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AutoGPT Tutorial – More Exciting Than ChatGPT

In this video, I show you how to use the latest breakthrough in AI innovation, AutoGPT. This is a step by step tutorial. The world’s …


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46 thoughts on “AutoGPT Tutorial – More Exciting Than ChatGPT”

  1. You say the tutorial is for beginners with no programming skills. But it is not. You must have advanced skills and understanding of coding to understand and follow the video.
    It is like if Magnus Carlsson is explaining "completely easy" the Sicilian Opening to a chess beginner….after some minutes he quits. Same is here !

  2. Can I get some assistance after attempting to copy and paste the file path into the terminal window it said no string in pwd

  3. When trying to agree to the Xcode license I get the following response:

    (auto-gpt) xxxxxxxxx Auto-GPT-0.3.0 % sudo xcodebuild -license
    xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance
    (auto-gpt) xxxxxxxxx Auto-GPT-0.3.0 %

    Any ideas? Thanks.

  4. Brilliant job, all appears good until I hit this after password: Password:
    xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance

  5. Great tutorial, but it's not for the weak at heart. I think you have what is called The curse of knowledge. You cannot understand what we cannot understand. I'm on a Mac, and I have never used Terminal before. Had to stop and Google that. Then to find the right version of Python we are to type in a command. Where? In Terminal or Spotlight? I figured that one out. I think you get the idea. Not a big deal, but you said it could be done just by following along, even if we have never coded. I'm near there end and found it gets more daunting and easier to make a critical mistake by pasting something in the wrong spot. Be careful folks, take notes and maybe watch the whole thing a couple times before starting.

  6. everything was going well for me until sudo xcodebuild -license. That returned the following in Terminal: xcode-select: error: tool 'xcodebuild' requires Xcode, but active developer directory '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools' is a command line tools instance

    Any help?

  7. Thanks for making us watch 4 sets of advertisements to see how to use chatGPT that could have been done in the web version. Great that you talked about all those use cases at the end but didn't show us anything.

  8. For windows users, you don't need to worry about the VS Code path part, but you DO need to add the Anaconda PATH:

    Add: C:Users{YOURUSERNAME}anaconda3

    To the path and the command is _conda not just conda

  9. Few issues but good tutorial — if you're using a mac make sure you have xcode and during the anaconda installation you may have to change the installation drive to "user only"

  10. I've seen that you can use AutoGPT to go on the internet and summarize scholarly texts and things that are very long. How would you go about doing that?

    What about summarizing videos that you may have stored on your hard drive. Is there a way for it to analyze the audio of a video that you may have stored on your HDD and have it output as a txt file with a summary?

  11. Just tried this on windows. I needed Github desktop installed and a PATH to githubdesktop. I also had to copy and paste all the files, so they were one directory down, not two (I know you can CD twice into the directory) after I unzipped into the folder. Once I got past the errors process-start run.bat wroked

  12. A bit annoying that your tutorial starts with saying that you dont need any technical background at all and that Windows and Apple are more or less the same when that clearly isnt the case.


  14. The path part early on is very poorly explained. Exactly what are you putting in the path? And this is for Windows setup. Is Anaconda or Visual Studio Code? Either way that is rushed over so quickly. And the next instruction for conda create does not work as conda is not recognized.

  15. Hi, thanks so much for the video. I dont know anything about coding but I managed to make it right the last step. I agreed the license and it installed a load of things but then instead of giving the autogpt questions at the end it sayd this TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for |: 'type' and 'NoneType' …… any ideas on how to resolve this. Ive tried using chatgpt but despite me posting the code over multple prompts it couldnt seem to see it all as one code to resolve it.

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