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Breaking News: Canadian wildfires linked to deadly heart risks – experts sound the alarm!

Inhaling wildfire smoke can be just as harmful to the heart as it is to the lungs, according to new information from the American Heart Association. Smoke produced by the aftermath of more than 400 Canadian wildfires caused several respiratory health problems, but it is also important to recognize the impact on cardiovascular health. Wildfire smoke contains a multitude of pollutants, including microscopic fine particles that are linked to cardiovascular risks. Exposure to dense smoke during wildfires increases the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by up to 70%, according to a 2020 study.
To reduce exposure to wildfire smoke, people should stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed, use high-efficiency air filters in air conditioning systems or portable air purifiers, stay well-hydrated, and consider relocating temporarily if their home doesn’t have AC.
Pets can also be affected by smoke, so they should be brought inside as much as possible. The research recommends that people consult the US Environmental Protection Agency’s zip code-level tracking map at to track air quality in their area.
The American Heart Association recommends using portable air purifiers as they have been shown to reduce indoor particles by up to 50-60%.
If you or someone you know is experiencing severe symptoms, call 911 immediately.
Inhaling wildfire smoke can be just as harmful to the heart as it is to the lungs, according to new information from the American Heart Association. Exposure to dense smoke during wildfires increases the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, pulmonary embolism, stroke, and other heart diseases. People should stay indoors and keep doors and windows closed, use high-efficiency air filters in air conditioning systems or portable air purifiers, stay well-hydrated, and consider relocating temporarily if their home doesn’t have AC. Pets should also be brought inside as much as possible. The American Heart Association recommends using portable air purifiers as they have been shown to reduce indoor particles by up to 50-60%.

Additional Piece:
While it may seem unlikely to many, wildfire smoke can have far-reaching effects on cardiovascular health, as well as respiratory. New research has found that air pollution can not only harm your lungs but also your heart. The impact of wildfire smoke on cardiovascular health is quite concerning, considering the recent surge in wildfires across the US and Canada. The research from the American Heart Association has highlighted that fine particulate matter that originates primarily from the burning of biomass fuels, such as wood, dung, crop waste, and other organic matter can pose serious health risks to people of all ages, especially older adults and people with pre-existing heart and lung conditions. Wildfires produce plenty of tiny harmful particles that can travel long distances, triggering respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms in those exposed to them.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware of the dangers that the smoke can pose to their heart and vascular system, as well as their lungs. Wildfires also have an adverse impact on public health, the economy, and the environment. The smoke from the wildfires can deplete the ozone layer, leading to even more severe respiratory problems. Furthermore, experts warn that extreme heat in cities like Los Angeles can magnify the impact of wildfire smoke and trap the pollutants in the air. As a result, people living near wildfires and those who are sensitive to air pollution, including older people, children, and those with lung or heart issues, should take extra precautions to protect themselves.

To make matters worse, there’s a lot of misinformation about the potential dangers of breathing wildfire smoke, and some people think that being indoors is safe. However, according to the American Heart Association, some air purifiers may contain harmful particles that can rival the size of wildfire smoke particles. Therefore, it’s essential to use high-efficiency particulate air filters to minimize exposure to the dangerous particles. The Association recommends checking the air quality index for your area and using filtration devices to mitigate exposure to wildfire smoke.

In conclusion, as climate change progresses, wildfire seasons continue to last longer and become more intense, with devastating consequences on air and public health. Government-led action to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change should be considered a long-term solution to this growing issue. However, until that is achieved, educating people about the dangers of wildfire smoke and how to protect themselves is essential. Using effective high-efficiency air filtration systems, staying indoors, closing windows and doors, and staying hydrated can all play a role in reducing the harmful impact of wildfire smoke on cardiovascular health. People should be aware of the air quality in their immediate surroundings and avoid exposing themselves to dense smoke in affected areas. By taking such precautions, we can help prevent adverse health outcomes while minimizing exposure to smoke caused by wildfires.


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By Cara Murez

HealthDay Reporter

THURSDAY, June 8, 2023 (HealthDay News) — As a great plume of smoke After more than 400 Canadian wildfires ripped through the South and turned New York City into a landscape more like Mars than Earth, heart experts have warned that air pollution can harm the heart as much as it harms lungs.

It’s obvious that wildfires can affect breathing and respiratory health, but exposure to this smoke can also cause or worsen heart problems, the American Heart Association said in an alert issued Wednesday.

“Most people think about the respiratory problems and respiratory health hazards of wildfire smoke, but it’s also important to recognize the impact on cardiovascular health,” said Dr. Comilla Sasson, vice president of science and innovation. of the American Heart Association and a practicing emergency physician. “Smoke from wildfires contains a large amount of pollutants, including microscopic fine particles linked to cardiovascular risk.”

Sasson recommended that people in areas where smoke is dense or beginning to accumulate consult the US Environmental Protection Agency’s zip code-level tracking map. air quality at You should also stay informed about any special alerts sent out by your local health department, he suggested.

Reduce exposure to wildfire smoke by staying indoors and keeping doors and windows closed, he added, and use high-efficiency air filters in air conditioning systems or portable air purifiers.

Take it easy on these smoky days and stay well hydrated. If your home doesn’t have air conditioning and it’s too hot to stay inside, consider staying somewhere else temporarily.

Pets can also be affected by smoke, so it’s a good idea to bring them inside as much as possible, Sasson added.

“Although these types of wildfires and the extent of the smoke cannot always be predicted, protecting yourself and your family from poor air quality year-round is something to consider,” Sasson said. “In the American Heart Association’s 2020 scientific statement on air pollution exposure, we note that one of the most effective measures is the use of portable air purifiers, which have been shown to reduce indoor particles by up to 50%. -60%. Given its modest initial cost [$50-200] and the potential benefits in reducing cardiopulmonary outcomes, this measure has a high cost benefit.”

Previous research has shown that the cost can be high.

In a 2020 study, researchers found that exposure to dense smoke during wildfires increased the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by up to 70%. That risk was elevated in both men and women, among adults ages 35 to 64, and in communities with lower socioeconomic status.

Previous findings showed that exposure to wildfire smoke was associated with higher rates of emergency room visits for heart disease, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, pulmonary embolism and stroke.

Those ER visits increased 42% for heart attacks and 22% for ischemic heart disease within a day of exposure to dense wildfire smoke. This was especially concerning for adults 65 and older, according to that study, which was published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

Recognizing the signs of a heart attack or stroke is important, the AHA advised. If you or someone you are experiencing severe symptoms, call 911 immediately. Learn CPR so you can be prepared.

Most Americans aren’t directly affected by the wildfires burning in Canada, but exposure to this lingering smoke can be extremely harmful and shouldn’t be taken for granted, Sasson said.

“Protect yourself, be alert and prepared,” he said.

More information

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about the health impacts of wildfire smoke.

SOURCE: American Heart Association, press release, June 7, 2023