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Breaking News: Senate Committee Approves Game-Changing Legislation to Boost Small Businesses

The Small Business Information Act: Helping Small Businesses to Thrive in California

The importance of small businesses in the economy cannot be overstated. They are the backbone of the American economy, creating jobs, driving innovation and entrepreneurship, and powering local economies across the country. In California, small businesses are responsible for creating over half of all jobs and driving economic growth, making them an indispensable part of the state’s economy. However, small businesses often struggle to navigate the complex web of regulations, requirements, and paperwork that come with operating in California. That’s where the Small Business Information Act comes in.

What is the Small Business Information Act?

The Small Business Information Act (AB 258) is a bill introduced in the California State Assembly by Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gomez Reyes. The bill seeks to create a central online portal to help small business owners in California navigate the complex landscape of regulations, requirements, and paperwork related to starting and running a business.

The portal would provide a one-stop-shop for small business owners to find information on technical assistance, grants, tax credits and incentives, and information on regulatory compliance. It would also provide resources and information for state agencies looking to partner with state-certified small businesses, with a particular emphasis on businesses owned by veterans, women, and minorities.

“This bill is about creating a space where small businesses in California can come to get the resources they need to build and grow their businesses,” said Reyes. “By making it easier for small businesses to navigate the complex world of regulations and requirements, we are creating more opportunities for them to succeed, which in turn benefits the entire state.”

The bill has received strong support from various chambers of commerce, including the California Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and African American Chambers of Commerce, who have cosponsored the bill.

Why is the Small Business Information Act needed?

Starting and running a small business in California can be particularly challenging, given the state’s complex tax and regulatory landscape. California is home to some of the highest taxes and regulatory costs in the country, making it difficult for small businesses to thrive. Small business owners often struggle to keep up with changing regulations and requirements, leading to fines, penalties, and even closures. The Small Business Information Act seeks to address these challenges by providing small business owners with the resources and information they need to navigate the regulatory landscape in California.

Benefits of the Small Business Information Act

The Small Business Information Act has several potential benefits for small business owners in California. These benefits include:

1. A one-stop-shop for information: The portal would provide small business owners with a centralized place to find information on technical assistance, grants, tax credits and incentives, and regulatory compliance.

2. Easier access to state agencies: The portal would make it easier for state agencies to find and partner with state-certified small businesses, particularly those owned by veterans, women, and minorities.

3. Increased opportunity for growth: By providing small business owners with the resources and information they need to navigate the regulatory landscape, the bill creates more opportunities for small businesses to grow and thrive in California.

4. Streamlined processes: The portal would streamline the process of starting and running a small business in California, making it easier for small business owners to comply with regulations and requirements.


The Small Business Information Act is an important piece of legislation that seeks to provide small business owners in California with the resources and information they need to navigate the complex landscape of regulations and requirements related to starting and running a business. The bill has strong support from various chambers of commerce and has the potential to create more opportunities for small businesses to grow and thrive in California. By streamlining processes and providing a one-stop-shop for information, the Small Business Information Act is an essential tool for small business owners in California.

Additional Piece

Starting a business is a dream that many people share. The idea of being your own boss, pursuing your passion, and making a difference in your community can be incredibly appealing. However, the reality of starting and running a business can be challenging, particularly in a state like California. The Small Business Information Act seeks to address some of these challenges by providing small business owners with the resources and information they need to succeed.

California is home to over 4 million small businesses, making it one of the most dynamic entrepreneurial landscapes in the country. These businesses create jobs, drive innovation, and power local economies across the state. However, these businesses also face significant challenges, particularly in a regulatory landscape that can be complex and difficult to navigate. The Small Business Information Act seeks to address some of these challenges by providing small business owners with the resources and information they need to start and run a successful business.

The bill has the potential to transform the way small businesses operate in California. By providing a central online portal for information and resources, the bill can help small business owners stay up to date on changing regulations and requirements, find technical assistance and funding opportunities, and connect with state agencies looking to partner with small businesses. The bill also has an emphasis on helping women-owned, minority-owned, and veteran-owned small businesses, which are often underrepresented in the business landscape.

In addition to the Small Business Information Act, there are several other resources available to small business owners in California, including:

1. Small Business Administration: The Small Business Administration provides resources and support to small businesses across the country, including loans, grants, and technical assistance.

2. SCORE: SCORE is a nonprofit organization that provides mentorship and counseling services to small business owners across the country.

3. CalGold: CalGold is a website that provides information on permits and licenses required to start and run a business in California.

4. California Small Business Development Center: The California Small Business Development Center provides training, counseling, and support services to small businesses across the state.

Starting and running a small business in California can be challenging, but with the resources and information available through the Small Business Information Act and other resources, small business owners can overcome these challenges and thrive. Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or an experienced business owner, there are resources available to help you succeed in California’s dynamic business landscape.


The Small Business Information Act seeks to create a central online portal to help small business owners in California navigate the complex landscape of regulations, requirements, and paperwork related to starting and running a business. The bill seeks to address the challenges faced by small business owners by providing information on technical assistance, grants, tax credits and incentives, and regulatory compliance, and encouraging state agencies to partner with certified small businesses. By providing a one-stop-shop for information, the bill creates more opportunities for small businesses to grow and thrive in California. The bill has strong support from various chambers of commerce, including the California Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and African American Chambers of Commerce, and has the potential to transform the way small businesses operate in California. In addition to the Small Business Information Act, there are several other resources available to small business owners in California, including the Small Business Administration, SCORE, CalGold, and the California Small Business Development Center. With these resources, small business owners can overcome the challenges of starting and running a business in California and thrive in the state’s dynamic entrepreneurial landscape.


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The “Small Business Information Act,” authored by Assembly Majority Leader Eloise Gomez Reyes, took an important step as it successfully passed the Senate Committee on Business, Professions, and Economic Development, receiving unanimous bipartisan support.

The portal would create a place for small business owners to search for opportunities such as technical assistance, grants, tax credits and incentives, and information on regulatory compliance. It would also include an easy way for state agencies to find and partner with state-certified small businesses, with an emphasis on those owned by veterans, women and minorities.

“Thank you to my colleagues on the Senate Business, Professions and Economic Development Committee, whose votes show they value our small businesses across the state,” Reyes said. “With AB 258, businesses will be better equipped to find resources and navigate state processes, thus providing them with more opportunities for growth. When our small businesses grow, so does our economy.”

AB 258 is cosponsored by the California Hispanic, Asian Pacific and African American Chambers of Commerce and will soon be heard by the Senate Committee on Government Organization.