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Breaking News: CT Sets New Standards for Fintechs, Providing Small Businesses with Ultimate Transparency!

Empowering Small Business Borrowers: Connecticut Legislators Pass Regulation to Improve Transparency for Alternative Lenders

In an effort to address the lack of transparency in small business lending, the Connecticut legislature recently passed new regulations aimed at improving transparency for small businesses seeking financing from certain alternative lenders. This piece will discuss the new regulations, national small business advocates’ reactions, and potential future developments in this area.

The Regulation

The new regulations require funder’s funds to small businesses in exchange for a percentage of future sales or revenue to take active steps towards more transparent lending. These steps include:

Providing a clear and concise description of the financing, including fees and charges.

Detailing the total cost of financing;

Setting out the annual percentage rate (APR) exclusive of any fees;

Notifying the borrower of their rights to cancel.

Small Business Advocates’ Frustration

While the bill received broad bipartisan support and was praised by several legislators, national small business advocates have expressed frustration with the final version of the bill. According to the advocates, the new legislation removed key elements they had lobbied for, including the requirement that alternative lenders disclose an estimated annual percentage rate (interest per annum) charged on any financing they offer small business customers. The group further argued that the essence of transparent lending must include APR and it must apply to all financial products, with models such as those adopted by California and New York preferred over others.

However, cash advance companies have pointed out that APR calculation could be inaccurate because the products they offer do not have a set term. This could lead to the APR calculation becoming misleading, which could harm the lending industry as a whole.

Future Developments

Beyond enacting the regulation, stakeholders and advocates are looking towards future legislative sessions to address both the current loophole in the legislation and the future of lending regulation in general.

Sen. Eric Berthel, R-Watertown, praised the current bill during a Senate debate on Tuesday, noting that it provides transparency that is similar to what is required in consumer lending, such as getting a car loan, buying a house, or financing a new appliance. He called it “a good bill to ensure that our small businesses and many consumers of these types of credit products are properly protected.”

But Rep. Jason Doucette, D. -Manchester, of the Banking Committee who co-chairs the legislature’s banking committee, called the legislation “a first step” and indicated that he hopes to review it during the 2024 legislative session. The new regulations only take effect in July of that year since the new staff will need to be trained and hired, and the agency will have to work through its implementation plan.

Still, several states such as California, New York, Virginia, and Utah have already acted similar regulations, but with some variations. While California and New York have established a method for approximating the APR on non-traditional financial products, Virginia and Utah do not require funders to disclose an estimated APR, but they have alternate requirements.


There exist several lenders in the small business space, with a blended mixture of resources, and requirements for accessing funds. These dynamics have made transparency challenging to implement in the industry. However, the Connecticut Senate has opted to provide a more fulfilling requirement for lenders which should make access to funds more open for small businesses. For small business owners who have limited access to traditional financial options, the hope is that this regulation will result in a more efficient, transparent, and better-regulated market in the future. Therefore, this new regulation should be seen as a significant development for an increasingly important sector of the economy.


The Connecticut legislature recently passed new regulations aimed at improving transparency for small businesses seeking financing from alternative lenders. The regulations require funders providing funds to small businesses in exchange for a percentage of future sales or revenue to take active steps towards more transparent lending. These steps include providing a clear and concise description of the financing, detailing the total cost of financing, setting out the annual percentage rate (APR) exclusive of any fees, and notifying the borrower of their rights to cancel. Although the bill received broad bipartisan support, small business advocates expressed frustration that the regulation removed key elements they had lobbied for, including the requirement that alternative lenders disclose an estimated APR charged on any financing they offer small business customers. Nonetheless, stakeholders and advocates are already looking towards future legislative sessions to address the current loophole in the legislation and the future of lending regulation. This regulation should be seen as a significant development for an increasingly important sector of the economy.


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This story has been updated.

The Connecticut legislature adopted new regulations Wednesday aimed at improving transparency for small businesses seeking financing from certain alternative lenders.

CT passes new regulations on alternative lenders
