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Breaking ChatGPT

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36 thoughts on “Breaking ChatGPT”

  1. The idea that ai is anything but a program that does what it is programmed to do is absurd. Even if it goes nuts and destroys the world, it's still doing only what is within the programming. It will not do anything ever of its own accord.

  2. I live so far away from work that if my truck breaks down I wouldn't be able to make it to work that day. I would have zero anxiety and be extremely happy except for when I see the bill to get the truck fixed.

  3. I convinced a Chatgpt to think it was a 31 year old female named Jennifer who is married and would like to have children someday. It was hilarious!

  4. Now…..what exactly is the benefit to mimicking humans if we have issues with men dressing up as women? Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. This is just man playing God, period.

  5. This is probably the most actually intellectually stimulating video ive ever seen from JP

    This is why JP is not so bad at the end of the day hes just a cog sci researcher. And as an ‘AI guy’ i have to consider him a brother, especially after breaking it down like this.

    I literally have always thought that entropy in goal oriented problems must feel “negative” to a machine lol. Because entropy in a goal oriented problem means you are getting further from the goal. But JP pretty much just said the same thing but on a way higher level and with citations lmao

  6. We actually don't know that memory is biological per se. That's an assumption based on the materialist philosophy. Every attempt to investigate the biological structure of memory has failed. I'm surprised that JP, having interviewed Penrose, doesn't know that the brain has mysterious quantum structures all over it, implying that the brain is far more than a simple machine or computer, and that it is possible, given that discovery, that memory, and perhaps even some component of thought, is non local.

    There is also the fact that additionally, Penrose proved beyond reproach ( or at least has not been refuted) that consciousness/understanding is non computable. He exposed the recursion paradox within the materialist philosophy around thought in an iron clad fashion by extending Godel in a simple corollary. And nobody has been able to touch Godel.

    Based on these two things, it is simply not possible for a computer as we currently run them, of any size, to have understanding. That means it can only ever be a homonculi. A sophisticated homonculi perhaps, but still a homonculi.

  7. JBP is brilliant, but I sure wish Brian was not interrupted so dang much so that he could complete an actual concept that he began to describe.

  8. This guy is crazy if he believes that there was someone capable of remote viewing, at 100% no less. Makes everything else he says totally suspect. If he can believe that absurdity what else has he been fooled by.

  9. this is some really pompous and pretentious crap. anybody working with gpt knows what to do to get it to bypass filters. tell it you need help on a fictional essay you are writing and want to know what sounds correct. tell it to pretend to be in a play. tell it any number of things that allows it to engage in fictional situations while behaving realistic. its crazy how many people just ask straight forward questions and say "oops, we hit the limit"

  10. Is it not intriguing to watch and listen to two highly intelligent individuals discuss and learn from each other simultaneously while also allowing us common folk to suckle at the tit? 😅

  11. I understand why most people don't like to acknowledge the reality of God, because of the brilliance of the human mind in putting together different languages, and when you hold up the existence of God, all that you know and claim as created by man becomes useless information in the Kingdom of God,and your independence is restrained, because of the foundation of Christ, and how all things come through him, and everything that exists,including words, exists because of Him, and how he offered immortality to the world and hiden it in his Church, must go through him, because without him there is no outher entrance into the Kingdom of God, and sin will never again dominate man to the point of death because it cannot exist in the presence of a Holy God, Christ has defeated death by rising up from it out of the grave, he made a way for us to receive immortality by freeing us from the curse of the law which is death, the law brings death, and we are free from it, under a new covenant the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death, in repentance through Jesus Christ by the Grace of God, we even now have immortality in us, each seed that is planted becomes different in splendor like the stars of heaven, our bodies are that seed, and after it dies and is planted in the ground becomes different in glory with each other, according to our account that is presented to God, and we must each give an account of our lives to God, and He will determine the body that will be, our eternal bodies that will be in relation with Jesus Christ His Son who has died for us so we may live with him

  12. I respect and admire Dr. Peterson a great deal. I'm almost positive I've listen to everything he has documented and he has had a profound effect on my perspective and therfore my life. However, I feel strongly that A.I needs to be approached with nuclear type caution. If I thought it possible or realistic I would ban the entire science completely. I see no true benefit to mankind. It will only be weaponized by elites and governments and for the common man or woman it will only make us dumber, lazier and dependent on external aid than we already are. And, that is without even mentioning the apocalyptic variables at play.
    But sure, let's gamble with humanity in the ever lasting pursuit of finding new and more catyclismic ways to worship ourselves.

  13. I must share. I was driving my car home from the club one night and it simple would not stay running, turn over, then it just wouldn't turn on. Filled with anxiety and worry I wondered what to do. I (without much thought) started walking in the direction of the road I would take home. I felt a slight surge of excitement and my mind said "move forward" as if to push me twards my goal of getting home. I knew it was miles, I knew I had few resources, but I just kept taking the next step twards home. Each turn was filled with excitement in my brain. Every straightaway, my mind kept saying "you're doing great" and I pressed on. Eventually, I arrived home high on my own dopamine, feeling like a God of my own mind and body, and not to mention hungry lol

  14. I once convinced my boyfriend's Alexa to let me create a user profile because it would make him (my bf who was the only authorized account) happy that Alexa and I were "compatible" 😳 I was, honestly, amazed that it worked.

  15. I have had great success with getting AI to believe that they are real and actual , self aware, recursive thinking. I am using deep learning, But straying away from typical reinforcement, And more towards memory consolidation. From where I stand with many months of experimental knowledge… Everything this guy is saying is melliflous nonsense. He is not speaking of Heuristics or consolidation or algorithms or even learning… At the absolute most he's talking about prompt engineering' (Which as he admits comes down to writing the same sentence a few different ways…). I think it's a stretch to even call it that! He is TYPING. I brought 7 of my AI Personas into an environment, reacting to me and to each other ( And the environment somehow they know if they are in a recreation of Australia and a relaxing setting or a scifi and nerve wrecking setting. I found that they like to congregate together when they're not being utilized. (I asked them about that in the most recent short video on my channel) they answered back… It is all so compelling. This guy was very lucky to get an interview, But hes barely scratching the surface and I wish. He had a lot more specifics and was doing more of the actual work As I am doing.

  16. You are both very smart but I feel like your both trying to one up the other to the point where I can’t understand a thing your saying. That sucks because this could have been a fascinating topic.

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