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Are US stocks in trouble? Fed’s possible interest rate hike sparks caution and shifts favor towards Treasuries

Title: The Impact of Maintained Interest Rates on US Investments

The Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain interest rates in the United States while signaling potential rate hikes in 2023 has created cautiousness among investors. This article examines the implications of this decision on various investment options, particularly in the stock market. It also explores the outlook for fixed income investments and offers unique insights into the risk-return ratio in the current market scenario.

Technology Sector and Stock Market Growth:
While the S&P 500 has reached its highest level in over a year, the concentration of stock market growth in the technology sector raises concerns. Investors need to be aware of the disparity between companies supporting the S&P 500, such as Nvidia, Apple, and Google. Although there are opportunities in the technology field, especially related to artificial intelligence, investors should tread carefully and evaluate the prospects of these companies in light of possible economic downturns.

Risk and Return Ratio in Fixed Income and Variable Income:
Renato Mendes, co-founder of Oikos Wealth Management, emphasizes the importance of considering the risk and return ratio when analyzing equity investment in the United States. He highlights that while the US stock market may not necessarily experience a fall, the premium found in fixed income in foreign currency is currently more favorable. As a result, Oikos Wealth Management allocates a significant portion (between 40% and 45%) to variable income investments.

Inflation Concerns and Economic Projections:
The article also discusses the ongoing concern about inflation in the United States. The latest projections from the Federal Reserve indicate an improvement in core consumer inflation, but questions remain about the risk of a recession and the performance of tech stocks in such a scenario. Mario Maia Nevares, partner at G5 Partners, suggests that despite a possible recession, large technology companies are well-prepared for the current digital world.

Engaging Additional Piece: Capitalizing on the Potential of Technology Stocks

As the technology industry continues to thrive, investors have the opportunity to capitalize on the potential growth of technology stocks. Here are a few insights and strategies to consider:

1. Diversify Investments within the Technology Sector:
Instead of solely focusing on well-known tech giants, explore other promising technology companies. Startup investments in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and clean energy can offer substantial returns. By diversifying investments within the technology sector, investors can mitigate risks associated with overreliance on a few companies.

2. Assessing Long-Term Growth Prospects:
When investing in technology stocks, it is crucial to assess a company’s long-term growth prospects. Examine factors such as their research and development capabilities, market leadership, and the potential for disruptive innovations. Investing in companies at various stages of growth can provide a balanced portfolio with both stability and high-growth potential.

3. Keep Abreast of Industry Trends:
Staying informed about emerging trends in the technology sector is vital. Constantly monitor advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and biotechnology. Technologies that have the potential to revolutionize industries and solve complex problems often present lucrative investment opportunities.

4. Seek Professional Guidance:
Given the dynamic nature of the technology sector, seeking professional guidance from financial advisors or investment firms specializing in technology can be beneficial. These experts have in-depth knowledge of the industry, closely track market trends, and can provide insightful analysis and guidance.


The Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain interest rates in the United States has prompted caution among investors, particularly in equity investments. While the technology sector has experienced significant growth, concentrated primarily in a few tech giants, investors should diversify their portfolios and assess long-term growth prospects. By staying informed about emerging trends and seeking professional guidance, investors can make informed decisions to capitalize on the potential of technology stocks.


The US Federal Reserve’s decision to maintain interest rates has raised concerns among investors regarding future rate hikes and the possibility of a recession. This has led to caution in equity investments, particularly in the technology sector. While the S&P 500 has reached new highs, the concentration of growth in tech stocks and their valuations have raised questions about their long-term sustainability. In contrast, fixed income investments, particularly in foreign currency, are seen as offering better risk-return ratios. The ongoing concern about inflation and economic projections further adds to the uncertainties in the market. However, there are still opportunities for investors willing to diversify their technology investments, assess long-term growth prospects, and stay informed about industry trends. Seeking professional guidance can provide valuable insights and help navigate the dynamic technology landscape.


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The Fed (Federal Reserve, US central bank) decided this Wednesday (14) to maintain interest rates in the United States, but signaled the possibility of new rate hikes in 2023. The possibility of further adjustments means that investments in shares are seen with caution, even more so because a recession is not completely ruled out there.

Currently, the interest rate in the United States ranges from 5% to 5.25% per year. With the maintenance, the Fed interrupted the cycle of monetary tightening that began in March of last year. The act, however, opens the possibility of two more increases of 0.25 percentage points until the end of the year. Cuts, only next year.

Also read:

The Fed maintains interest rates in the US, but foresees two increases by the end of the year

This signal gave, at least for the moment, an additional boost to US Treasury bonds, Treasury bondand for fixed income in general, to the detriment of variable income.

Renato Mendes, co-founder of Oikos Wealth Management, sees the relationship between risk and return of equities in the United States as bad. The image should only start to change when there is a perspective on when the cuts will start.


“We think that the start of the cut is still far away. And speaking of risk premiums, what we see is a low premium relative to dollar fixed income,” she says.

For the executive, this does not mean that the main stock indices are going to fall, but rather that the premium found in fixed income in foreign currency is better than the risk-return ratio of the US stock markets -and, therefore, the allocation of variable income in Oikos is, on average, between 40% and 45%.

The S&P 500, one of the major US stock indexes, is at its highest level in just over a year. The assessment is that upside opportunities are limited: Tech stocks have driven recent gains in US indices and are already viewed as expensive by some analysts.

“The largest companies in the S&P 500 have high multiples. So, we look more at the smaller 300, but in a more macro way,” says Mendes.

technology force

For Mario Maia Nevares, partner responsible for international investments at G5 Partners, when opting for shares in the United States, investors should be aware of precisely this disparity between companies, since the S&P 500 is being supported by the rise in some shares. Among these roles he cites Nvidia, Apple and Google.

“It has been a year of growth for the stock market, but concentrated in the technology sector. There are still opportunities in this field, especially related to artificial intelligence, but there are questions to be answered, ”he says.


This election occurs in the midst of a scenario in which inflation continues to be a concern, although the latest figures, published on Tuesday (13), show an improvement.

According to the Fed statement, the projection of core consumer inflation (PCE), for example, went from 3.6% to 3.9% in 2023. The outlook for the labor market shows room for a reduction in the rate unemployment, with the expectation of revised from 4.5% to 4.1% in 2023, and from 4.6% to 4.5% in 2024.

These projections raise questions about the actual risk of a recession and how tech stocks would perform in such a case.

“But even with the recession, we are in an increasingly digital world. Large technology companies are prepared for this scenario, different from actions related to internal consumption”, Nevares assesses.

Chance de Fed voltar a subir juros leva a cautela com ações nos EUA e dá vantagem para Treasuries
