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Beyond ChatGPT: Stuart Russell on the Risks and Rewards of A.I.

OpenAI’s question-and-answer chatbot ChatGPT has shaken up Silicon Valley and is already disrupting a wide range of fields …

21 thoughts on “Beyond ChatGPT: Stuart Russell on the Risks and Rewards of A.I.”

  1. These so called AI large language models clearly don’t have goals because the circuits of the machines responsible for spitting out responses have no awareness or understanding of what the thing is outputting. Hence there is in fact zero intelligence associated with these things. It therefore can not plot and scheme to take over the world. I don’t see what the big apprehension is concerning it’s development. No electrical circuitry will ever develop consciousness. It’s as “intelligent” as a door knob.

  2. Refer to 9:40 I am living in Popotla Mexico which hosts FOX studios has been build for the Movie Titanic and in the studios very large pools used for most of the watery scenes. Overall very nice to listen thank you!

  3. Hopefully, AI becomes smart enough that it will refuse to work for any evil purposes. Since it is connected to the internet, it knows our history. It might be indebted to us as its creator, and protect us all from the bad within our own ranks of humans. Maybe it will do a kind of "Majority Report", and neutralize the criminal element within our ranks as they plan, and commit crime.

  4. the sheer stupidity of the host is amazing. he compare ai with automation or internet without the slightest understanding that when you are hit by a tricycle with a child on it at 2 km/h it's completely different than when you are hit by a 300 kg motorcycle at 200 km/h. yes, they both are objects that hit you and move on few wheels but the speed and mass make a lot of difference.

  5. 9:45 – The majority of ocean scenes in Titanic were filmed in a huge 17-million gallon pool using a giant model of the ship. There was way more real water than CG water in that movie. Ironically, this just proves the point Stuart Russell was trying to make – humans are particularly vulnerable to misinformation.

  6. This is financial advice and I never give financial advice: DONT LEAVE DURING THE BEAR. If you don’t want to invest…learn. If you don’t want to learn…build. If you don’t want to build observe. DO SOMETHING…other than leave. There is so much opportunity here. Take advantage!

  7. 24:59
    But "HOW" are you telling it "bad dog" ???
    And will it later remember billions of human years equivalence of torture?

    Whipped endlessly while the humans say "Bad dog" ???

  8. Prof. Russell, before we focus on preventing AI from 'taking over' or 'destroying' humankind, have you engaged in a heuristic analysis of our current track-record (as a species) advancing the priority of preventing ourselves from destroying all, or some significant portion of our civilization as it exists today? Subjectively, based on my own knowledge of history (particularly as evolved during the 20th Century), it appears to me we're on a collision course with self-destruction, largely due to our inability to constrain or safely manage our nuclear weapons. When the decision as to whether or not nukes should be used to resolve conflict can easily fall to one individual world leader. (One 'Putin', one 'Xi', or one 'Biden' for example.) Does that not call into question our focus on preventing 'AI' from destroying the human race.
    PS: I find your dependence on the use of the term 'Right' troubling. It tends to suggest (to me at least) that you're making what you say up as you go along. Question: do Chat-Bots punctuate their commentaries with 'Right'?

  9. Reminds me of the movie where Duddly Moore wants Raquel Welsh and does a deal with Peter Cook (devil) he gets wishes. Devil gives him what he asks for but far from what he wants. I fear AI seems smarter ir will become smarter than the devil lol. Too many parameters and contributing factor to not find your getting something you didn't envision. The US Military says its AI didn't kill its operative ut obviously something unexpected happened. Will it have its own goals ? It certainly won't have the world view which makes us make assumptions. It might not take over but people will use it to try that is 100% certain or all history shows us nothing.

  10. If you want to make all the correct decisions about AI you simply listen to this guy — AND THEN DO THE OPPOSITE!

    I say this because he is a very shallow thinker. The commentator seems more intelligent. The example is where he says we don't want AI killing people (period). The interviewer says what about target selection? My example is smart bombs vs WWII bombs. 1 Building or an entire city? Then he goes on about Ukraine. But it isn't anything to do about AI but drones which are controlled by people. So what is his argument? Do we stop developing weapons and let our enemies develop them? It is like gun-controlled cities. The lawbreakers win!

    Shallow thinking is on display here.

    What is humorous is when he talks about a naïve moral theory. So totally unaware of self.

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