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42 thoughts on “BIGGEST FLEX FOR WOMEN IS ?”

  1. I noticed a lot of stuff Myron says is taboo to talk about. This is a subject you wouldn’t hear or understand UNLESS you listen to your girl or female friend gossip. Openly they’ll all say they like the successful woman, but behind closed doors most look up to housewives. Just like most men openly want a lot of girls but most men really just want a good girl they can trust and cherish.

  2. see thats where the problem is…If Someone is married to a Billionare..sure they can FLEX but If A Woman is a Doctor , Single, Successful she can FLEX the same..there is no high or Low 😂😂😂

  3. This is one take of his that doesn't match what I've seen in real life one bit 😂
    I'm a woman, and if someone is married to a millionaire, I'd just think "good for her". If someone is a millionaire herself, now THAT I'd consider a flex. Even if she's unhappy / lonely. She's leaving behind a legacy and hopefully, doing some good for society. And most of the women I've spoken to say the same thing

  4. Generally, women with a higher level of relationship with the biggest flex on most women in the room don't have to be all about the income, if her man is that man who she constantly talks about and goes through great lengths to retain she as what people say glows

  5. It doesn't matter of who you are with just love your woman or man correctly. Miron just wants women that look at status because that's what you deems he has and wants to boast it

  6. That’s is indeeed the biggest flex because nobody honestly cares how much money a woman actually except for other lonely single miserable women because they trying to keep you lonely like they are .


    No wonder black people will never advance. My father would beat me if I thought like that. My parents didn't come to Canada for us to be inferior.

  8. Not entirely true at all. These podcasts treat men and woman like they have dedicated roles and are competing with eachother. This is toxicity, we are all separate people with our own pros and cons. There’s no woman this or man that, there’s certain things that each gender will move towards but listening to these podcasts will cloud your brain with toxicity.

  9. from age18y,therewereschoolfanwhotoldmedon'tyouknowwomenfightingoveryou,ItoldthemINeverseennonebuttodaywhenIseewomenTakingforgranted,manipulating,degraded,humiliatedamlikeyoudontknowhowmanymotherprayingformebeingfriendwiththeirchildren🙏orwomenprayingforme,orformebeingwiththem,thiswhyinevernegocia

  10. Why do these videos keep showing up… If your single and you watch this shit, that’s why you’re single… quit blaming women for why you can’t get laid and go level up yourself…. This dude is just a women hater. Just like the women he has on are men haters. There’s a reason normal people have successful and healthy relationships. And I can guarantee you that those that do don’t indulge is this nonsensical show💀

  11. What a fruitless endeavor. When are ya'll gonna mature past the point of needing other people's approval? Do your thing and be happy and content with what you have, no matter what that is.

  12. Think of every popular piece of media especially movies/tv who’s always the “top” girl? the rich girl with the richest dad or the girl with the rich husband, it’s literally ingrained in pop culture 😂

  13. Along with being beautiful and having a nice body, having a great man is on par with being beautiful as a woman, so think models.

  14. Flexing to who? I dont know any girl who would agree with this at all. Only if u are a bummy gold digger and that is ur job

  15. My biggest flex would be a happy marriage. Most people don’t get that.

    Do they really think women are that simple? I’d definitely have more respect for a woman that has her PhD and helps society. Not the girl with the millionaire that has to play stepford wife and get cheated on. That’s just depressing for her. These guys do not get women at all.

  16. That's not completely true actually the woman that has the most successful man she thinks she's the best but when you put her with a successful women she becomes jealous but don't want to admit it that's why they cut their relationships with them plus lately nothing is more of a flex than being successful by yourself and the mindset that you have is outdated you no longer hear people tell their daughters to find a successful man but instead be successful herself and if you really think about it if you're a successful women you are going to get married with a successful man meanwhile if a woman seeks a successful man without being successful there's a high chance she won't get him that's why when such a woman gets a high value man she feels like winning a lottery. So by the end most of the time you are what you attract

  17. My biggest flex is showing society IDGF and do what i want. Im not trying to impress anyone but God. You all and your flimsy phony approval are not what defines me. I define my happiness. Society is not my master.

  18. You cant flex on nobody dont matter if your married to a millionaire or not…. If you are a bum but nobody in my opinion has the right to flex on anyone everyone has there reasons in life as do you or as yourself i dont view money and status as my main things about me you got me messed up 🤣🤣🤣🤣….

  19. Men are the worst liners and braggers. Even they don’t know what each other makes or who they lay with. It’s all a big farce! Why can’t men just be men?

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