Learn how to start your own ROI Marketing Agency from scratch and scale it to $10000/month with Agency Navigator: …
Learn how to start your own ROI Marketing Agency from scratch and scale it to $10000/month with Agency Navigator: …
1500 usd for this
i really wanted to join but 1500 really bro
I'm still slightly confused, what am I actually offering people? Say for example I approached local businesses, what would I be offering them
Hey Iman I doubt that this comment will be seen but I thank you for all the advice but to be quite honest Im still confused as to where to start looking things up since I just graduated from high school and I am super lost by all this information that I am finding on the web of what to do that will make me money thanks again and i hope this somehow gets to you!!!
can someone answer my question when i sign a client and start marketing do i use thier money to set up the adds or my own or do i just give them the material to do with it what they will
Does this work in other countries like India??
im only 12, fully committed but the sad thing is i will be laughed at by every single lead or prospect
can somebody help
25:12 umm, oops.
Act like it all that simple

wish you were my mentor
i’m looking forward to start my agency but my brain keeps telling me somethings like it’s really hard you need a website and all those things can any one suggest a solution
Hello, we are ideal ads, a Brazilian company specialized in creating digital content for business! contact us.
I watchet a whole video but it sounds so complicated and I even dont understand english perfectly because Im from Slovakia. Im gona watch it all again now…
(Im 15yo) And what is SEO? What that word means?
I don’t understand
Keeping this to myself isn't a good idea, I decided to tell everyone so you guys can all benefit from this. People keep talking about Stacy Griffin but I never knew how her software works until she show me, I will forever be grateful for her strategies of making big profits.,.,.
does this still work guys?
Well I just watched this and I'm pretty excited to look into it fourth once I'm done with work hopefully it's what I need to help with my current position
well i have like one comment all yall like giving advice to people about to make money i am a cancer patient and i have dreams but i am in africe in a counrty called uganda and how am i meant to apply something am not sure will work , my currency is of little to no value now answer me that
But isnt this kinda like affiliate marketing?
the amount of things you can learn through internet in this time period is just scary!
Im 15, what can I realistically do to start a profitable business, starting with less than $1000?
Hey Iman I am turning fifteen in just under a week and I have been working on myself for quite some time now and I was wondering when I should move on and pay for your agency navigator. My parents don't really think it is a good idea giving it is $1499. I wanted to know if there is any way I can be able to convince them because they are extremely pushing me to want to go to college although I would totally rather do this. For the most part I want to know how to tell my parents that it is time that I become financially independent and put the money they are saving for a college education to actual good use like this business model and online education.
Came back to this video over a year later just to say, this is one of the greatest funnels ever created. Iykyk
bruhh who has 1,499 a month in my country the average salary is 800 euros and im 17 with no job
Anyone buyed his curse?
Hey,I am a Nigerian,I want to know I this can work in my country and also do i have to meet the business owners physically to apply to do this?
E-man Gadget that's what I saw on captions

This man is a genius. The entire video was just one big sales funnel and I love it. It both provided value and was able to flow seamlessly into a pitch. Even in his pitch he did the classic, "Inflate perceived value, cut it in half, and then put an ultimatum on it" Respect – able to lift himself while lifting others.
Claiming that start AMZ store is not great for beginner is false. I started two years ago and already crossed 80kmonth. However most methods are being kept as a secret here on YT, I understood that after reading an ebook. No one speak about the "real" stuff.
Wait and how do i get cliente
Does this actually work in Europe because like who would pay a cent to some teenager with a weird webpage?
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