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Boost Your Social Media Success with This Game-Changing AI Strategy, Advertisers Insist on Full Disclosure!

Title of the Article: The Drive for Transparency in AI-Generated Influencer Campaigns


In today’s digital age, social media has become a prominent platform for advertising and influencer marketing. However, concerns have been raised regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating virtual but lifelike characters to promote brands and products. To address these concerns, advertising agency Ogilvy, backed by WPP, one of the largest social media influencer agencies, has proposed an AI accountability code for advertisers and social media platforms. This initiative aims to ensure transparency by disclosing and publicly declaring AI-generated influencer campaigns.

The increasing use of AI in influencer campaigns has raised questions about the authenticity and credibility of the content. With the ability of AI to create incredibly realistic characters and interactions, it has become crucial to differentiate between human and AI-generated content. The Ogilvy campaign, supported by leading industry bodies, seeks to bring clarity and transparency to the use of AI in social media advertising.

The Need for Transparency

Efforts have been made to encourage influencers to disclose when they use technology to alter their appearance. However, the use of AI in influencer campaigns takes the issue of transparency to a whole new level. The public deserves to know when they are being exposed to AI-generated content and should have the right to differentiate between real and virtual influencers.

Rob Newman, director of public relations at the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers, emphasizes the importance of transparency in advertising. He states, “The public deserves transparency, from being clear when they receive advertisements, to knowing that the voice doing the advertising is that of a real person.”

The use of AI-generated characters in influencer campaigns poses ethical concerns as well. Consumers may be misled into believing that the content is authentic and created by real individuals. This lack of transparency undermines trust and can lead to a negative perception of both the brand and the influencer. Hence, there is a pressing need to establish clear guidelines and standards regarding the disclosure of AI-generated content.

The AI Accountability Code

Ogilvy’s AI accountability code aims to ensure transparency and disclosure in AI-generated influencer campaigns. The code proposes that marketers disclose all AI-generated content, similar to the “paid partnerships” tag used to indicate sponsored content. This would allow consumers to easily identify and differentiate between human and AI-generated influencers.

Rahul Titus, global head of influence at Ogilvy, emphasizes that transparency is critical in maintaining the authenticity of real-life social media influencers who rely on their genuine personas. He states, “Increasingly, people are buying people, not brands.” The AI accountability code not only protects consumers from deceptive practices but also safeguards the interests of genuine influencers.

The code also introduces the concept of an AI “watermark” to be used on advertising materials. This watermark would serve as a visual symbol indicating the use of AI in the creation of the content. The inclusion of such a watermark would provide an additional layer of transparency and enable consumers to make informed choices about the content they engage with.

The Rise of AI Influencers

The use of AI-generated influencers is still a relatively new concept but is gaining traction in the advertising industry. With advancements in artificial intelligence, these virtual characters can closely mimic the appearance and behavior of real individuals, leading to their growing popularity on social media platforms.

Individual creators can design and develop their own AI influencers, striking deals with brands for promotional partnerships. Additionally, brands and agencies can also create and manage AI influencers as part of their marketing strategies. These AI influencers have amassed significant followings, with some having millions of followers.

The adoption of AI in influencer campaigns offers several advantages for brands. AI influencers can work around the clock, interact with followers at scale, and offer higher control over the content. Moreover, they eliminate the risk of human influencers becoming embroiled in controversies or losing popularity over time. However, the lack of transparency surrounding AI-generated content poses a challenge in maintaining consumer trust and authenticity.

The AI Impact on the Advertising Industry

The use of AI in advertising extends beyond influencer campaigns. Its impact is felt across the sector, with significant implications for job roles and industry practices. The future of AI in advertising will be a central theme at the upcoming annual global conference in Cannes, where advertising and marketing executives will gather.

AI technology has the potential to automate the purchase of advertising space and carry out creative work, posing a threat to many jobs in the sector. As a result, discussions around the ethical use of AI, its benefits, and its potential drawbacks are expected to take center stage at the conference.

Furthermore, the conference will provide a platform for companies developing artificial intelligence services, including industry giants like Google and OpenAI. These companies will showcase their advancements in AI technology and explore the potential of AI in transforming the advertising landscape.


The Ogilvy campaign for AI transparency marks a significant step towards ensuring trust and authenticity in influencer campaigns. The proposed AI accountability code, along with the use of AI watermarks, seeks to provide consumers with the necessary information to distinguish between human and AI-generated content.

Transparency is essential in maintaining the integrity of the advertising industry and safeguarding consumer trust. As AI increasingly becomes a dominant force in influencer marketing, it is imperative to address the concerns surrounding the use of AI-generated influencers and their impact on consumer perception.

Ultimately, the industry needs to adopt standardized practices and guidelines to disclose AI-generated content, similar to the “paid partnerships” tag. This will enable consumers to make informed decisions, protect the interests of genuine influencers, and foster trust between brands, influencers, and their audiences. The Ogilvy initiative can serve as a catalyst for change and drive the adoption of transparency measures across the advertising industry.

Additional Perspectives: Exploring the Boundaries of AI in Advertising

As AI continues to advance and infiltrate various industries, including advertising, it is crucial to explore the broader implications and possibilities that this technology brings. While the Ogilvy campaign focuses on transparency in AI-generated influencer campaigns, there are other intriguing aspects to consider.

