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Bogus ‘snake oil’ cures for long-term COVID leave patients at risk


Linda Geng, MD, PhD, assistant professor of medicine, Stanford University; co-director, Center for Post-Acute Syndrome of COVID-19.

Diana Güthe, founder of the support group COVID Survivor Corps.

Michael Peluso, MD, infectious disease physician, assistant professor of medicine, University of California, San Francisco.

Zachary Schwartz, MD, medical director, Post-COVID-19 Recovery Clinic, Vancouver General Hospital, Canada.

Alexander Truong, MD, pulmonologist, Emory University School of Medicine.

Mónica Verduzco-Gutiérrez, MD, physical medicine and rehabilitation physician; Director, Post-COVID Recovery Clinic and Program, San Antonio, TX.

Nature: “Promoting non-evidence-based therapies within patient-led Long COVID support groups.”

Facebook: @COVID19survivorcorps, May 27, 2022.

Hormonal and metabolic research: “Post COVID and apheresis: where are we standing?”

The BMJ: “Long Covid and Apheresis: A Miracle Cure Sold with a Hypothesis of Hope”, “Long Covid Patients Travel Abroad for Expensive and Experimental ‘Blood Washing'”.

FDA: “FDA Warns Against Stem Cell Therapies”, “Dietary Supplements”.

Stem Cell Reports: “Ethical issues and public communication in the development of cell-based treatments for COVID-19: Lessons from the pandemic”.

Cell stem cell: “The sale of stem cells in the United States in 2021: US companies selling unlicensed and unproven stem cell interventions.”

Scientific reports: “Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions and symptoms of the post-COVID condition: randomized controlled trial.


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