the-radar problems facing the economy

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Millions of Americans suffer from a deadly and expensive health problem – one for which there is no vaccine, immunity or quick cure. It’s loneliness – and it quietly permeates every level of our society. Loneliness costs families, healthcare systems and businesses hundreds of billions of dollars each year.

To combat loneliness, it is important to understand it. Loneliness does not necessarily mean being physically separated from others. It is an overarching belief that one is socially isolated and unable to form meaningful connections with others.

It’s a shockingly common problem. Almost three out of five adults in the US are considered lonely. according to data by Morning Consult. Underrepresented racial groups and those on low incomes are particularly likely to struggle with loneliness.

As loneliness lurks beneath the surface, it causes tremendous damage to health. chronic loneliness rewires our brain and produces harmful inflammation. It fuels almost every dangerous illness in the book, including hypertension, heart disease, obesity, depression, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and dementia. As a matter of fact, Research found that the health risks of prolonged solitude are similar to those of smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

Because of these health problems, patients need frequent visits to the doctor—or worse, they lead to serious medical episodes. These costs add up quickly and are costly to patients and our healthcare system.

I know that all too well. My stepdaughter Rylie fatally lost her mental health battle in 2021 after years of living under chronic loneliness and bipolar disorder. My wife and I were devastated. I was also deeply frustrated that the healthcare system was only treating her physical symptoms, overlooking the myriad of mental health warning signs.

You see, Rylie was no stranger to the ER. She frequently experienced episodes that required emergency care. Before her worst episodes, she expressed an overwhelming sense of loneliness.

In all, she went to the hospital dozens of times over a two-year period, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The doctors always offered her temporary solutions to her immediate problems. But the underlying loneliness — which was ultimately the cause of so many of her worse episodes — went largely unacknowledged.

Many families cannot afford such huge medical expenses – and would struggle to pay for other basic needs such as food and shelter. I also shudder when I think of the children who have lost their parents to loneliness. Not only have you lost an important source of love and support, you have also lost an important financial administrator. These children then grow up with scarce resources and are at higher risk of experiencing loneliness themselves. It’s a vicious cycle of poverty and mental health problems.

And then there’s the cost to our healthcare system. People experience loneliness are more likely to seek inpatient care, see a doctor, and be admitted to hospital more often than those who do not feel lonely—even when such over-care could be avoided. An analysis of four emergency departments in Dallas found that 80 people went there more than 5,000 times in a single year – mostly because they were lonely. These extra visits result in longer wait times and higher healthcare costs for all patients.

Loneliness also takes a heavy toll on workers and employers in non-healthcare organizations. People experience loneliness just can’t be at the highest level. Lonely workers are also more likely to face health problems, leading to more days absent from work. And they are more likely to seek employment elsewhere.

All in all could be loneliness calculation The US economy is worth a whopping $406 billion annually.

We can’t afford to hide the loneliness in the background. The first step is screening. Generally, providers only assess the physical symptoms – and may also address diet and exercise. But they also need to consider the mental health issues that could play a role, especially in people who frequently end up in the emergency room.

Crucially, there should be a way for doctors to specifically diagnose and prescribe treatment for people with loneliness, just like they do with any other mental illness.

Equally important is getting rid of the stigma surrounding loneliness. This has happened slowly with anxiety and depression, but not with loneliness. People suffering from this condition already feel misunderstood and mistrustful of others. Shaming or criticizing them for feeling this way makes the problem worse and forces them to keep it a secret.

Loneliness is perhaps the biggest under-the-radar economic problem facing our country. It’s expensive – and deadly. It is high time to deal with it.

Cindy Jordan is the co-founder and CEO of Pyx Health, which supports people struggling with loneliness.

The opinions expressed in comments are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of wealth.

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