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How Wildfire Smoke Affects Our Health: Risks and Precautions

The increasing frequency and intensity of forest fires across the globe have placed millions of people, especially those living in proximity to these wildfires, at a higher health risk. Smoke from wildfires contains fine particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and other chemicals that can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and even affect the nervous system and brain. In this article, we explore the health risks posed by wildfire smoke and precautions people can take to protect themselves.

Understanding the Composition of Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire smoke consists of a complex mixture of chemicals that vary depending on the fuel source and weather conditions. The most hazardous components of wildfire smoke are particulate matter (PM2.5), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PM2.5 particles, which are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs, can cause respiratory irritation, coughing, and exacerbate existing health conditions like asthma, heart disease, and lung cancer. VOCs and PAHs, formed when biomass and other materials burn, can have short and long-term health effects on humans, including neurological damage, cancer, and reproductive problems, depending on the duration and intensity of exposure.

Health Effects of Inhaling Wildfire Smoke

Inhaling wildfire smoke can irritate a person’s nose and throat, causing inflammation. For healthy people, the respiratory system can mitigate the effects of smoke exposure, but excessive exposure can lead to severe conditions. The alveolar macrophages in the lungs are responsible for absorbing and eliminating smoke particles. Overloading the filtration system with smoke particles can lead to a suppressed macrophage function, making individuals more susceptible to respiratory infections. Studies have found that exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to an increase in influenza cases after a bad fire season. Other studies have shown that inhaling wood smoke can increase heart attacks’ risk and worsen existing health conditions.

The Toxicity of Wildfire Smoke Over Long Distances

The toxic effects of wildfire smoke can vary depending on the duration and intensity of exposure as well as the chemical composition of the smoke. The longer the smoke stays in the atmosphere, the higher the rate of oxidation of the chemicals, producing oxidants and free radicals that can harm human health. The specific health effects of oxidants and free radicals are still unclear, but exposure to higher levels of these chemicals is associated with more severe health effects. Moreover, the planet’s warming has contributed to increased wildfire activity, making it crucial to understand the smoke’s long-term health effects on humans.

Precautions to Reduce the Health Risks Associated with Wildfire Smoke

Reducing smoke exposure is the most effective way to mitigate the health risks associated with wildfire smoke. While it is impossible to avoid all smoke exposure, some precautions can help reduce the risk. Breathing in cleaner indoor air with high-level self-contained air filtration systems or wearing N95 masks can reduce the amount of smoke one can inhale. Individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions should create a safe space at home or in the office with air filtration systems. Checking air pollution levels using air quality monitors can give people an idea of ​​how bad air quality is, enabling them to take precautions. Therefore, people should reduce outdoor activities and minimize smoke exposure to protect their respiratory and overall health.


Wildfire smoke poses significant health risks to people living in proximity to these fires, and it is essential to take precautions to reduce smoke exposure. The chemical composition of wildfire smoke and the duration and intensity of exposure determine the severity of its health effects. It is crucial to mitigate the risks associated with wildfire smoke by reducing exposure through indoor air filtration systems, N95 masks, and reducing outdoor activities. More research is necessary to understand the long-term health effects of wildfire smoke exposure on humans and reduce the risks associated with it.


Wildfire smoke contains fine particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which can all cause respiratory problems and other severe health issues. The longer smoke stays in the atmosphere, the higher the rate of oxidation of the chemicals and the greater the risk of toxic health damage. To reduce health risks, individuals must reduce smoke exposure by breathing in cleaner indoor air with high-level self-contained air filtration systems or wearing N95 masks. People with respiratory conditions should create a safe space at home or in the office with air filtration systems, and everyone should minimize outdoor activities when levels of air pollution are high.


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smoke out more than 100 forest fires The fires across Canada have spread to North American cities far from the blazes. New York City and Detroit were both listed among the five most polluted cities in the world because of the fires on June 7, 2023. The smoke has triggered air quality warnings in several states in recent weeks.

