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Asking ChatGPT Tough Medical Questions

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46 thoughts on “Asking ChatGPT Tough Medical Questions”

  1. I was going to press like, but you started speaking about norton vpn, so I wont ;D. However I wont press thumbs down either 😎

  2. 3:51 dr. Mike, when you say "cervical diopsy" in a hospital, do they understand you're referring to the spine? Or would they infer it has to do with the cervix? I'm a complete layman, and I'm just wondering how the medical specialists deal with this.

  3. One reason for the famous youtube doctor answer could be the training period of its database. Think it was trained with contend up to 2021, so have to keep in mind everything afterwards is probably not known to it.

  4. People are like "oh no ChatGPT is getting scary". Well is it? This dude made a video about a patient who went to FIVE!!! different doctors with classical symptoms of Lyme Disease and not one could diagnose him with Lyme disease! Dude just didn't have the bullseye mark and was overweight. FIVE different doctors failed something that in the middle of the video I immediately thought of. What the hell. What is scary is going to many normal doctors who will attribute anything to anxiety – just talk with anyone that has a chronic condition! My god.

  5. You didn't trick it. ChatGPT is trained to return the most probable, which it did. Not pointing out every rare possibility is a design choice. Otherwise users would find it less useful and a lot less enjoyable. It's a chatbot, not a search engine and answers questions accordingly.

  6. In 3 years AI will be the new personal assistance of human.

    I can see AI being integrated into phone. We know cortana and siri which is script and machine learning based system. We have yet see AI based system on human assistance

  7. He got attacked on Tiktok for saying showering every day isn’t necessary!?
    It’s like every day I hear a new reason not get worried about Tiktok. Are they okay?
    I know it doesn’t need to be said here, but you won’t suddenly turn into some sludge monster if you shower every day, people. If this is difficult to understand, you have issues and a misunderstanding of hygiene.
    If you WANT to shower every day, go ahead, it won’t turn you into some dry husk. It’s all perfectly fine unless you stink.

  8. For the showering topic, I think you would have gotten a better response if you'd said "Washing your hair and body everyday aren't necessary, but washing your butt, genital area, and armpits daily is recommended."

  9. You should have prepared some questions that show it's bedside manner. There was a recent study where people ranked the answers from chatGPT as better regarding bedside manner, I beleive by a factor of 70%, that is 70% of the time humans chose chatGPT's answer to have better manners. Basically out-humaning the humans.

  10. 7:40 i mean to be fair you are withholding information from it. If you had clarified that this person had or not abnormal liver tests, etc, you would get a better response. That is to say: ChatGPT is good, it cannot read your mind, it's answers are as good as your questions.

  11. I asked Bard 2:44 and it said:The best YouTube doctor is a matter of opinion, but some of the most popular and well-respected include:

    Dr. Mike Varshavski (also known as "Doctor Mike") is a family medicine physician who has over 10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He is known for his informative and engaging videos on a variety of health topics.
    Dr. Dray is a dermatologist who has over 1.8 million subscribers on her YouTube channel. She provides clear and concise explanations of common skin conditions and treatments.
    Dr. Eric Berg is a chiropractor who has over 10 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He focuses on natural health and wellness solutions.
    Dr. John Campbell is a family physician who has over 2 million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He provides evidence-based information on a variety of health topics.
    Dr. Rhonda Patrick is a nutritional scientist who has over 1.3 million subscribers on her YouTube channel. She focuses on the latest research on nutrition and health.
    These are just a few of the many talented and informative doctors who create YouTube content. When choosing a YouTube doctor, it is important to consider your individual needs and preferences. Some factors to consider include the doctor's specialty, the quality of their videos, and their overall approach to health and wellness.

  12. you actually do not need to rescue breathes at all, because when release the chest compressions, their lungs will fill up with oxygen anyway

  13. Using chat gpt alogrithm to learn from patient health database and acess to medical report, including when patient success healthy or die years later, also link it with input device such as ct scan and xray etc at least wecan have min cheap healthcare for everyonw.

  14. I keep telling people the advance in a.i. is a very serious and dangeroua thing. It is evolving wayyy too fast. I dont understand why they keep pursuing this.

  15. Things like medical advice should actually be handled by AI, because it does not require any intelligence. There is certain state of medical science per certain point in time, that's it. And most doctors just don't follow or are too tired / lazy to connect the dots. In my opinion, all the privilege that diagnozing doctors get is unjustified and I wish they were replaced by less error-prone AI. Speaking as someone who lost many years to be properly diagnozed and what I found on my way was that the vast majority of the doctors are actually not that bright, sorry.

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