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Boomer grandparents play mom and dad part-time

With the high cost of child care, grandparents are spending more time than ever with their grandkids, pushing a growing number …


25 thoughts on “Boomer grandparents play mom and dad part-time”

  1. This was equally uplifting and depressing. Uplifting to see such beautiful bonds between the generations of grandchildren and grandparents; depressing because it reminds me that I was not able to make my own wonderful mom and dad grandparents.

  2. Bad that children are not taken care of by their mother's as previous generations and see less of both their fathers and mothers but some are Lucky to have grand parents around

  3. Thank God for grandparents — Babysitters who love your children!  I chose to work PT when dd was young — my mom did 1 day and my MIL did 1 day.  Didn't want to overload them.

  4. I myself don't have any kids and probably never will my brother has four little ones that I absolutely adore and would do anything for and I find so much joy especially with my sister-in-law sharing something about my nieces and nephews on Facebook. And another thing that's awesome is that my parents well have the kids come down for a weekend and just play with them and my dad's really excited to retire because he will be able to spend more time with his grandkids.

  5. To all the grandparents on here: I know every situation is different but I can tell you grandkids don't forget those wonderful times with grandparents. I'm 42, and I'd give anything to be able to sit down and talk to them one more time

  6. My mom did this for my wife me and my son we were so blessed to have help and the bond my son her had is not measurable.She help raise a fine young man.She passed away a few years ago she watches over us in heaven now.But bond and time my son and mom had is priceless beyond measure and we were very lucky

  7. I took care of my grandson for 5 years. And I loved it so much. He is older now. But we get him one weekend a month. And most school breaks. We just got back from Tampa and visited Bush Gardens.

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