1. Enhancing Personalization: AI can revolutionize the way brands personalize their advertising content. By analyzing vast amounts of consumer data, AI algorithms can tailor advertisements to individual preferences and deliver highly relevant and engaging campaigns. This level of personalization can significantly improve customer experiences and increase advertising effectiveness.

2. Ethical Considerations: The rise of AI-generated influencers raises ethical concerns about the potential manipulation of public perception. As AI models become more sophisticated, they could be programmed to promote biased or misleading information. Stricter regulations and accountability mechanisms are necessary to ensure that AI-generated content adheres to ethical standards and does not manipulate consumers.

3. Creative Collaboration: AI technology can be a valuable tool for creative collaboration between humans and machines. By leveraging AI algorithms, advertising professionals can access data-driven insights and innovative ideas that fuel the creation of impactful campaigns. This collaboration between human creativity and AI capabilities has the potential to redefine the boundaries of advertising creativity.

4. Redefining Job Roles: The integration of AI in advertising will inevitably lead to changes in job roles and skill requirements. While some fear that AI will replace human workers, others argue that it will empower professionals to focus on higher-level tasks. Advertising professionals need to adapt their skill sets to leverage AI effectively and ensure a symbiotic relationship between humans and machines.

5. Social Impact: AI-generated influencers have the potential to shape societal norms and influence public opinion. This poses questions about the responsibility of AI creators, agencies, and brands in ensuring that AI-generated content aligns with ethical and social values. As AI becomes more prevalent in advertising, it is crucial to consider the potential consequences and take measures to mitigate any negative impact.

By exploring these perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of the role AI will play in shaping the future of advertising. It is essential for industry professionals to stay informed, adapt to emerging technologies, and embrace responsible practices to create a positive and trustworthy advertising ecosystem.


The Ogilvy campaign for AI transparency aims to address concerns regarding the use of AI-generated influencers in advertising. The proposed AI accountability code and the use of AI watermarks seek to provide transparency and disclosure in influencer campaigns. This initiative aims to differentiate between human and AI-generated content, ensuring that consumers can make informed choices.

Transparency in AI-generated influencer campaigns is crucial to maintain consumer trust and authenticity. The advancements in AI technology offer numerous opportunities for personalized advertising, creative collaboration, and improved customer experiences. However, ethical considerations and the redefinition of job roles must be taken into account.

Overall, the Ogilvy campaign is a significant step towards establishing standardized practices and guidelines for AI-generated content. By exploring additional perspectives, such as personalization, ethics, creative collaboration, job roles, and social impact, we can gain a deeper understanding of the broader implications of AI in advertising. It is imperative for the industry to embrace responsible practices and prioritize transparency for a trustworthy advertising ecosystem.


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Advertising agencies will be asked to sign up to an initiative to reveal when AI is being used in social media campaigns in response to concerns about the use of virtual but lifelike characters online.

Advertising agency backed by WPP Ogilvy – one of the largest social media influencer agencies – has laid out plans for an AI accountability code for advertisers and social media platforms to clearly disclose and publicly declare AI-generated influencer campaigns. The agency also pledged to use a new AI “watermark” on its advertising.

The campaign has the backing of leading industry bodies and follows efforts to encourage influencers to disclose when they use technology to alter their appearance.

Rob Newman, director of public relations at the Incorporated Society of British Advertisers, said: “The public deserves transparency, from being clear when they receive advertisements, to knowing that the voice doing the advertising is that of a real person.”

While still a new concept, there are a growing number of them TO THE influencers who have amassed significant followings on social media, in some cases in the millions. Thanks to the rapid advances in artificial intelligence, some are increasingly realistic in how they look and how they interact with their followers. AI influencers can be designed by individuals who later strike deals with brands or created and managed by brands and agencies as part of a marketing strategy.

The Ogilvy campaign is just one of several AI initiatives set to launch in Cannes next week, when tens of thousands of advertising and marketing executives will meet for an annual global conference.

The use of AI will be a central theme, on various stages and in parties and bars, given the threat to many jobs in the sector from the use of AI to automate the purchase of advertising space and carry out creative work.

The conference will also host a number of companies developing artificial intelligence services, including Google and OpenAI.

Rahul Titus, global head of influence at Ogilvy, said three-quarters of social media content is made by individual “creators,” but a growing percentage of that is AI-generated characters who can be presented as real.

Titus said the AI ​​watermark would also benefit real-life social media influencers who he says rely on authenticity. Increasingly, “people are buying people, not brands,” he said.

Ogilvy said it didn’t work with influencers who changed their images using body-distorting filters.

The agency was behind Lu, one of the most popular virtual influencers and the face of Magalu, Brazil’s largest retailer. Lu has appeared in live TV shows and in music videos.

Ultimately, Ogilvy wants marketers to disclose all AI-generated content, similar to the “paid partnerships” tag used across the industry today to show where influencers have been paid to promote a brand.

Titus said, “The AI ​​market is projected to grow 26% by 2025, largely due to the increased use of AI in influenza.”

Last year, the Advertising Standards Council of India became the first national watchdog to set clear disclosure rules for AI-generated influencer content.

Scott Guthrie, general manager of the Influencer Marketing Trade Body, said: “Creators are already starting to reproduce themselves online as AI clones. These self-animating GPT-enabled synthetic creators can communicate in real time and at scale. This is tremendously exciting with almost limitless positive applications. However, it does open the door for bad actors.