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Apple is about to unveil embedded AI at its “most important event… in over a decade.”

Apple’s annual Worldwide Developer Conference on Monday is expected to herald the company’s foray into generative artificial intelligence, marking its belated advance into a technological frontier that is expected to be as revolutionary as the invention of the iPhone.

The highly anticipated presentation of the artificial intelligence that will be integrated into the iPhone and other Apple products will be the highlight of the event, which traditionally marks the launch of the next version of the software on which the company’s hardware product range is based.

And Apple’s next generation of software is expected to come with a number of AI features that will likely make it The often clumsy virtual assistant Siri is smarterand make taking photos, listening to music, texting – and maybe even creating emojis on the fly – a more productive and enjoyable experience.

True to its secrecy, Apple has not announced any details in advance of the event, which will take place on Monday at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, California.

But CEO Tim Cook has clearly indicated in the first few months that Apple is about to unveil its big plans to enter an area that has seen the industry boom over the past 18 months.

The AI ​​mania is the main reason why NVIDIAthe dominant manufacturer of the chips underlying the technology has increased its market value from about 300 billion dollars at the end of 2022 to about 3 trillion dollars. The meteoric rise allowed Nvidia to briefly overtake Apple as the second most valuable company in the United States last week. Microsoft Earlier this year, Apple also overshadowed the iPhone maker due to its successful foray into the field of artificial intelligence.

However, analysts are increasingly concerned that Apple could fall too far behind in the rapidly changing AI space, a concern that is being fuelled by a unusually long lull in the company’s turnover. Both Google And Samsung have already launched smartphone models whose main attractions are AI features.

That’s why analysts like Dan Ives of Wedbush Securities see Monday’s conference as a potential springboard that could catapult Apple into another robust growth phase. Ives believes that integrating more AI into iPhone, iPad and Mac computers will increase Apple’s market value by $450 billion to $600 billion.

Monday’s conference was “the most important event for Apple in over a decade as the pressure to deliver a generative AI technology stack for developers and consumers takes center stage,” Ives wrote in a research note.

Apple could certainly use the boost that artificial intelligence could provide, especially for its 13-year-old assistant Siri, which Dipanjan Chatterjee of the Forrester Research team now describes as a “strangely unhelpful helper.”

Meanwhile, OpenAI’s ChatGPT is becoming more and more talkative – so much so that it recently sparked accusations that it was deliberately copying a Piece of AI software with the voice of Scarlett Johansson – And Google Last month an AI “agent” was introduced called Astra who seem to be able to see and remember things.

In addition to using AI to spice up Siri, Apple could also be working with OpenAI to bring some elements of ChatGPT to the iPhone, according to a variety of unconfirmed reports ahead of Monday’s conference.

This is the second year in a row that Apple has made waves at its developer conference by using it to announce its entry into a trendy technology that other companies already had a foothold in.

Last year, Apple delivered a first look at his mixed reality headsetthe Vision Pro, which only launched earlier this year with a price tag of $3,500, was a major obstacle to its success. Still, Apple’s foray into mixed reality, optimized by a phrase it calls “spatial computing,” has raised hopes that what is currently a niche technology will become a huge market.

Part of the optimism comes from Apple’s history Bringing technologies to market later than others and then using sleek design and services combined with clever marketing campaigns to overcome the late start and unleash new trends.

“Apple’s initial reluctance to embrace AI was entirely in keeping with its brand,” Forrester’s Chatterjee wrote in a preview of the developer conference. “The company has always been obsessed with what its offerings did for its customers, not how it did it.”

In particular, the integration of more artificial intelligence into the iPhone is likely to raise privacy issues – an issue where Apple goes to great lengths to reassure its loyal customers that the company can be trusted not to look too deeply into their private lives.

One way Apple could assure customers that the iPhone is not being used for spying is to use its own chip technology, so that most AI-powered functions are performed on the device itself rather than in remote data centers often referred to as the “cloud.” This route would also help protect Apple’s profit margins, as AI technology is far more expensive to run via the cloud than if it were run solely on a device.

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