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Attorney says woman in viral Citi Bike fight video did nothing wrong

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We’re hearing the side of a woman seen in a viral dispute over a Citi Bike. Her attorney says she has proof she did nothing wrong.


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32 thoughts on “Attorney says woman in viral Citi Bike fight video did nothing wrong”

  1. Why these snakes always gotta bring race into everything? I’ll tell you why. They have an agenda in mind, don’t let them brainwash you. Stay strong people, love everyone.

  2. Why these snakes always gotta bring race into everything? I’ll tell you why. They have an agenda in mind, don’t let them brainwash you. Stay strong people, love everyone.

  3. We’re already way past who paid for the bike. If I’m playing devils advocate and believed that they both paid for a CitiBike and it was a misunderstanding… who was doxxed, vilified and had their lives ruined practically overnight because of a rush to judgment. Understand that the only judgment that was blasted everywhere was from ONE angle, ONE side.

  4. She’s white . That’s all the race haters need to stir the ignorant people that value race . The most boring thing about a person is the most important thing to some shallow people .

  5. Hope Crump get sued for all that race baiting opportunist money he made. Along with the media because now her life is in danger. Democrats in inner cities are closet racists. The sheeple just haven't realized that yet.

  6. Who else thinks there is possibly a nearby cctv camera with video if not accompanying audio that could clear up a lot of details? I think the camera view of a full before, during, and after would be great!

  7. As a man, if I honestly paid for a bike that a pregnant woman is claiming she paid for, I would step back and let her take it. I am a man, not a little punk. I can either wait for a bike or find another means of transportation. The woman is pregnant but even if she wasn't she is still a woman and a man should be a gentleman. It is sad to see the response from all these racist pigs who automatically assume that the woman was in the wrong because she is white. I would have the same expectation if it was a number of white men with a pregnant black woman. The man should just back off and let the woman have the bike.

  8. How was anyone so ignorant and stupid to believe this narrative to begin with? How did she unlock it and sit on it if she didn't pay for it, and when she tried to put back and reset they didn't want her to, that tells most intelligent people everything they need to know. Plus try waiting for all the facts to come out first before trying to destroy someone's life.

    Everyone, especially anyone in the media, that automatically called her a racist, etc. and tried to ruin her life based on lies are pathetic sick human beings! So it turns out they harassed her and tried to steal from her, so where is the uproar about what they did to her? Ben Crump, TYT and Tariq Nasheed among others like NBC are lying race-bating idiots at best!

  9. She’s an emotional pregnant white lady. That tells it all. She was definitely Tripping over those Hormones. She was highly inappropriate!!! Screaming help as if she was in danger when there was clearly no type of danger. This is exactly how white Karan woman act. Putting that boys life and freedom at risk. She should lose her job, she should be charged with something. And she should be fined by the city. This should not be tolerated and she should be made into an example so things like this stop happening. 💯💯💯

  10. no sorry shes still in the wrong lmao she was trying to create hysteria so that bystanders would act on her behalf and potentially harm someone. if things played out how she wanted, that black kid wouldve gotten mobbed. if you dont want to be labeled a karen, stop acting like one. people are assholes. doesnt mean you get to overreact to every minor inconvenience to your day. glad that she's being harassed by the mob she wanted to send upon the black kids. its justice in a way.

  11. She did everything wrong! HELP, HELP. Six months pregnant and physically fighting a stranger for A BIKE, THAT YOU DON'T OWN, if she had paid easy cancel app. No pregnant women should behave this way.

  12. This is Ben Crump and the story of another Race Baiter pos. She should sie the Race Baiter attorney, hospital , and men that stole bike from her. Just another example of garbage people.

  13. They actually tried to steal bike from her. Why they didn't show a receipt like she did?
    I'll tell you because they didn't have it.
    A group of thieves got accountable for the first time.
    Usually they would get away.

  14. I truly hope those brats have to pay for their actions. Probably won't though as it would be construed as racism. Their parents must be sooo proud…

  15. Maybe you geniuses should have asked for her side of the story before jumping to conclusions. We are living in a society of morons that have no critical thinking ability.

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