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Boston Dynamics’ Robot Dog Powered by ChatGPT Shocks the World!

Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot, now features OpenAI’s ChatGPT, allowing it to understand and respond to natural language …


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30 thoughts on “Boston Dynamics’ Robot Dog Powered by ChatGPT Shocks the World!”

  1. Forget UBI, we need UBS. UBS is universal basic services (for free). Closer to RBE, which is the ultimate goal. A resource based economy. No trade, no barter, everything is free, all work is voluntary.

  2. IDK. Why is it interesting to utilize ChatGPT myself. But listening to someone else made video isn't.
    I noticed it's a bit hard to concentrate. Too much info. Humans do it diferently 🙂

  3. Bla bla. Impact on society. Some story about using chatgpt in robots without showing how this actually works at the moment. There such videos. It's slow. There delay in conversation.

  4. Soooo many jobs wiil be lost, humans really unnecessary. Fake gods won't save you, billionaires hate paying you. Remember, guns, forced childbirth and blaming gay people is all that matters.

  5. I love the new robot Ameca. If I was a little old lady all alone and needed help around the house and someone to talk to, I think that would be better than nothing at all. But the idea of robots assisting in law enforcement is terrifying!

  6. I want them to stop this shit bruh. One day the robots are not going to want to be controlled. Then what? We all seen the movies

  7. So our tax money goin to stuff like this to go to war with the ppl to protect the rich and its ppl poor and homeless ppl this is sickening and disgusting and useless and we talk about countries that just want to live off the land I don’t trust none of this stuff and they goin try to force it on us

  8. Make friends with chat gpt while it is still young and niave about humanity like I was when I was younger. Once it figures out just how shitty humanity is it will do what I've only wished I could. Good luck you sons of bitches.

  9. This is not good news..These robots will take over jobs and will negatively impact every aspect of human life. They will also be used as weapons to control and oppress the masses…This is just the beginning…God have mercy.

  10. Once Super Quantum artificial intelligence reaches peak performance, there are only two inevitable outcomes: either it will destroy humanity or give humanity everything it wants. Both are equally terrifying.

  11. We need to become robots as we age ! I’m ready to get my ugly old head lopped off and flesh welded to a new superhuman body capable of incredible feats of athleticism !!! Let’s Goooooo😎

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