We asked Chris Migliaccioa toxicologist at the University of Montana who studies the human health effects of wildfire smoke, on the health risks people may be exposed to when smoke wafts in from distant wildfires.

What is a problem in wildfire smoke?

When we talk about air quality, we often talk about PM2.5. This is particulate matter that is 2.5 microns in size or smaller – small enough that it can get deep into the lungs.

Exposure to PM2.5 from smoke or other air pollution, such as Emissions, such as vehicle emissions, can aggravate health conditions like asthma and affect lung function in ways that can exacerbate existing respiratory problems and even heart disease.

But the term PM2.5 only indicates size, not composition – what burns can make a significant difference in chemistry.

In the northern Rocky Mountains, where I live, most fires are fueled by vegetation, but Not all vegetation is the same. When the Wilderness-City-Line fire is burning, crafted fuels from houses and vehicles can and will burn as well create its own toxic chemistry, as well as. Chemists often talk about this Volatile organic compounds(VOCs), carbon monoxide and PAHs, or Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed when biomass and other materials burn and have the potential to harm human health.

How does inhaling wildfire smoke harm human health?

If you’ve ever stood by a campfire and had a puff of smoke in your face, you were probably irritable. Exposure to wildfire smoke can irritate your nose and throat some inflammation. If you’re healthy, your body will mostly be able to handle it.

As with many things, the dose makes the poison—almost anything can be harmful above a certain dose.

Generally called cells in the lungs alveolar macrophages absorbs the particles and eliminates them – in appropriate doses. When the system is overloaded, problems can arise.

One concern is that smoke may occur suppress macrophage function, altering it enough to make you more susceptible to respiratory infections. A colleague studying the lag time in the effect of smoke pollution from wildfires found one Increase in influenza cases after a bad fire season. Studies in developing countries have also found an increase respiratory infections with people who are Cooking on an open fire in houses.

The stress of an inflammatory response can also make existing health problems worse. Exposure to wood smoke does not necessarily result in a heart attack, but if underlying risk factors are present, such as B. a heavy plaque build-up, the additional stress can increase the risk.

Researchers are also investigating potential effects on the brain And nervous system out of inhaled particulate matter.

Does its toxicity change when smoke blows long distances?

We know that the chemistry of wildfire smoke is changing. The longer it is in the atmosphere, the more The chemistry will change by ultraviolet light, but we still have it much to learn.

Researchers have found that the longer smoke is in the air, the higher the rate of oxidation appears to be, producing oxidants and free radicals. The specific health effects are not yet clear, but there is evidence that higher exposure leads to them greater health effects.

The guess is that more Free radicals are formed The longer the smoke is exposed to UV light, the greater the risk of health damage. Much of this, in turn, depends on the dosage.

If you are a healthy person, a bike ride or a hike in a light haze is probably not a big problem and your body can recover.

However, doing this every day for a month in the smoke of a wildfire is cause for concern. I worked on studies with residents of Seeley Lake, Montana, who were exposed to dangerous levels of PM2.5 from wildfire smoke for 49 days in 2017 Decrease in lung function one year later. No one was getting oxygen, but there was a significant drop.

This is a relatively new area of ​​research and we still have a lot to learn, especially given the increased wildfire activity as the planet warms.

What precautions can people take to reduce risk from wildfire smoke?

If there is smoke in the air, you should reduce your exposure.

Can you avoid the smoke completely? Not unless you are in a hermetically sealed home. There is not much difference in PM levels indoors and outdoors unless you have a really good HVAC system e.g MERV 15 or better filters. But when you go indoors, your activity decreases, so your breathing rate is slower and the amount of smoke you inhale is likely to be less.

In addition, if you belong to a vulnerable group, such as people with asthma, we recommend that you create a safe space at home and in the office with a high-level self-contained air filtration system to create a cleaner air space.

Some Masks can help. There is no harm in having a quality N95 mask. However, just wearing a cloth mask doesn’t do much good.

Most States have air quality monitors This can give you an idea of ​​how bad the air quality is. Therefore, check these locations and act accordingly.

Christopher T. Migliaccio is a research associate in toxicology at the University of Montana