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Evergrande Resumes Trading: A Closer Look at the Situation

Evergrande Resumes Trading: A Closer Look at the Situation


On Tuesday, Evergrande shares rose by a staggering 42 percent after resuming trading in Hong Kong following a brief suspension. This surge came after weeks of uncertainty and speculation surrounding the Chinese property group and its chairman, Hui Ka Yan. Let’s explore the key events that led to the suspension and subsequent resumption of trading, while also discussing the implications for the company and its affiliated entities.

The Suspension and Police Surveillance

The trading of Evergrande shares and those of its affiliated companies was suspended last Thursday, shortly after a Bloomberg report suggested that Chairman Hui Ka Yan was under police surveillance. This revelation sent shockwaves through the market, causing investors to question the stability of the company and its future prospects. The suspension prevented any further trading until the situation was clarified, leaving investors in a state of uncertainty.

Founder Under Investigation

To exacerbate the situation, Evergrande revealed on Friday that both its president and founder were under suspicion of involvement in “illegal crimes.” This disclosure raised concerns among investors and creditors about the company’s financial integrity and raised questions about the legal repercussions it might face. The announcement also had a direct impact on Evergrande’s ability to issue new banknotes, hindering a planned restructuring deal with international creditors.

Share Price Movements

After the resumption of trading on Tuesday, Evergrande shares experienced a significant surge, rising by 42 percent. However, the gains were short-lived, as the shares quickly pared back their gains and settled at around 14 percent increase during morning trading. This volatility in the share price highlights the nervousness and uncertainty surrounding the company, as investors try to grasp the implications of the ongoing investigations and its potential impact on Evergrande’s financial stability.

Implications for Evergrande and its Affiliated Companies

While Evergrande’s share price has been subject to extreme fluctuations, its subsidiary, Evergrande New Energy Vehicle, has remained suspended from trading. This subsidiary, focused on electric car manufacturing, holds great potential in the rapidly growing electric vehicle market. However, the current situation has cast a shadow of doubt on its operational viability and future prospects.

Furthermore, the suspension and investigations have negatively affected Evergrande’s ability to carry out planned restructuring deals and engage with international creditors. This impediment puts immense pressure on the company’s financial stability and raises concerns about its ability to meet debt obligations, which stand at a staggering $305 billion.

Deeper Insights into Evergrande’s Crisis

The Chinese Real Estate Market Landscape

To understand the full extent of Evergrande’s crisis, it is crucial to delve deeper into the Chinese real estate market landscape.

China’s rapid economic growth and urbanization over the past few decades have fueled a significant boom in the real estate sector. The market has experienced extraordinary price increases, attracting both domestic and international investors.

However, the rapid expansion of the real estate market has also led to soaring property prices, creating affordability issues for many Chinese citizens. In response, the Chinese government has implemented various measures to control the market and prevent a potential bubble. These measures include tightening lending regulations, restricting property purchases, and encouraging a shift towards affordable housing.

Evergrande’s Debt Crisis

Evergrande’s debt crisis is not an isolated incident but rather a reflection of the wider challenges faced by the Chinese real estate sector.

The company’s vast debt burden is primarily a result of aggressive expansion and a business model heavily reliant on leverage. Evergrande expanded into various sectors, including property development, electric vehicles, and theme parks, amassing substantial debt in the process.

The company’s financing strategy revolved around a high turnover of properties, using sales revenues to fund new projects and repay existing debt. However, with the current tightening of regulations and decreasing demand in the real estate market, Evergrande’s ability to generate sufficient cash flow has diminished significantly.

The Implications for the Chinese Economy

While Evergrande’s debt crisis puts the company and its affiliated entities at risk, its potential impact on the Chinese economy cannot be ignored.

As one of China’s largest property developers, Evergrande plays a crucial role in the country’s economy. It not only provides employment opportunities and contributes to the nation’s GDP but also serves as a significant driver of economic growth.

The company’s crisis has the potential to trigger a ripple effect throughout the real estate sector, impacting not only other developers but also industries closely tied to the property market, such as construction, materials supply, and financial services.

The Way Forward for Evergrande

As Evergrande grapples with its debt crisis and investigations, the way forward seems challenging.

One potential solution could involve partnering with state-owned enterprises or other strategic investors to inject capital into the company. This injection of funds could alleviate the immediate liquidity crunch and provide Evergrande with the necessary breathing space to restructure its debt and resume normal operations.

Another possible path involves divesting non-core assets, such as its electric vehicle subsidiary, to generate funds and focus on repaying its debt obligations. This strategy would help alleviate concerns regarding its affiliated entities and allow Evergrande to streamline its operations.


Evergrande’s recent troubles and the subsequent suspension and resumption of trading have brought to light the challenges facing the Chinese real estate market and its potential implications for the wider economy. As the company navigates its debt crisis, the outcome will have far-reaching consequences for both Evergrande and the stakeholders involved. The way forward remains uncertain, and only time will tell if Evergrande can weather the storm and emerge stronger or succumb to the weight of its financial burdens.


Evergrande, one of China’s largest property developers, recently resumed trading after a brief suspension following reports of its chairman being under police surveillance. The company’s president and founder are also under investigation for suspected involvement in “illegal crimes.” The resumption of trading initially led to a surge in Evergrande’s share price, but the gains were short-lived. The crisis has raised concerns about Evergrande’s ability to meet debt obligations and has negatively impacted its subsidiary Evergrande New Energy Vehicle. The larger debt crisis reflects the challenges faced by the Chinese real estate sector and has the potential to affect the country’s economy. Possible solutions for Evergrande include partnering with strategic investors and divesting non-core assets. The outcome of the crisis will have significant implications for Evergrande and stakeholders involved, and its resolution remains uncertain.


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Hui Ka Yan
Hui Ka Yan, president and founder of Evergrande, speaks during a press conference. The real estate tycoon is being investigated by the police in China ©Paul Yeung/Bloomberg

Evergrande shares rose as much as 42 percent on Tuesday after resuming trading in Hong Kong following a suspension.

Trading in shares of the indebted Chinese property group and its affiliated companies was suspended on Thursday following a Bloomberg report that Chairman Hui Ka Yan was under police surveillance.

On Friday, the group said its president and founder were under suspicion of involvement in “illegal crimes.”

Evergrande had previously said that an official investigation had prevented it from issuing new banknotes, effectively preventing a planned restructuring deal with international creditors from going ahead.

Evergrande shares subsequently pared their gains and were up around 14 percent in morning trading.

Shares in Evergrande New Energy Vehicle, the company’s electric car manufacturing subsidiary, remained suspended on Tuesday.
