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Astonishing Story Revealed: Unbelievable Journey of Kuwaiti Small Business Owner!

Kuwait: Business Boom and Entrepreneurship Trends

In the past two decades, Kuwait has experienced a remarkable business boom, prompting many Kuwaitis to consider starting their own businesses instead of working in the public or private sector. This article explores the entrepreneurial background of Dhuha Al-Surayei, co-founder of a well-known bookstore in Kuwait, to shed light on the challenges and successes of starting a small business in the country.

Dhuha Al-Surayei’s Journey to Entrepreneurship

Dhuha Al-Surayei’s entrepreneurial spirit blossomed at a young age. She was driven by her inability to find Arabic-themed stationery, such as diaries and greeting cards with an Islamic touch. Determined, she took matters into her own hands and began creating these products herself. As she continued to make them, she realized the potential of sharing her creations with others.

With the support and belief of those around her, Al-Surayei’s business started to grow, initially operating as a home-based venture. However, as demand increased, she faced the challenge of scaling up and required external assistance. This led to the recruitment of her husband and the formation of a team that played a vital role in streamlining operations and supporting her business’s expansion.

The Reality of Starting a Small Business

Al-Surayei emphasizes that starting a small business in Kuwait is relatively easy in terms of initial capital requirements. However, she cautions that the journey is not without its challenges. Contrary to her expectations, she found that generating product ideas and designs came naturally. On the other hand, she discovered that managing the financial, accounting, and monetary aspects of the business presented unexpected difficulties.

As her bookstore flourished, Al-Surayei realized the increasing need for additional support. She acknowledges that her business’s success is not solely dependent on her efforts but also relies on the dedicated team that has been instrumental in driving growth and tackling the various details, tasks, and expenses that come with running a business.

Obstacles Faced by Small Businesses in Kuwait

Al-Surayei highlights the challenges faced by small businesses in Kuwait, particularly regarding high costs related to rent and employee salaries. She laments the lack of support for small businesses when it comes to renting spaces in malls and commercial buildings, calling for specific pricing arrangements that cater to the needs and capabilities of Kuwaiti startups.

Despite these hurdles, Al-Surayei views the Kuwaiti consumer as discerning and quality-conscious. Kuwaitis tend to be well-informed and demand products of high standards. However, she believes that as long as entrepreneurs offer something special and genuine, consumers will cooperate and support local businesses.

Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Reflecting on her journey, Al-Surayei offers valuable advice to individuals contemplating starting their own businesses. She emphasizes the importance of seeking information from those experienced in entrepreneurship and conducting thorough self-evaluation before committing to the entrepreneurial path.

Al-Surayei urges aspiring entrepreneurs to consider the difficulties, failures, and rejections that come with running a business, rather than solely focusing on the successes, victories, and joys of autonomy. Despite the challenges, she highlights the beauty and reward that comes from the sheer dedication and hard work required to build and sustain a business.

Expanding Perspectives: Navigating Kuwait’s Business Terrain

Beyond Al-Surayei’s journey, the entrepreneurial landscape in Kuwait presents several unique aspects and opportunities. Understanding these factors can provide a broader perspective for aspiring entrepreneurs and contribute to their potential success. Here are some additional insights to delve deeper into the Kuwaiti business environment:

1. Government Support Initiatives

While Al-Surayei highlights the lack of support for small businesses in terms of rent and leasing, it is important to note that the Kuwaiti government has implemented several initiatives to stimulate entrepreneurship and support startups. These initiatives range from financial aid programs and incubators to mentorship and training opportunities. Aspiring entrepreneurs should actively seek out and leverage these resources to maximize their chances of success.

2. Niche Markets and Cultural Sensitivity

Kuwait offers a plethora of niche markets that entrepreneurs can tap into. These markets cater to specific segments of the population that value unique and personalized products and services. Entrepreneurs who embrace cultural sensitivity and focus on meeting the needs of Kuwaiti consumers can carve out a distinct space in these markets, fostering loyalty and driving growth.

3. E-commerce and Online Presence

As demonstrated by Al-Surayei’s journey, an online presence can be instrumental in driving the growth of a small business. With the increasing reliance on digital platforms, entrepreneurs can leverage e-commerce to reach a wider customer base, both domestically and internationally. Establishing a strong online presence, coupled with effective marketing strategies, can significantly boost a small business’s visibility and sales.

4. Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborations and partnerships can be key drivers of success for Kuwaiti startups. By forging alliances with complementary businesses, entrepreneurs can leverage shared resources, knowledge, and customer bases. These partnerships can lead to innovative solutions, expanded distribution channels, and increased market reach.


Starting a small business in Kuwait presents opportunities and challenges. Dhuha Al-Surayei’s entrepreneurial journey serves as an inspiration, shedding light on the dedication, hard work, and determination required to succeed. By understanding the nuances of the Kuwaiti business terrain and embracing the available support initiatives, aspiring entrepreneurs can embark on their own journey towards building successful businesses in a rapidly evolving economy.

Summary: Business has been booming in Kuwait over the past two decades, prompting many Kuwaitis to consider starting their own businesses. Dhuha Al-Surayei, co-founder of a well-known bookstore in Kuwait, shares her entrepreneurial background and the challenges she faced in a recent interview. Al-Surayei’s journey highlights the importance of support and the need for specific pricing arrangements for small businesses to thrive in Kuwait’s competitive market. Aspiring entrepreneurs should seek advice, consider the hurdles they will face, and utilize the government’s support initiatives. Navigating niche markets, establishing an online presence, and forming strategic collaborations are key strategies for success. The entrepreneurial landscape in Kuwait offers unique opportunities for those willing to embark on the rewarding yet challenging journey of entrepreneurship.


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By Munirah Al-Fayez

KUWAIT: Business has been booming in Kuwait for the past two decades. Many Kuwaitis are considering starting a business rather than working in the public or private sector, though many wonder if this is the right option for them. Kuwait Times interviewed Dhuha Al-Surayei, co-founder of a well-known bookstore in Kuwait, to ask her about her entrepreneurial background. Surayei said that she wanted to start a business since she was a child.

She said she couldn’t find stationery like diaries and greeting cards that were in Arabic and had an Islamic theme, so she always made them herself, until she reached a point where she felt she had to share them with other people. She said that the people around her believed in her and supported her, which helped her business succeed. The business slowly grew online, until it became so big that she began to need outside help and could no longer just be a home business.

Surayei said the easiest part of starting a small business is that it doesn’t take a lot of money to start and maintain it, because it’s just a part of your life. As the business grew, he discovered that running a business was not exactly what he expected. She said she expected coming up with product ideas and designs to be difficult, but she wasn’t. On the other hand, she hoped that the financial, accounting and monetary part would be manageable, but she discovered that it was not. After a while, and the more her business grew, the more support Surayei needed.

That’s when her husband joined her and a company was able to help her. She stressed that her bookstore “does not depend solely on Dhuha”, and that there is a team that helps a lot. Overall, Surayei said that starting a small business in Kuwait is becoming more difficult, especially in terms of high costs when it comes to rent and employee salaries. She said there is no support for small businesses in Kuwait when it comes to renting shops in malls and commercial buildings. Surayei believes that the bigger a business gets, the more details, tasks, and expenses materialize that you never knew were coming your way.

The Kuwaiti consumer, according to Surayei, is different but not difficult. He has noted that Kuwaitis “are aware of everything that is happening in the world and do not accept anything that is of low quality.” However, she believes that as long as she has something special that she believes in, the consumer will cooperate. Surayei said that if she had the ability to change anything in Kuwait when it comes to opening a business, it would be the cost of renting shops in a mall and similar buildings.

She believes that there should be prices that are specific to small Kuwaiti businesses. According to her, it is unrealistic to compare a Kuwaiti company that has just started and is trying to succeed in its early years with a multinational corporation that has been in operation for years. When asked if she has any advice for people considering starting a business, Surayei said that people should ask around and seek information and make sure that starting a business is really something they want to do. She said that you have to ask yourself about the failures, rejections and impediments, before asking about the successes, victories and joys of being autonomous. Starting a business, according to Surayei, is not all rainbows and sunshine. However, she believes that the beauty of running a business is how exhausting it is.

Not what you expect: Kuwaiti small business owner talks journey
