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Black Olympian Died In Childbirth, Highlighting Major Flaws In U.S. Health Care

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Olympic medalist Frentorish “Tori” Bowie died while in labor at her Florida home, highlighting the lack of health care for Black …


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26 thoughts on “Black Olympian Died In Childbirth, Highlighting Major Flaws In U.S. Health Care”

  1. Sorry to break it to you. But Nature isnt racist and natural causes arent America's fault

    May God save the beautiful woman reporter from this news channel. She might already be too far gone though.

    When i saw this article, i knew this channel was gonna eat it up for their bias narrative and racist agenda.

  2. Wow she was pregnant and black an didn't receive the pregnancy exams.. Its more coming than people think…they killing of generations of black women. Straight Racism…

  3. You say that she died in childbirth but you say she was 8 months pregnant, conflicting information here, because you never mention she went into early labor, you just make us assume it. What happened to the baby?

  4. As a nurse, I have had to yell at my colleagues to take a POC's symptoms/helathcare needs seriously. I had a guy bleeding out, I was holding pressure and MD walked away, I just yelled "Dont be racist Dr X come help this man" as loud as I could so the while unit would hear- you know he jumped to action then when the whole unit would see him

  5. Absolutely disgusting.. USA says best country in the world..I can't see it and health system in so called richest country…Sorry but not true…Australia has BEST AND UNIQUE HEALTH SYSTEM IN WORLD….no matter how rich or poor anyone gets full treatment regardless and no one turned away..even in emergency the public hospitals are world class and no paperwork before treatment..Ppl on welfare..low income..etc are totally free under Medicare or those richer also if NO PRIVATE HEALTH CARE…NO ONE IS TURNED AWAY.. Wealthier ppl and high income pay about 1% of tax income to cover costs…We have very good system wt full range of ALL HEALTH dental physio.mri scans all free under public health care plus education and so much more…Guess it's why we have healthier population and better lifestyle…USA can do same for their citizens but CHOOSE NOT TOO AND TOO MUCH CORRUPTION …so sad and that poor lady died alone at home…

  6. When I was in labor I kept telling my white nurse the baby was coming. She kept telling me no. I asked her to get a Doctor several times. When she finally decided to leave the room and find a doctor, I had given birth alone in my room

  7. Her body, her choice right? How do you know minimal health care wasn't her life choice? More and more people these day's aren't having their children vaccinated these days. THhs might be that to the next level. Don't trust the Race Hustlers false narratives that attempt to divide Americans.

  8. It is all women that doctors in this country have no use for. I was told it was a woman's lot in life, stop exaggerating, periods are a bother, maybe you need to see a therapist and other horrible things as for 5 years and 5 different OB-GYN doctors told me not to worry about bleeding to death, and there was no way I had periods that lasted 3 months…until I passed out at work and they brought me to the University Clinic..and when they drew my blood it was PINK! All of my organs were shutting down and I had to have an emergency 28 years old. What are the odds that all the doctors in my town were uneducated jerks?

  9. "Which country has the highest infant and maternal mortality?"

    Key Findings: The U.S. has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed countries. Obstetrician-gynecologists (ob-gyns) are overrepresented in its maternity care workforce relative to midwives, and there is an overall shortage of maternity care providers (both ob-gyns and midwives) relative to births.Nov 18, 2020

  10. She died at home alone, what does any of this have to do with race? For all we know she was up to date on all her medical checks and knew her situation. What we should be talking about is the fact that this woman appeared to have no friends or family who cared enough to check up on her. Days had already passed when she was found dead.

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